Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 77: People like you


Before he could sit down, Ning Xiaofei from the opposite side had already chased him, opened the passenger door and got into the car.

Xicheng took his seat and turned around. When he saw her sitting in his car, Xicheng's hand holding the steering wheel clenched suddenly, and the veins on the back of his hand were prominent from the exertion.

"go out!"

If he hadn't noticed that she was a girl, he would have kicked her out of the car!

Ning Xiaofei pulled the seat belt and buckled it, and then she folded her arms.

"Either apologize to me, or I call the police!" She pressed the three numbers neatly and shook them at him, "Which one do you choose?"

Xicheng didn't say anything, he just raised his right hand, and with a soft "click", the car door automatically locked.

Does she like riding in cars

He just let her sit and enjoy it!

He reached over with his right hand and started the car. He tapped the accelerator with his toe. The car, like a wild horse, instantly accelerated and rushed onto the driveway.

Equipped with a supercar gearbox, the car has already exceeded 100 speeds in three seconds.

Under the inertia, Ning Xiaofei's body suddenly hit the back of the chair. The phone in her hand fell off her fingers and fell onto her knees. She reached out to grab it, but the car had suddenly stopped and turned left, drifting through the bend at a beautiful high speed.

The phone flew out diagonally, landed on the center armrest, and slid down.

"You're crazy!" Ning Xiaofei shouted urgently. Seeing that the car was about to hit the car in front of her, her car was also raised to her throat in an instant. She was so scared that she closed her eyes and screamed. ,"parking!"

When he was less than two meters away from the car in front, Xicheng suddenly turned the steering wheel and turned to the other lane.

Ning Xiaofei opened her eyes and saw the car rushing through the rain and fog like a mad cow again, rushing towards the truck in front.


She screamed again, and her face instantly turned pale.

Listening to the screams of the girl in the passenger seat, Xicheng not only did not slow down, but also drove faster and faster.

Shift into gear, corner, switch lanes...

The red car was speeding past like a flying fish on the highway. Ning Xiaofei and Ben, who were in the passenger seat, couldn't bear it. When the car finally drove off the Gaobujue Highway, her eyes were already spinning and her chest was churning violently.

Hearing the sound of her retching, Xicheng hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road and unlocked the door.

"Go out and puke!"

This is the car he just picked up and drove for the first time today. If a dead woman dares to vomit on his car, he will kill her!

Covering her mouth, Ning Xiaofei opened the car door. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she fell to her knees and vomited.

Xicheng frowned and got out of the car. He looked at the girl kneeling on the ground and vomiting, without any pity in his eyes.

"I tell you, what I hate the most are people like you!"

Ning Xiaofei wiped the corners of her lips and raised her face to look at him.

"Can you tell me clearly what kind of person I am?!"

"Aren't you doing this just because you want me to be on your show? For the sake of you being a girl, forget it this time and don't show up in front of me again in the future!"

Ning Xiaofei wanted to retort, but her chest felt strangely churning again, and she started to vomit again.

Frowning in disgust, Xicheng turned around and got in the car, reversed quickly and took a look at Ning Xiaofei, who was still lying on the ground vomiting.

His beautiful long eyebrows frowned, he grabbed a bottle of mineral water and threw it to her side through the open window. He glanced at the subway station not far away, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

As he moved forward, the rain became heavier and he had to turn on the windshield wipers.

A mean female voice suddenly sounded from the back of the car.

"If I don't answer, I won't answer your call. I answer all other people's calls, but I won't answer your call..."