Evil Saint of the Three Realms

Chapter 56: The black beads show off


"Vice General Li, Vice General Li!"

The surrounding guards were all stunned, why did they just pour a decoction

Lieutenant General Li kept twitching after he fell to the ground. His cultivation level was not low, and he couldn't condense the original force in his body. He even continued to foam at the mouth.

Liu Qitian and Liu Qi hurried over to check the situation of Lieutenant General Li. After Liu Qitian gave Lieutenant General Li the pulse, their expressions suddenly changed: "This is a sign of poisoning. With the cultivation of Lieutenant General Li's acquired realm, the force cannot be condensed, and the toxin has spread. It's all over!"

"Why do you get poisoned? I was still alive and kicking just now, and I was poisoned after drinking the medicine that replenished the force on the general's mount..."

"Yeah, what is going on?"


Liu Qi picked up the water bag of the decoction that Deputy General Li had just drunk, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, then probed it with force, and finally grabbed the ice rabbit he had just hunted and poured the remaining medicine soup. Entering the ice rabbit's mouth, the ice rabbit kicked on both legs, then foamed at the mouth, rolled his eyes and died.

"It's colorless and tasteless, and there is such a powerful poison that even the Force can't detect!" Liu Qi was also slightly surprised, said.

"This is a decoction for the general to replenish the force. The poisoner wants the general's life!"

"We will encounter such a situation, damn it, we deliberately protect the general, but we don't even know that the soup that the general drank was poisoned!"

The surrounding guards all looked shocked, the general's mount was always led by them, but they didn't expect to be poisoned, they didn't know, these people were very ashamed.

"Is it possible that the movement just now deliberately led us away and then poisoned, the cultivation base of the poisoned person is by no means easy!" Liu Qitian said with a slight frown.

"At least above the congenital realm, the old man is the strongest in this team. The other party is worried that the old man will find out, so he deliberately pulls the old man away, and then poisons the thing that the old man drinks, but the poisoned person will not think that the old man will live or die. Give the lieutenant what you drink!" Liu Qi touched his chin and analyzed briefly.

"I don't have time to take care of these things now. I will send Lieutenant General Li back to the imperial city as quickly as possible, and ask the best doctor to detoxify!" Liu Qitian loves soldiers like a child. At this time, he has no time to care about how the other party poisoned him, only the lives of his men.

"General, it's okay! Lieutenant General Li's pulse has stopped, and the force in his body is dissipating. If he can't detoxify at this time, he will die before he arrives in the imperial city!" All the soldiers who were preparing to take Vice-General Li back to the imperial city Said anxiously.


Liu Qitian tried to use his force to help Lieutenant General Li remove the toxins from his body, but found that this had no effect at all. The poison in Lieutenant General Li was not afraid of the force's erosion at all, and would wantonly destroy Lieutenant General Li's body.

"General, even your force is not working, and Vice-General Li is about to sacrifice. What should I do?"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Li is our brother, we don't want Lieutenant General Li to sacrifice like this!"

"The hateful poisoner used such a vicious poison!"


The soldiers around were helpless. Although there was a military doctor who was accompanying him, the military doctor was as helpless as Liu Qitian. The ordinary antidote pills didn't work at all.

"Quick! Ride on the old man's galloping horse and bring Lieutenant General Li back to the imperial city at the fastest speed!"

"Imperial City is also ten miles away from here, and it will take half an hour no matter how fast it is. At that time, even the genius doctor will not help, let me try it!" At this moment, Liu Qi suddenly said.

"You? Brat, don't make trouble at this time!" Liu Qitian didn't believe that his grandson would detoxify, and it was a poison he had never seen before.

"Yes, the young master, the military doctors and the generals have nothing to do, and the young master has not learned the method of detoxification, so don't delay us to send Lieutenant General Li back!"

"Young Master, we know that you are good for Lieutenant General Li, but this poison is not an ordinary poison!"


The soldiers were all talking verbally, not believing that it would detoxify. It's no wonder that Liu Qi is just a dude in everyone's eyes. Even if he has some ability, he can't detoxify, especially this kind of poison is helpless even for the generals. They all think Liu Qi is making trouble.

They didn't believe in Liu Qi, and Liu Qi was not angry. He just said indifferently: "With Li lieutenant general, the imperial city will undoubtedly die. Let me see if there is still a ray of life. Which one do you choose?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked depressed. Yeah, now even taking Lieutenant General Li back is a dead end.

"Smelly boy! If that's the case, then you can try it! But Lieutenant General Li has followed the old man in the war for many years, and he has made great contributions. You should not take his life away." Liu Qitian finally decided to let Liu Qi try. He chose to believe in his grandson. Son, there is no alternative.

"You put Lieutenant General Li on the soft grass, I will take a closer look." Liu Qi said to several soldiers.

The general had already spoken. Of course, these soldiers could only choose to obey, so they hurriedly carried Lieutenant General Li onto the lawn.

