
Chapter 54


As soon as Su Huai came, he saw his uncle being beaten by those two people, he became angry and beat him too.

His body was much stronger than Su Qingbai's. Standing in front of the thin Su Qingbai, he grabbed Sun Zhe by the collar and dragged him over. He raised his fist and punched him in the face several times.

"Su Qingbai, Su Huai!" Enraged by such an insult, Sun Zhe struggled away, then picked up a stool beside him and threw it at Su Qingbai and the others.

The two hurried away.

After a single hit, Sun Zhe picked up his stool and pressed forward again.

Jiang Mao's face turned pale when he saw this scene, he didn't bother to call his subordinates, and ran over by himself first.

Jiang Mao stood in front of Su Qingbai and took him into his arms to protect him. The next moment, Sun Zhe picked up the stool and smashed it up again, Su Huai hurriedly dodged, Jiang Mao and Su Qingbai couldn't dodge because they retreated to the corner.

No way, Jiang Mao stretched out his hand to stop him.

"My lord!" Hu Hong and the two who came a step late kicked him away from behind.

"My lord! How are you?" Liu Yuqing hurried over to check Jiang Mao's hand, "Let my subordinates take a look for you."

Jiang Mao waved his hand, "I'm fine, let's see if Qingbai and the child are alright first?"

"Don't worry about me, Sun Zhe didn't hit me, hurry up! Hurry up! Come and see Jiang Mao first." Su Qingbai was close, and he could clearly see that Jiang Mao's painful forehead was sweating.

Knowing that Su Qingbai was fine, Jiang Mao immediately felt relieved, and let Liu Yuqing help him check the wound on his hand.

Fortunately, Jiang Mao's hand didn't hit the stool directly on it, but smashed it from the side of the stool, so his hand was not hurt so badly.

After everything calmed down, Jiang Mao let go of Su Qingbai and walked towards the Sun family father and son.

Hu Hong had already restrained the person, and when he saw the face of the person, the Sun family father and son felt chills, knowing that he was in serious trouble.

"Yue? The king of Yue?" The person who came was actually the king of Yue.

Jiang Mao went up and kicked him to the ground.

"Tie it up." For this person who almost hurt Qingbai and his child, no matter how good-tempered Jiang Mao was, he would never let him go.

Sun Zhe was in a cold sweat, "Yue, King Yue, you can't touch me."

"Can't touch you?" Jiang Mao smiled.

Sun Zhe nodded courageously, and reported his family background with him, "The next official was sent by the third prince to do important things."

He thought about it carefully, so what if King Yue is a prince? In the end, it's not that he is not qualified to compete for the throne. In the end, he is not the same as himself, working for the third prince together, and being the third prince's courtier together

Thinking of this, Sun Zhe took the courage to move out the third prince, "His Royal Highness, the delay of the third prince is not something we can afford?"

"Third prince?" Jiang Mao snorted coldly, and frowned in disgust when he heard the name, as if he had never heard of Sun Zhe's threat, and ordered Hu Hong: "Break your leg and throw it out."

"Don't!" Su Qingbai hurriedly stopped him, "You really beat him, what if he offends the third prince, what will he do to you?" Although he is ignorant, but these days, he has listened to his father and his father a lot. When Zhang Su talked about those bad things in the capital, he naturally knew that although Jiang Mao had the name of a prince and some money, he actually didn't have much power, the fiefdom was small, and his military strength was not much. The emperor didn't like him either. No acquaintance. How could such Jiang Mao be the enemy of the powerful third prince

"Don't be afraid, such a young man is not worth the effort of the third prince to deal with me." Seeing that Su Qingbai still looked worried, he smiled and comforted him, "I'm not afraid even if the third prince really comes." Seeing Su Qingbai still looked worried , Jiang Mao squeezed his hand, "You still don't believe your husband?"

Su Qingbai had to let him go.

On the side, Su Lingchuan, who was holding Su Caicai, suddenly said, "What happened to the child you just mentioned?"

Su Qingbai didn't look at his father, "Father, I, I, I... have a child."

Su Lingchuan's chest heaved and heaved in anger. When Su Qingbai and Jiang Mao were let live, he never thought that they could sleep under the quilt all the time. But he never thought that this man would make his son pregnant again so soon.

Su Lingchuan suddenly felt that he was going to be bad.

With a long sigh, it was his fault too. How could he have thought that his son would grow up to be proper when he grew up, and after knowing his physique, he would grow up by himself

The spring breeze blew the willow branches, and under the swaying willow branches, Jiang Mao and a group of men erected a row of fences by the river.

Su Caicai's calves are becoming more and more agile, it's too dangerous for children to play by the river all the time. Jiang Mao was worried, and spent several days enclosing the surrounding river banks.

Not far away, Su Qingbai sat there surrounded by children. To be more precise, there is a circle of children around Su Caicai beside Su Qingbai.

Su Caicai, a boy, is too smug, but seeing a girl with a wreath on her head, Su Qingbai must tie one for him too.

Su Qingbai was clumsy, and it took him a long time to tie one up with willow branches. After tying it up, he randomly picked a few wild flowers on the ground and inserted them, making it a garland.

Jiang Mao had been watching the father and son not far away, now Su Caicai took his toy and went to play with his friends, only Su Qingbai was sitting there alone. However, he was not idle, he took a knife and cut there for a long time.

When Jiang Mao finished his work and came over, he had already put away the knife, and looked in the direction of the Su family from a distance, with a melancholy expression on his face.

Jiang Mao knew what was on his mind, so he sat beside him and took him into his arms. "How about... Let's go back and have a look."

Su Qingbai shook his head almost without thinking, "Forget it."

There was such a commotion a few days ago, but I was angry with him, so I just said I don't care about him. Several times he went to find his father, but his father didn't even look at him. He looked really annoyed.

In addition, it is the matter of Sun Zhe and his son. After all, Sun Zhe and his son are the family members of the second sister-in-law. Jiang Mao ordered someone to discount Sun Zhe's legs. An explanation from her, an explanation to his brother.

Su Qingbai's head is too big to think about all these piles.

Knowing that he was troubled, Jiang Mao leaned over and kissed him comfortingly, Su Qingbai was restless, when Jiang Mao kissed him, it was rare for him to take the initiative to kiss him back.

"...Qingbai." The son was pregnant, Madam Su was worried to take a look at it, but when she saw this scene, her old face was burning, she hurriedly turned around and called him.

Su Qingbai was startled, he immediately moved his mouth away from Jiang Mao's, stood up abruptly, and saw his mother standing there, "Mom, why are you here?"