Evil Saint of the Three Realms

Chapter 64: The sword idiot is a little red


The fief of the second prince was not far from the imperial city, probably only a few hundred miles, and it would be possible to reach it in a day if he drove on a horse. However, Liu Qi didn't rush, instead, he went to the Second Prince's fief while traveling around the mountains and water, seeing and seeing the customs of the mortal world.

It is the season of spring and summer. The mountains and plains are full of wild flowers. Liu Qi sits in the carriage and enjoys the scenery outside. As for Xiao Jinjin, he laughs and laughs all the way.

"Young Master, there is a swordsman standing in the middle of our only way." Not long after Liu Qi had just left the imperial city, Zhang Dazhuang suddenly reported.

Liu Qi glanced towards the front, and sure enough, in the middle of the road not far ahead, a man with his hands on his chest and a sword was standing with his back facing away, standing still, like a stone.

Liu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly. This person Liu Qi knew, who was the ethereal little red next to Hongye.

This guy came to find himself, what on earth did he want to do

Liu Qi is very clear that Misty Yihong's strength is much stronger than Wan Yanzong. Liu Qi is somewhat reluctant to deal with Wan Yanzong. If he and Misty Yihong face-to-face, there is no chance of winning, even if his cards are exposed, he may not be able to win.

"Don't worry about it, just go around." Liu Qi said to Zhang Dazhuang.

"Yes, master!"

As a result, Zhang Dazhuang shifted the direction of the galloping horse to the side, preparing to bypass the ethereal red.

As he approached the ethereal a little red, the several guards around Liu Qi were all serious about it. Suddenly, when someone stood in the way, something was wrong.

Just as Liu Qi's carriage passed by the ethereal little red, suddenly, a huge sword aura fell from the sky and struck Liu Qi's carriage.

Boom! With a huge bang, the carriage Liu Qi was riding in broke to pieces.

"Grass! Who are you? What's wrong!" After Liu Qi jumped out of the carriage, he immediately pointed to the ethereal little red and cursed.

There was no change in the ethereal red expression, just a faint glance at Liu Qi: "Liu Qi, I am here to kill you today."

"Bold! Master is the grandson of the general, if you dare to touch the young master a hair, the general will never let you go!" Zhang Dazhuang drew out his sword and pointed at the ethereal red and roared.

"Huh!" With a faint red snort, a fierce sword aura shot at Zhang Dazhuang, and Zhang Dazhuang immediately flew out.

"Protect young master, come on!" The other three acquired guards suddenly rushed towards the ethereal a little red.

There was no change in her expression from start to finish. When the three guards of the acquired realm rushed up, the sword in her arms finally came out of her sheath.

Ding! A crisp metal collision sounded, and the three guards of the acquired realm suddenly retreated, completely unable to stop the ethereal a little red move.

"Without your business, I'm here to find Liu Qi today." A little red said faintly.

"Who the hell are you fucking?" Liu Qi asked loudly on purpose.

"Vaguely a little red."

When Zhang Dazhuang, who had just gotten up from the ground, almost fell down when he heard the name of the fascinating little red, he looked at the fascinating little red in shock and said: "It turned out to be the famous sword idiot, the fascinating little red, why are you killing our young master ?!"

"There is no reason, just want to kill."

"Grass, you uncle! You must be ill, come to kill me and make a mess!" Liu Qi pointed at the ethereal little red and cursed.

Zhang Dazhuang and the other three guards are all in a cold sweat. The young master is really awesome. The ethereal little red is a famous sword idiot in the rivers and lakes. His strength has long been the pinnacle of the innate realm. Even if the big sects respect him, only the young master dares. Such a curse.

The ethereal little red was not irritated by Liu Qi's curse. He just said to Liu Qi indifferently: "Liu Qi, I kill you today because I want to meet that killer. If he doesn't do anything, I will let you die here today. !"

"The killer? What kind of killer? A little red, I don't know you, and I don't know any killer." Liu Qi curled his lips and said with disdain.

Misty a little red did not speak, but slowly pushed the scabbard away with his thumb.

Suddenly, the several guards around Liu Qi looked solemnly at Misty Yihong. They are all the elite guards of Liu Qitian, but compared with the top players in the world, Misty Yihong is simply scum. The blow just now explained it. problem.

"Start first, let's go together!"

As he said, Zhang Dazhuang's legs vigorously exerted force, and his body made an afterimage in the air.

Ding! Miao Yihong used the hilt to withstand Zhang Dazhuang's sword. Before Zhang Dazhuang could react, Miao Yihong's wrist flicked and the long sword in Zhang Dazhuang's hand broke directly.

"Roar!" The long sword broke, Zhang Dazhuang did not give up, but jumped forward, and the force of the whole body blasted out the first punch of Dou Zhan Shen's fist against the ethereal little red.

A violent force shot out from the open fist, like a tiger rushing towards the ethereal little red.

The ethereal red face that had been expressionless was finally moved, his brows suddenly raised, and then he slowly drew out the sword and gently waved it at Zhang Dazhuang in the air.

