
Chapter 55


Mrs. Su took a look at Jiang Mao, and quickly pulled him over, "Come here, Mother has something to say to you."

Su Qingbai nodded to Mrs. Su, then turned back and pulled Jiang Mao's hand, signaling him to wait, not wanting to be seen by Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su immediately turned black, she just wanted to talk to him, and she couldn't leave him for a while. It's sticky, so it's strange that it's not pregnant.

"Mother—" At this moment Su Qingbai was also a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that his mother would see him making out with Jiang Mao.

Until Su Qingbai was seventeen years old, Mrs. Su took care of his basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. What shameful things about him have Mrs. Su never seen

Mrs. Su is used to talking about him. She was embarrassed to say more about the matter between her son and his wife, but for the sake of her son, she was embarrassed to say a few words, "It's broad daylight, and you still have children, how dare you talk to me?" Playing around outside?"

"Mother, today was an accident." After explaining something, Su Qingbai quickly changed the subject, "By the way, mother, do you have something to do with me?"

Mrs. Su just remembered the purpose, and pulled Su Qingbai to tell a lot of precautions for pregnancy.

Although it is not the first time for Su Qingbai, it is actually not much better than the first time. Mrs. Su knows that his son is lazy and sloppy, and his mind does not love or remember things, so she repeatedly told him, "Mom, let's go in and sit down." Speak slowly." After talking for a long time, Su Qingbai's legs became numb, so he dragged Mrs. Su into the room.

Mrs. Su also understood that he had a child, so she nodded and followed him in.

After the mother and son sat down, Su Qingbai poured a cup of tea for Mrs. Su, "By the way, mother, how is my father these days?"

Mrs. Su picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then glared at him, saying: "Not good. Your father is really angry with you."

Having said that, Madam Su didn't care much about who Jiang Mao was after accepting that he was with her son.

Su Qingbai rubbed his head, "I didn't do it on purpose." He explained to Mrs. Su, "My father didn't want to see him at all, if he confessed early, he would definitely not agree."

Mrs. Su didn't comment on this, she picked up the teacup and took another sip, then brought up Su Qingbai to talk about pregnancy precautions, as for those official affairs, she didn't know much about it, and she didn't plan to say more.

Sending Madam Su away, Su Qingbai came outside the house, "Jiang Mao." Su Qingbai waved to him.

"Here we come." Jiang Mao walked over and touched Su Qingbai's stomach habitually, "I'll take a look at the child."

Su Qingbai slapped his hand away, "It's still outside the house, you should pay attention, don't touch your hands, just now my mother scolded me, it's embarrassing." Speaking of it, it was just this one time, Just happened to be bumped into by his mother.

Jiang Mao didn't even know what to say about him, just now he was only planning to have a taste of it, but Su Qingbai came up to meet him, how could he let him go? Then there was a commotion, and Mrs. Su bumped into her.

Su Qingbai seemed to have thought of this too, felt guilty, and fell silent after saying a few words.

Jiang Mao grabbed his hand with a smile, and talked to him about other things, "I want to see your father as soon as possible and talk to him."

Hearing this, Su Qingbai is also a little wilted, they will have two babies, for the future of the two babies, it is impossible for them to live in this city, and they will have to go back sooner or later. The two of them discussed it, and it was best to leave as soon as possible.

"Let me go, I'll find a chance to talk to my father." Even if his father is still angry with him, he must find a chance to talk to his father. Jiang Mao was originally unambitious, and he planned to give up this easy life for such a family, so he had no reason not to work hard.

Jiang Mao didn't answer, just squeezed his hand.

The little action made Su Qingbai calm down a lot, yes, no matter where he goes, he is not alone.

"By the way, where is your son?" Su Qingbai, an irresponsible father, took a long time to think of his son.

"I'll let someone watch from the sidelines. Let's go pick him up."

In fact, Su Caicai didn't go too far, because his toys were a bit difficult to hold, and he and his friends played not far away.

"Cai Cai—" From afar, Su Qingbai saw his son bent over and pouted, pinching or playing with something on the ground with his little hands.

After hearing this, Su Caicai straightened up her waist and looked over, her voice was tender, but her voice was not small, "Father~Dad~" The voice was trembling, it seemed that she was tired from playing.

Seeing the dirty Su Caicai rushing towards him, Su Qingbai quickly moved away. Su Caicai didn't care too much, he was used to his father's dislike, and his little heart had become very strong.

Don't hug, but you must hold hands and go home.

Jiang Mao also hated him, so he carried him to the side of a small puddle, picked up the water to wash his paws, "Well, well, let's go."

The family of three held hands and were about to walk back when suddenly a child's voice came, "Cai Cai, wait."

Su Qingbai turned around and saw a little mud monkey running over that was dirtier than Su Caicai. It was the first time Su Qingbai saw someone looking for Su Caicai, and asked him with a smile, "Is Xiaowa'er and our Caicai friends?"

The little mud monkey nodded restrainedly, then handed over the bamboo tube with mud in his hand, "Cai Cai, here you are."

Su Caicai took it, no matter what it was, stuffed it directly into the pocket in front of her stomach, took his father's hand again, and walked back.

When I went back, I took a bath for Su Caicai as usual, and changed my clothes.

Touching the bamboo tube, Su Qingbai smiled and said to Jiang Mao: "This is the first time Cai Cai has received a gift from a friend, it is worth remembering." After speaking, he washed it.

Su Caicai, who was sitting on the bed wearing a small bellyband and was washing white, stretched out her hand when she saw it, "Father, yes, yes."

Su Qingbai is a loving father most of the time, he smiled and passed the bamboo tube over.

After tidying up, Jiang Mao went to cook, and Su Qingbai played with Su Caicai in the room. He said he was playing with Su Caicai, but in fact it was father and son playing separately. Su Qingbai took out a knife to carve things - he suddenly became interested in this recently.

Su Caicai was holding the bamboo tube at the side, with her teeth and hands together, biting and pulling, trying to open the bamboo tube.

Su Caicai didn't open it after playing for a long time, Su Qingbai didn't care when he saw it, and still played with his own.

After a while, Su Caicai finally found a small piece of hemp rope tied on the bamboo tube. He stretched out his little finger and gently pulled it, and the bamboo tube cover was lifted by him.

"Father, here it is."

Hearing this, Su Qingbai raised his head to look over, and saw Su Caicai's two fat and short fingers sticking into the bamboo tube to pinch a frog.

In the kitchen, Jiang Mao was cooking, when he heard Su Caicai crying loudly.

There was also Su Qingbai's roar, "You son of a bitch, throw everything on the bed."

Hearing that the two were arguing, Jiang Mao, the unscrupulous father, didn't care. He smiled and worked harder.