Ex-wife’s Rise to the Top

Chapter 88: 088 Ideal life (2 more)


In the hospital, Xu Yizhang's face was full of tears, followed the bed and rushed to the emergency room, "Doctor, doctor..."

"The family members are waiting outside first..." Xu Yizhang was separated from the emergency room by the nurse.

Xu Yizhang watched Chu Huixin being pushed into the emergency room with empty eyes, her face sunken and pale like a ghost.

She regrets going home and regrets telling her parents this...

Now one is in the emergency room.

The other body hasn't been checked yet.

She was terrified of what might happen.

Walking back and forth impatiently, blaming herself for her impulsiveness, if she doesn't go back, hides, or just tells a little lie to make her parents happy, at least not right now...


She sat dazed and flustered for a long time, it was already late at night, but she didn't have the heart to eat, and sat in the corridor blankly with her belly outstretched.

After a long time, Chu Huixin was finally pushed out, and all the reports and examinations were completed. The doctor told her that there was nothing wrong with Chu Huixin, and all the examinations met the indicators, but her high blood pressure was suddenly out of control, and she fainted. Let her go back and tell Chu Huixin, Antihypertensive drugs should be taken on time, don't take them every day, and exercise more to control your mood.

Only then did Xu Yizhang feel relieved, but besides feeling relieved, he also felt that Chu Huixin was really willful. He had high blood pressure, so how could he take the medicine whenever he wanted, and not take it if he didn't want to? How dangerous it is!

She called Xu's father who was stranded at home and told him that Chu Huixin was fine, and let him rest at ease and come back to the hospital tomorrow.

Because of this unexpected situation, her case was put on hold.

The next day, when Chu Huixin woke up, her mood was not so bad.

Time dilutes the contradiction. Chu Huixin sat in the ward, eating the light side dishes and porridge ordered by her daughter, and sighed for a long time.

Looking up, Xu Yizhang was sitting next to her working, she was talking on the phone, as if she was assigning a task, and every word she spoke made people feel that she was capable and capable.

Chu Huixin looked at her daughter silently, feeling that she had really matured...

Thinking about it later, she felt that what she did was wrong. She originally thought that her daughter was a three-minute hot person who couldn't do anything well and would only cause trouble for her parents.

Unknowingly, Xu Yizhang really grew up. She was vigorous and resolute in the workplace, and she took care of her parents meticulously.

When she was pregnant, she would order food for her, go to the water room to get hot water for her, order soup, call the nurse and tell her to take medicine, and then devote herself to work.

She suddenly felt that what she did to her daughter last night was very wrong. She is the core figure of the company now, so busy and stressed, how could she say those things that hurt her heart? It made her even more unhappy to be pregnant, so at lunch time, Chu Huixin glanced at her belly and asked softly, "How many months?"

Xu Yizhang glanced at her stomach, Chu Huixin refused to talk to her during breakfast, she was a little flattered when she said this suddenly, "Six months soon."

Chu Huixin said: "The supplements you dragged me to buy before were all for yourself, right?"

Xu Yizhang nodded.

Chu Hui thought for a while, and said, "It's been six months, I need to supplement more, and I can't eat too much after eight months..."

Xu Yizhang's eye circles suddenly turned red.

She thought that she must have broken their hearts this time.

Unexpectedly, it was only the next day, and Chu Huixin forgave her as if she had let go. Parents will always love them more than children.

She lowered her head and choked.

Chu Huixin pulled her hand, as if to comfort her, "When the time comes, Mom and Dad will help you..."

Xu Yizhang remained silent, but took a tissue and wiped his tears...


Father Xu came over in the afternoon, and he had sorted out his emotions. When he saw Xu Yizhang, he didn't say much, he just told him, "Go back and rest."

She was still pregnant, and they couldn't bear to be angry with her after working so hard.

Chu Huixin also asked her to go back, and told her that she wanted to talk to Dad Xu, and told her to go back to sleep and come over at night.

Xu Yizhang felt a little more relaxed, and soon fell asleep on the sofa after returning home, probably because he was overtired.

When I woke up again, it was already dark.

