
Chapter 34


Su Qingbo was immediately ashamed, he wanted to ask Su Caicai if he had seen all of them just now, but when he thought about his family, he would call him a father, and he didn't know if he asked him.

"Father~~" Seeing that Su Qingbai finally came to see him, Su Caicai called him softly, reaching out to hug him.

On the side, Jiang Mao's face darkened.

Su Qingbai has such a big son!!!

He has been hiding it from him!!!

Su Qingbai looked nervously at Jiang Mao's reaction, while hugging Su Caicai, who was outstretched, into his arms.

"You, yes, son, son?" Jiang Mao stared at Su Qingbai with a grim expression, and said word by word.

Before coming, Su Qingbai had expected Jiang Mao's reaction, and he had already thought about what to say, but now that Jiang Mao was staring at him, he couldn't remember much of what he had prepared nervously.

"Father~" His father didn't look at him, so he went to pick Su Qingbai's clothes with his soft hands. He has been a little hungry since morning. I can't feel the tense atmosphere between Su Qingbai and Jiang Mao at all.

Su Caicai's hand was about to go in from his neckline, Su Qingbai had to turn his attention to Su Caicai, "What's wrong? Baby."

"Ah..." He opened his mouth wide.

Su Qingbai knew what he meant, he was a little at a loss, at this stall, Jiang Mao was full of anger, this little thing was hungry again.

However, such a small child could not be tolerated, so Su Qingbai had no choice but to beg: "Jiang Mao, can you cook some porridge first, the child is hungry."

Jiang Mao frowned and glanced at Su Caicai in Su Qingbai's arms, then called Hu Hong, and suddenly hugged Su Caicai, wanting to hand Su Caicai to Hu Hong.

This kid is too in the way, he needs to talk to Su Qingbai alone.

The child in his arms was too soft, too small. For a moment, Jiang Mao was so strong that he regretted holding him up. It was too small and too soft. He could smash him into pieces with a little force. of.

Su Caicai was still acting like a baby in Su Qingbai's arms, when she was suddenly hugged, she didn't react, she bit her finger in a daze, and suddenly cried wow.

Jiang Mao was startled, and quickly stuffed him into the arms of Hu Hong who was called by him, "Take this kid to eat."

Su Caicai's crying stopped abruptly when she heard the word "eat".

Jiang Mao breathed a sigh of relief, regained his composure, and continued to pull Su Qingbai into the house with a dark face.

Su Qingbai followed in.

"I'm sorry..." Su Qingbai lowered his head, "I have a son... I shouldn't have kept it from you."

That's right, Su Qingbai doesn't intend to tell about Su Caicai's birth.

He is a man, he can only be a man, Su Caicai is what happened to him, it is enough for his family to know.

Looking up again, Su Qingbai was ready to bear Jiang Mao's anger.

"This is what I wanted to hide from you before. I have a son..." Su Qingbai looked up at him as he said, seeing his expressionless face, he knew in his heart that he was angry.

Jiang Mao didn't look at him, he put his hands on his temples, "I need to think about it..."

It was so sudden, originally he thought that he and Su Qingbai would become the closest people in the world, but unexpectedly, a child would suddenly be caught between them.

Su Qingbai's expression darkened when he heard the words, but this was also within his expectation.

He doesn't regret it, Jiang Mao is very important, if there is no accident, he is willing to go with Jiang Mao in this life, and is willing to make any effort for this relationship, but... to give birth to a child as a man, if it is known, others What would Jiang Mao think, what would Jiang Mao think.

Jiang Mao would think that he was a monster, no matter those who had a good relationship with him or not, he could imagine what kind of faces those people would have. They would treat his story as a joke and spread it all over the capital after dinner.

——He has experienced this kind of treatment once after his father was dismissed from office and the whole family was exiled. If this is spread, I am afraid it will be worse than worse.

Thinking of this, Su Qingbai's face turned pale.

"You, don't you want me?"

Jiang Mao is a very rational person. When he heard the news, that is, when he first found out that Su Qingbai had a child in the yard, he was very angry. He got angry at Su Qingbai, but now he has gradually calmed down.

Jiang Mao didn't speak, it was too sudden, he had thought a lot about their future and planned it all, but no matter what aspect, he didn't have a child.

He waved his hand, "I'll think about it again."

Su Qingbai's eyes were a little red, he turned around, "I see."

Jiang Mao was still thinking about Su Caicai, when he suddenly realized, Su Qingbai had already turned around and left the door.

Thinking of Su Qingbai saying "I know", Jiang Mao chased after him, "You know what you know?"

After receiving Su Cai Cai, Hu Hong, who was rougher than Jiang Mao, was at a loss. Holding Su Cai Cai was like holding a fragile object, and he didn't dare to move it.

Hu Hong looked at Su Caicai, who was looking at him expectantly, and was stunned. To be exaggerated, this is simply a miniature version of the young master!

Excitedly, he moved closer to Su Caicai, he thought that the young master would be a clean man, and that being with a man would be the end of his life, but he didn't expect that the young master had a child already, and they were all so old.

The son will not be extinct, and there is hope for the future of the Yue Palace.

After calming down, Hu Hong held Su Caicai even more cautiously.

Hu Hong had never been with children before, he was afraid that he would be rough on the old man, and accidentally hurt the little prince, so he said: "Little... young master, you can go down by yourself, and the subordinate will lead you, okay?" Hu Hong said softly.

Xiao Shizi looks white, fat and strong, he should be two years old!

Su Caicai couldn't understand what he said at all, so she blinked ignorantly.

Hu Hong slowly put him on the ground.

The next moment, Su Caicai plopped down on the ground.

Helpless, Hu Hong had no choice but to stop... it was his waist, and picked him up. Su Caicai lay flat on Hu Hong's big hands, and just carried him to the kitchen.

Hu Hong beckoned to buy a porridge, Su Caicai had just had a few sips when Su Qingbai hurried over, thanked him, and was about to leave with Su Caicai in his arms.

Watching Su Qingbai leave, Jiang Mao didn't catch up. It's only been a day, even if he has a strong ability to accept, he can't accept it right away, he has to think about it.

Jiang Mao was a little irritable. Thinking of that child, he was too angry just now, and he didn't pay attention to what the child looked like and how old he looked.