
Chapter 19


Su Qingbai was busy in the field for a while, then he pulled the car back home.

"Qingbai, you're back." His mother was busy working in front of several bamboo baskets, when she saw Su Qingbai came back, she called him.

Su Qingbai walked over and saw his mother feeding the chickens, so Su Qingbai asked her, "Mother, where did you get the chickens?"

Mrs. Su said with a smile: "Your father is fine at home, so he took over the job of copying books and bought some chickens. Cai Cai will be weaned soon, and then I will give him steamed egg custard."

Just as he was talking, Su Lingchuan came out holding Su Caicai.

Su Lingchuan was very helpless. Ever since Su Caicai was born, he had unabashedly expressed his dislike for this child. His family knew this, and they rarely told him about Su Caicai. , unless there is really no other way.

Others know, but Su Caicai is such a small person who doesn't know how to read people's faces, he doesn't know, ever since Su Qingbai often went outside to support his family, Su Caicai has been thrown to Mrs. Su.

Mrs. Su is also very busy all day, cooking and washing, because she has just started to do it, and it is a bit difficult, so it is inevitable that she will be slower, and it will take a lot of time every time.

Mrs. Su threw Su Caicai on the kang, it doesn't matter if it's younger, he can lie down for a day by himself. But since he has grown up slowly, he can roll and crawl, so he can no longer be kept like before.

Seeing Su Caicai's calves so nimble and crawling around, Su Lingchuan couldn't just watch Su Caicai crawling down from such a high kang, could he

After taking care of Su Caicai once or twice, Su Caicai became dependent on him. Now, apart from Su Qingbai, Su Caicai's favorite person in the family is Su Lingchuan.

"Where did this cart come from?" Su Lingchuan saw the cart at a glance and asked him.

Su Qingbai took Su Caicai, smiled and said to Su Lingchuan: "I just bought it, I thought it would be easier to use a scooter, save trouble and effort, so I bought one."

Su Lingchuan nodded, thinking the same way.

In the evening, when the family of four had dinner together, Su Qingbai hugged Su Caicai and fed him egg custard.

The chicken Su Lingchuan bought was an old hen with three chicks, and the old hen had already laid eggs.

"Mom and Dad."

While eating, Su Qingyang and Mrs. Su came in. Mrs. Su was still holding a basket in her hand, "This is the mushroom we went to pick today, parents, you should try it too."

Su Qingbai hurriedly moved aside to greet them for dinner.

Aunt Su smiled and waved her hands, "We've all eaten it. I put down the mushrooms, parents, you can eat slowly."

Su Qingbai was a little embarrassed, obviously his eldest brother's family was not much better than him, but he still gave them things from time to time.

In this regard, Su Qingbai can only send some small green vegetables to the elder brother's house from time to time.

The two were about to leave, but Mrs. Su refused. The eldest son was several years older than the second son. When there was no second son, she loved the eldest son as much as the younger son. It's been a few days since I had dinner with my son, Madam Su forced Su Qingyang and his wife to sit down and had a meal.

For several days in a row, Su Qingbai did not bring too many vegetables to sell as planned, even less than usual, and came later than usual.

The reason is that Mrs. Su is pregnant.

Su Qingbai was very happy for his brother, but his brother had been looking forward to such a child for a long time.

His mother was also happy, and his father was also happy. The whole family forgot about the previous unhappiness, and put down the things in their hands, and circled around the second sister-in-law.

Just like no separation.

"Why did you come here?" Jiang Mao had been waiting there all the time, Su Qingbai always came later than usual, Jiang Mao thought, maybe the cart was not working well.

Su Qingbai said with a smile: "My second sister-in-law is pregnant, so she came a little late."

Jiang Mao felt relieved and helped him remove the dishes, but he was relieved to find that there were still not many dishes. It seems that there is no need to separate the stalls for the time being.

After buying the vegetables and sharing the money, Jiang Mao handed him the basket that had been set aside early in the morning.

The basket was covered with a piece of cloth, and Su Qingbai took it over, and it was quite heavy, weighing about ten catties.

"What is this?"

Su Qingbai opened it and saw that it was half a baby wild boar that had been processed.

Jiang Mao looked at him with a smile, and explained, "Yesterday, I was lucky. I came across this slightly injured wild boar. I couldn't finish it by myself, so I brought it here for you."

Sighing, Su Qingbai really didn't want to accept other people's things. After thinking about it for a long time, he thought of a reason, "My mother is not good at cooking, she doesn't know how to cook, and holding it is a waste."

Jiang Mao sighed and took the pork again.

Su Qingbai breathed a sigh of relief, and bid farewell to Jiang Mao.

Pulling the cart back, Su Qingbai bumped into Suni, "Su Ni, why haven't you come home today?" On weekdays, Suni went home early at this time.

The little girl bit her lip and was about to cry, "Qingbai..."

Su Qingbai put down the cart and helped her up, "What's going on?"

Suni slowly helped him stand up, "I sprained my ankle and can't walk."

In the end, it was Su Qingbai who took Suni back with a cart. In a place that Su Qingbai couldn't see, Suni looked at the person who was rushing this way not far away, and put her hands on Su Qingbai's shoulder in a seemingly intimate way, and the figure running in this direction suddenly stopped , did not follow.

Su Qingbai didn't know all this.

After sending Suni home, Su Qingbai took the car back.

When he went back, his father was copying books with Su Caicai in his arms, and Mrs. Su was surrounding Second Aunt Su, gently asking something.

Then Su Qingbai heard the second sister-in-law Su say loudly: "Mother, don't fry, your cooking is not delicious, you let sister-in-law fry, I want to eat sister-in-law's cooking." The disgust in the tone could not be more obvious, Mrs. Su's face suddenly froze.

Mrs. Su's cooking is unpalatable, everyone in the family knows it, but even so, every time Mrs. Su cooks, most of them will be very happy to eat clean.

Second Aunt Su's voice was very loud, and everyone in the same yard heard it, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Su Qingbai was a little unhappy, walked over and acted like a baby to the embarrassed old mother, "Mom~ I want to eat the noodles you made."

Mrs. Su touched her youngest son's face and forced a smile.

In the end, the dishes that Second Aunt Su wanted to eat were still fried by Aunt Su.

In the afternoon, when Su Qingbai went to the field, he took Su Caicai with him. He was afraid that Su Caicai would be too wild, so he bumped into Second Aunt Su.

Su Huai also followed.

The three of them came to the field, Su Qingbai put Su Caicai on the quilt-covered cart, Su Huai followed Su Qingbai to learn how to pick vegetables, he learned it very quickly, and after a while, he was more skilled than Su Qingbai.

They picked vegetables together, and Su Huai complained while bending over to work, "Second aunt has always pointed at my mother to do things for her since she was pregnant. Why? My mother is her sister-in-law, not her servant." .”

Seeing Su Qingbai listening carefully, he said again: "Second aunt has a child, and she always feels that she is the hero of the whole family." Can't help but add another sentence, "She is not alone in the family who can have children."

Hearing this, Su Qingbai nodded understandingly, and patted him on the shoulder, "Be patient, it will be fine after the second sister-in-law gives birth."