Boom! Zhang Dazhuang's body flew upside down and hit the big tree heavily. The big tree with a thick waist collapsed directly. A sword mark appeared on his chest, and blood slowly leaked from the sword mark.

"You're not bad, but it's a pity that the cultivation base is too low!" A little red looked at Zhang Dazhuang and said.

At this moment, the three guards of the Houtian realm had already rushed to the ethereal Yihong, surrounded by three guards at the three front and rear locations.

The ethereal little red didn't even look at it, and directly inserted the long sword into the scabbard, and then extended an index finger and poked it towards the three guards.

Ding Ding Ding! With three clear sounds, the three guards had the same fate as Zhang Dazhuang, they directly knocked over a few big trees, and then lay on the ground with internal injuries.

"It turns out that this is the famous vain and bullying gangster." Liu Qi said while looking at the vain a bit of red, curling his lips with disdain.

"If I really did, they would have already been killed." A little red said indifferently.

"Cut!" Liu Qi curled his lips, then raised his eyebrows, "Let's talk, who are you doing for? The royal family or the Bai family?"

"This is not a problem you care about. You should care about your own life now. If you want to survive, let the killer come out, otherwise you will be a corpse soon." A little red said in a subtle tone, as if Liu Qi's Life is just a trivial thing in his eyes.

"Hehe, if you want to take the life of this young man, you have to show your ability!" Liu Qi said without any fear.

The ethereal red body suddenly disappeared in place, and Zhang Dazhuang and several guards' complexions changed drastically.

"Be careful, master!"

Of course Liu Qi knew to be careful, because the speed of the ethereal a little red was too fast, and he arrived in front of him almost in the blink of an eye. Xiao Jinjin, who was standing next to Liu Qi, was about to do it, but Liu Qi stopped him. He still didn't want Xiao Jinjin's strength to be exposed to others.

A vague little red came to Liu Qi, the index finger lightly pointed towards Liu Qi's chest, and a sword air shot towards Liu Qi's chest.

Peng! With a muffled sound, Liu Qi's body flew out as if it had been hit, and he slid for a long time before stopping.

"En?" A little blushing faintly, frowned and looked at his index finger, with a look of confusion.

"Haha! Are you surprised why this son is not injured? That's because this son can be a magic weapon for self-defense, even if you are strong, you can block your attack, do you feel the power of backlash? The stronger your force, the rebound The stronger the power!" Liu Qi laughed, the defensive armor made of Tianyu stainless steel was not covered, and it could withstand the ethereal a little red attack. Although Liu Qi himself had to bear part of it, it wouldn’t be enough. Liu Qi was injured.

"It's interesting." The ethereal little red looked at Liu Qi with interest, and his body disappeared again.

"Come back?! Grass!"

Liu Qi was angry, and instantly took out a black bead from his pocket and threw it towards the ethereal little red.

Ding! The black bead was easily blocked by the ethereal little red, but when blocked, the black bead instantly exploded and a purple smoke came out. My face didn't change even a little red, my palm shook, a strong wind blew out, and the purple smoke instantly dissipated.

"And this thing!" Liu Qi shook his hands, and countless silver needles shot out from the cuffs.

All the silver needles were blocked by the ethereal red. The ethereal red stopped and said faintly: "These little tricks are useless to me, you'd better call the killer out!"

"Really?" Liu Qi's mouth turned up slightly.

Boom! A violent explosion occurred at the location where the misty Yidian was standing, and the silver needles inserted into the ground under the misty Yidian just now converged into a special formation, which caused the force of heaven and earth to burst into a strong explosion.

"Unexpectedly, you have even been involved in the profound formations. It seems that you are not an ordinary dude." Misty Xiaohong walked out of the smoke and said.

Although the explosion just now was unexpected, it was not enough to hurt the ethereal a little red.

"Hey, this young man never said that he is an ordinary dude, this young man is an unparalleled dude in the world!" Liu Qi said with a smile.

"Since you want to be unparalleled in the world, then I will fulfill you."

Misty and a little red decided not to end with Liu Qi, he slowly drew out his sword, and instantly swung a sword at Liu Qi's body.

Liu Qi's body instantly became two halves. The magnificent sword aura hit the big tree behind Liu Qi, and with a bang, more than a dozen big trees with thick waists collapsed.

However, the ethereal red that had cut off Liu Qi's body was not happy, because he saw Liu Qi's body in two gradually dissipate.

"Illusion, this dude actually created an illusion, when did I get the trick?" Misty little red frowned and muttered to herself.

A few miles away, the injured Zhang Dazhuang fell off his horseback.

Zhang Dazhuang smiled bitterly, clutching his injured chest and said: "Master, you are really amazing, you can even lead us to escape from the ethereal red hand."

"What the hell, that formation can only hold him for a while, you can hurry up for me, if he catches up, we will probably die!"

Liu Qi directly pulled Zhang Dazhuang up and threw it on the back of another galloping horse, and then quickly left the place.