
Chapter 51


If you want to restore the freedom of the Su family, you must reverse the case. At the beginning, Du Cheng framed Su Lingchuan because of corruption and bribery. At that time, the evidence was not very sufficient. Du Cheng added a private letter between Su Lingchuan and the prime minister of the neighboring country. , Only then was he convicted. Ordinarily, this crime is quite serious. If it is really sentenced according to the law, the Su family will not just be exiled like this.

Why did the emperor send the Su family lightly

Because he also knew that Su Lingchuan was framed. The emperor was afraid of the power in Du Cheng's hands, and Du Cheng was determined to bring down Su Lingchuan. In addition, he had no evidence, so he did not overturn the case at that time.

While thinking about overturning the case for the Su family, Jiang Mao began to prepare for Su Qingbai's departure.

"What are you doing in a hurry to pack up? This case won't be over for a while, and I won't be able to leave after packing up." Su Qingbai said while feeding Su Caicai, who had just returned after playing all morning.

"Can't go?" Jiang Mao snorted softly, "Don't I even have the right to take someone away?"

This matter is very easy to handle, the sky is high here and the emperor is far away, as long as the county magistrate here is obedient and does not talk nonsense, everything will be easy to handle.

Moreover, so what if someone finds out? Who can make it difficult for Su Qingbai, a pawn

"Don't worry about it. Now it's only your family. When will we tell them?" As he spoke, Jiang Mao took Su Caicai after dinner, intending to wipe his mouth, but when he lowered his Nodding his head, his brows suddenly frowned, "Didn't this dress just change? Why is it dirty again?"

Said, Jiang Mao was going to carry him to change, Su Qingbai is lazy, he said: "Forget it! Children are like this, wait for him to come back at night and then change and wash well."

Jiang Mao felt that the son was too dirty to look at, so he hugged Su Caicai, changed his clothes, and even took a bath.

Su Caicai, who had been forcibly bathed three times today, was crying. He really didn't want to take a bath.

Seeing his son's grievance, Su Qingbai was so distressed, he hugged him and coaxed him, "It can't be helped, your old man always seems to be rolling in the mud when you go out to play for a while. When you come back, you always like to go to him , who is to blame?"

Su Caicai was so coaxable, just as the tears were falling back, Su Qingbai hugged him for a while, and his attention was attracted by other things. Then I got sleepy after playing for a while. Su Qingbai picked up Su Caicai, put it on the bed, and then lay down on it himself.

Ever since he learned that he had a cub in his stomach, Jiang Mao was not at ease, and has been guarding him every step of the way for the past few days. Su Qingbai is really bored. After taking a nap, Su Qingbai had nothing to do, so he took a bucket and went to the small river not far from the village, where he was going to fish.

"Father~" Su Qingbai took the bucket and the fishing rod, and heard a tender, sleepy voice calling him. He turned his head, Su Caicai struggled to get up from a large quilt.

Looking at Jiang Mao helplessly, he had no choice but to put down the things in his hands and go to serve the little ancestor.

"Jiang Mao, get him some underpants." Su Qingbai dug out the man naked, took off the wet little underpants, changed into the wet bedding, and stuffed the man inside again.

Hearing this, Jiang Mao put down the things in his hands and walked outside the house.

Jiang Mao's raising children is not as rough as Su Qingbai's. He can't see Su Caicai rolling in the mud, so he washes and changes them several times a day.

So up to now, there is no room for Su Caicai's small clothes and underpants to dry in the room. In desperation, Jiang Mao tied a straw rope among the willow trees not far outside the house, on which Su Caicai's clothes, pants, and a piece of wet sheet and bedding were hung every day.

Jiang Mao looked up, red ones, green ones, black ones, white ones, blue ones... The Su family made a lot of clothes for the little boy, and he even bought a lot for him. Hu Hong and Liu Yuqing came here often I'll bring a few more, Su Caicai's clothes are almost complete.

Jiang Mao brought the clothes, Su Caicai had woken up a long time ago, and stretched out a fat and short leg under the quilt, Su Qingbai caught the little fat foot in his hand, Su Qingbai gestured , the feet are small and white and tender, Su Qingbai smelled them closely, and they didn't smell bad at all.

Dress him up, and the family of three will go fishing together.

For a short distance, the two of them didn't carry him, and Su Caicai followed behind like a penguin.

In this small mountain village, every spring, you can see swimming fish everywhere in the river.

They took a fishing net and a fishing rod, because Su Qingbai was inconvenient, Jiang Mao asked him to sit there and fish obediently, and he brought Su Caicai with a fishing net.

Although the water was very shallow, Jiang Mao didn't let Su Caicai get close to the water, he put him on the shore.

Jiang Mao cast and retracted the net, catching several fish.

Su Qingbai, who was not far away and found nothing, was angry. Jiang Mao was very close to him, and when he closed the net, countless splashes were made. Su Caicai clapped his hands and giggled happily when he saw it, scaring away the fish on his side. up.

"Go further away, all the fish on my side are scared away by you."

The lively scene of a family of three made passers-by stop.


Hearing someone calling him, Su Qingbai stood up, not far away, Zhang Su and Xu Qian were walking towards him.

"Why are you here suddenly?" Su Qingbai went up to meet him.

Seeing who it was, Jiang Mao felt relieved and let Su Qingbai go, and he was still fishing with Su Caicai.

Zhang Su rubbed the bruise at the corner of his mouth, "I still want to ask you, why is Sun Zhe's grandson at your house? When I saw him suddenly just now, I was startled, couldn't hold back, and had a fight with him."

"Are you okay?" Su Qingbai asked.

Zhang Su squeezed Xu Qian's hand that wanted to touch his wound, and quickly said, "It's all right."

Su Qingbai felt relieved, and then asked them, "Why did you come here suddenly?"

"We came to see Uncle. We didn't see Uncle when we arrived at your house, so we wanted to come to the school to look for him." This is Xu Qian.

"My father should be in school right now." Su Qingbai looked at them, "But school is not over yet, you have to wait."

Zhang Su nodded, "Then we'll wait."

Su Qingbai nodded, thought about it, hesitated for a while, and brought them to Jiang Mao's house, "I'll pour you a cup of tea, and you wait while you do."

"Qingbai, whose house is this? It's not good for us to go in like this."

"Don't worry, it's fine." Su Qingbai didn't explain much, and he was also embarrassed.

Entering the house, after receiving the tea poured by Su Qingbai, Zhang Su and Xu Qian looked at the house, "Qingbai, whose house is this?" The house looked normal from the outside, but the inside was well tidied up. It can be seen that the owner of the house Still a fastidious person.

"My family." Su Qingbai lowered his head and took a sip of tea.

"Your family?" Zhang Su smiled, not convinced.

Su Qingbai pursed his lips, feeling a bit embarrassed, but he still said it, in a low voice, "I... a man's home."