
Chapter 10


As soon as it got dark, Su Qingbai was already extremely sleepy. He took off his clothes and got on the kang, only to find that Su Chengjun, who had slept all day, just woke up.

Su Qingbai leaned over and gently pinched the little tender face, it was slippery and beautiful and easy to touch, but Su Qingbai couldn't appreciate it at all, the longer the little thing grew, the more it looked like that pervert.

Seeing Su Qingbai approaching, Su Caicai grinned at him, her lips parted, revealing her pink gums, Su Qingbai, who had never seen this before, was very surprised, so she scratched his fleshy chin, little The boy grinned even wider, and then glistening saliva flowed out, onto Su Qingbai's hand.

Su Qingbai wiped his hands in disgust, and then stopped teasing him.

After blowing out the oil lamp, Su Qingbai went to bed and lay down.

"Ah~" Su Caicai is still very energetic, he slept in the daytime, and now he is opening his bright little eyes in the dark, talking to himself.

Su Qingbai didn't care about him, probably because of premature birth and weak body, this child sleeps most of the day, doesn't like to cry or talk. Put him there, and he will definitely fall asleep by himself after a while.

Sure enough, when Su Qingbai woke up in the middle of the night, he found that Su Caicai had already fallen asleep, pinching his nose, Su Qingbai took off Su Caicai's pants, and saw that he had urinated.

Because he went to bed early the night before, Su Qingbai woke up early the next day, and then saw his old mother preparing to cook.

After his old mother came here, he would cook for everyone every now and then. Everyone thought that this cooking skill would come out after practicing, but they didn't expect that they couldn't practice it at his old mother's place.

At this moment, Mrs. Su, Su Qingbai and Su Caicai woke up, and the others were still asleep. Su Qingbai had nothing to do, so he robbed his old lady's work, "Mom, go and rest, I will come for today's dinner." Do."

Mrs. Su doesn't like cooking very much either, so of course she can't ask for it, but Mrs. Su asked Su Qingbai, "Aren't you allowed to breastfeed Cai Cai?"

Su Qingbai didn't intend to let his old mother cook anyway, he thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go and feed Cai Cai, and I'll cook."

During the days when Su Caicai was born, Su Qingbai was idle and bored, and often held Su Caicai to watch his sister-in-law cook. If she watched too much, she would get used to it. Her cooking skills were many times better than his mother's. In addition, Su Qingbai is a good eater, so he has high requirements. He even compared the craftsmanship of the two sister-in-laws in the family.

However, his father thinks it's not decent for a big man to stay in the kitchen all day, so the meals are still cooked by several women in the family in turn.

Mrs. Su agreed without thinking about it. The little grandson is so beautiful and cute. She is not as complicated as Su Lingchuan thought. She just thinks that this is her son's son. Grandma loves him like that.

After making breakfast, Su Qingbai brought the warmed milk to the bedroom. Mrs. Su was sitting on the kang, holding Su Caicai and making fun of it. Su Qingbai handed over the milk for Mrs. Su to feed.

At this time, Su Lingchuan woke up and found that there was no one in the kitchen, so he came to Su Qingbai's bedroom. Seeing Mrs. Su holding Su Caicai and drinking milk, Su Qingbai sat aside and smiled foolishly, and suddenly became angry, "Your mother is busy breastfeeding the child, why are you sitting and looking around? Why don't you help? "

It's really that Su Qingbai was too bad before, and it's no wonder that Su Lingchuan was too strict with him. He always felt that this son was irresponsible and lazy in everything he did. He never accomplished anything since he was a child.

Now seeing Mrs. Su holding the child and breastfeeding, she thought that Su Qingbai threw the child to Mrs. Su and avoided laziness.

After finishing speaking, he called Mrs. Su away.

Su Qingbai held the cub handed to him by Mrs. Su, wanting to cry without tears. His father always thought he was lazy and irresponsible, and wanted to tease him. Ever since Su Caicai was born, he had been asked to take care of him personally, and no one else was allowed to help him, but he had to face such a milk baby all the time. If it weren't for this little thing's sleepiness, he might have died of exhaustion long ago.

After cooking, feeding Su Caicai and drinking milk, and eating by himself, when Su Qingbai finished his work, there were only his father and son left at home.

Wrapping Su Caicai in a small quilt, Su Qingbai carried him outside.

Seeing what his father meant, he was being forced to stand on his own every day, so Su Qingbai had to make plans for their future.

And Su Caicai's age is the time when he spends the most money. Among other things, he has grown a knot in only three months, and he can't wear his old clothes anymore.

He has no skills, the only thing he can fight is his lack of strength.

Some time ago, when he went out for a stroll with the child in his arms, he met a little girl next door. The little girl and the old mother at home depended on each other. Apart from farming, she usually grew some vegetables and sold them. She didn’t earn much, but saving enough was enough for her mother and daughter. Life.

The little girl's name is Su Ni, and she came here with her mother because of the drought in her hometown. It happened that her surname was Su. The villagers saw that her mother and daughter were pitiful, so they left them to settle down in the village.

Su Qingbai looked at it and asked the little girl to teach him how to grow vegetables. The little girl told him everything she had noticed and even bought some vegetable seeds for him.

All the family members went out, so Su Qingbai opened a small vegetable field in front of his door with a hoe in his arms.

Put Su Caicai in the bamboo frame made by his father, Su Qingbai covered him with a quilt, and put it in the ground not far from him.

The little girl helped Su Qingbai, and Su Qingbai couldn't compete with the little girl for business, so he and the little girl grew different kinds of vegetables.

The cabbage planted by the little girl and the green vegetables planted by him have a ring of garlic sprouts on the edge.

Because he hadn't tried it before, Su Qingbai didn't dare to make too much, and a small piece of land was quickly finished.

At this time, it was still early, so Su Qingbai planted the vegetables and arranged the garlic cloves.

When Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su came back, Su Qingbai was carrying a bucket to water the water. When they saw Su Qingbai working, they were surprised and asked, "Qingbai, what are you doing?"

Su Qingbai wiped his sweat and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just plant something for fun."

He didn't dare to say that he was growing vegetables, for fear that if he failed, he would be laughed at.

Mrs. Su didn't ask any more questions, and went back to the house to cook with a basket of Su dishes.

Su Qingbai watered it frequently, and the green vegetables sprouted very quickly, and they grew quite fast, while the garlic sprouts grew slower.

Since planting green vegetables, Su Qingbai has to take Su Caicai every morning to have a look.

The Su family looked at Su Qingbai so diligently, and were very uncomfortable. Su Lingchuan frowned, and sat outside to watch Su Qingbai busy outside. These days, Su Qingbai got up earlier than a chicken, and he had no reason to scold him.

At noon, taking advantage of Su Qingbai's absence, Su Lingchuan ran to the small field to have a look, and saw tender green and white seedlings popping up densely on the somewhat wet soil.

The growth cycle of green vegetables is not long, and they can be eaten in one month. If they grow longer, they will be a little old, but they are not delicious.

On weekdays, the Su family didn't have time to take care of the vegetable fields. They ate wild vegetables, which were everywhere. They didn't need to be planted, and they didn't take much effort to find. Many people in the village ate them.

It has been a long time since the Su family has eaten these green and tender vegetables in front of the door.