Liu Qi held Li's arm and carefully probed Li's pulse. Although Liu Qi is not a doctor, he has experienced countless injuries and even life-threatening illnesses over a hundred years of assassin's career. The so-called long-term illness becomes a doctor, Liu Qi understands all the symptoms of various injuries and illnesses at this time.

Holding the pulse of Lieutenant General Li, Liu Qi found that his pulse was almost so weak that it stopped. Obviously, Lieutenant General Li’s vitality was quickly dissipating. Moreover, the force in Lieutenant General Li's body is also dissipating, a warrior, once the force in his body dissipates, then he is not far from death.

"Young Master, is there any hope for Vice Admiral Li, can you cure it?"

"Little Master, Lieutenant General Li is already dying..."

Liu Qitian saw the surrounding soldiers chattering, and said with a straight face: "Shut up, I'm all!"

Suddenly, the world was clean, but every soldier's face was full of tension and worry.

The poison in Lieutenant General Li at this time was indeed severe. At this time, the toxin had already invaded Lieutenant General Li’s Dantian, and Li’s original force had no resistance at all.

There are several ways to detoxify, one is to prescribe the right medicine, use the antidote to solve the problem, and eliminate the toxins, but this obviously doesn't work. Secondly, it is to drive the toxins out of the body, but Lieutenant General Li's force cannot resist the toxins, and this one doesn't work either.

The force of Lieutenant General Li could not remove the toxins, and Liu Qi did not give up, because he still had the force and had a black dragon force that was more advanced than those of the mortal world.

Peng! Liu Qi condensed the force in his palm, and slapped his palm on Lieutenant General Li's chest, and all the force in his palm entered into Lieutenant General Li's body.

"What is the young master? Does the young master want to use the force to force the toxin out of Lieutenant General Li's body? But even the general can't do it, can the young master do it?"

"Regardless of whether you can do it or not, the general is already at the innate level. Where can the young master be so good?"

"The Force is completely helpless against the poison, the young master must have no effect..."

The soldiers around shook their heads when Liu Qi was about to use the force to force out the toxins, their eyes were filled with impossible.

Of course, Liu Qi was not disturbed by them, but infiltrated the black dragon force into Lieutenant General Li's body. When the Black Dragon Force encountered the toxins, the toxins in Lieutenant General Li's body seemed to have encountered natural enemies and ran away instantly.

"Huh? I didn't expect the black dragon force to really work, and the toxins of the mortal world are really afraid of the black dragon force!" Liu Qi was delighted, and it seemed that his attempt was still effective.

Now that it worked, Liu Qi of course continued to release the force, trying to use the force to draw the toxins out of Li's body. However, these toxins were too cunning, they kept wandering in Lieutenant General Li's body, just not confronting the Black Dragon Force head-on.

"Puff!" Lieutenant General Li squirted out a big mouthful of blood, his whole body convulsed more severely.

"No! The toxin has spread to Lieutenant General Li's heart, Lieutenant General Li is about to die!" Seeing Lieutenant General Li vomiting blood, the surrounding soldiers said nervously.

"Grass! Even hiding with Lao Tzu, this is not easy to handle. If you continue to let the toxins spread, Vice Admiral Li will probably die!"

Just when Liu Qi felt helpless, the black bead on Liu Qi's pubic area trembling, and then quickly turned, forming a black vortex. The vortex was spinning rapidly, and the force of the black dragon that was pulling Liu Qi's body was also spinning continuously.

At this time, a miracle happened. Liu Qi transported the black dragon force to Vice Li's body as if there was an attraction, sucking all the toxins together, and then swallowing all the toxins like a big fish eating a small fish.

"What's the situation? Why did this black bead move at this time, commanding the black dragon force to swallow toxins, Nima... even sucking the swallowed toxins back into Lao Tzu's body, isn't Nima poisoning me?" Liu Qi was horrified to discover that the black dragon's force that had swallowed toxins had flowed back into his body.

However, what Liu Qi never expected was that the toxins flowing back into his body did not poison Liu Qi, but all entered the black beads, and then the black beads spit out the refined toxins in the blink of an eye, turning them into Liu Qi. Of the force.

"This black bead actually has the ability to swallow the black dragon sword, too...too shocked Lao Tzu, is this black bead and the black dragon sword twins? This is exactly the same ability, directly refining the poison into the original force, it is simply abnormal! "

Liu Qi discovered an amazing ability of Heizhu at this time, which was the same swallowing ability as the Black Dragon Sword. This discovery shocked Liu Qi.

Of course, shock was shocked, Liu Qi did not forget to continue to treat Lieutenant General Li.

"You all get out of the way!"

Liu Qi shouted to the surrounding soldiers, saying that he lifted Lieutenant General Li's body into the air, and supported Lieutenant Li's body with one hand. The other palm condensed the force and slapped Lieutenant General Li's Dantian violently. .

Peng! With a bang, a surging force poured into Lieutenant General Li's body, and Liu Qi's feet were sunk in the mud by the recoil force.

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers were stunned, even Liu Qitian's eyes protruded.