There is a person sitting next to him.

The figure is tall and tall, hidden in the night, silent.

Xu Yizhang knew who that person was, raised his eyes and closed them again, then thought of his parents, and woke up suddenly with fright.

Han Shen lowered his head and asked her: "What's wrong? Have a nightmare?"

Xu Yizhang subconsciously looked at the thin blanket on her body. She didn't cover it when she came back, maybe she covered it for him, so she raised her hand to remove the thin blanket, "I have something to do, I have to go out."

She didn't tell him about her parents, otherwise he would definitely follow her to the hospital.

Xu Yizhang hopes to handle this matter by herself, because she will handle everything by herself from now on...

"I'll see you off?" Han Shen reached for the car keys.

"No need." She returned to her previous appearance, cold and impatient.

There was a hint of doubt in Han Shen's eyes, and thinking of those scandals, he subconsciously wanted to explain to her, "Meng Wanxing and I..."

"It's okay." She interrupted him and got up anxiously, "It doesn't matter to me who you are with. I'm in a hurry now, so I'll go first."

Han Shen didn't speak, and sat still, with a complex look in his eyes.


Pushing open the door of the ward, Chu Huixin was looking at an X-ray film. Father Xu sat beside her, pointed to a certain part in the film and said, "This is the place. The nerve line is compressed, which leads to dizziness and numbness in the hands... "

Xu Yizhang looked at this scene, just like his parents when they were chatting in the past, there was no sadness at all.

She froze for a moment, then walked up, "Dad, Mom, what is this?"

"Your father's film." Chu Huixin showed the film to Xu Yizhang, "He went for an examination in the afternoon, and the doctor said that his dizziness was caused by cervical spondylosis."

Xu Yizhang watched the film, "Then... is there a big problem?"

"Not much." Chu Hui smiled heartily, "Just let him stop looking down at his phone all the time, do a few traction sessions, and then get up and move around every hour or so..."

It's that simple

She closed her eyes, her mood completely relaxed, and her whole body seemed to be reborn.

Xu Yizhang sat by the bed, cut apples for the two elders, and asked Chu Huixin, "Why did Dad suddenly agree to go for a checkup?"

Chu Huixin sniggered, and said joyfully, "He said, he has grandchildren, and he must be in good health before he can help you take care of the children..."

Xu Yizhang was stunned for a moment, then he said, "Aren't you mad at me for being pregnant?"

"Angry?" Chu Huixin glanced at her, with a bit of blame in her eyes, "I was very angry at first, but something happened, and it's useless to be angry. What's in your belly is just a little life no matter what. Your dad and I are getting old, so we can't be cruel. Besides, you have always said that you don't plan to get married. In this way, it is good to have a child. When I leave your dad in the future, I can also have a child. The child is with you, and while your father and I are not old, we can help you with more... "

In those two days, Xu Yizhang couldn’t remember what he felt like, it was like a dream. At first, his parents were so angry that they were put into the hospital in a coma... Later, he happily told her that while they were not that old, , after the children are born, bring them...

The haze that had been lingering in her heart for many days completely dissipated at that moment. From then on, she had no secrets or burdens in her heart.

When she came out of the hospital, she cried on the way, crying as she walked, but she knew that it was tears of joy.

It turned out that no matter what she did or what she became, her parents would stand by her side, forgive her, protect her, and help her...

This kind of unconditional love is far more painful than scolding. It is beyond ordinary sadness, but also beyond ordinary happiness and comfort.

The street lights in the middle of the night are connected together in the summer night, and the roots are broken.

Xu Yizhang passed by street lights, as if the huge pressure on her heart was relieved little by little, her emotions gradually became enlightened, and at the end, she hummed a song...

From then on, she was really free.

Dare to fight and strive for life, in order to have a truly ideal life.


Go back to Caihe Building.

Xu Yizhang glanced at the time, it was past twelve o'clock.

Before she knew it, it was so late again. After thinking about it, she decided not to say anything to Han Shen today, but to talk to him tomorrow and Sunday.

When she returned home, Han Shen was still waiting for her in the living room.