
Chapter 57


Su Lingchuan sighed, "Go back and talk to him, so that he doesn't bother with this matter." It is impossible to reverse the case, unless... Du Cheng is down, the third prince is down.

But they simply can't do it.

Su Lingchuan thinks so, and Jiang Mao thinks so too, overturning the case, so what if overturning the case, if someone has power and power, if they want to torment you, it is not a simple matter to charge you with a crime

Therefore, Jiang Mao decided to choose a once-and-for-all method, not only to reverse the case of the Su family, but also because the third prince sent someone to kill him.

The third prince had sent someone to hunt down and kill Jiang Mao, and he probably hasn't given up the idea of killing Jiang Mao so far. It is even more impossible for Jiang Mao to get along with him in harmony. It will be a matter of time before he tears his face.

The third prince can't tolerate him, if he doesn't resist, he will die sooner or later.

"I understand your thinking, but we have no power or power, so going back and fighting with him like this is not like hitting a rock with an egg.

"After Su Lingchuan said a few words, Su Qingbai threw Su Caicai to Su Lingchuan, and came back at night to talk about it again with Jiang Mao.

Jiang Mao smiled, unbuttoning his trouser belt, and stretched his hand in, "Don't worry, since I dare to say it, I must be a little sure." After thinking for a while, he said again, "My subordinate There must be more than that on the surface." As he spoke, he stretched his hand inward again.

Cangzhou is close to a powerful neighboring country, and his father still doesn't like him. If he didn't have some power of his own, how could he survive in Cangzhou and earn a large fortune

Su Qingbai pulled his hand out and glared at him, "Speak as soon as you talk, what are you doing with your hands and feet?" The key is that Jiang Mao always touches but doesn't do it, and Jiang Mao withdraws whenever he feels interested.

Hearing this, Jiang Mao pulled him into his arms and took off his pants. After having a child, he took the child into account and endured it all the time. He couldn't eat it in his mouth, so he couldn't touch it

"Son of a bitch!"

So, this night, even without Su Caicai, the house would not be quiet.

The next day, Su Caicai returned home, and it was Su Huai who sent him off.

Su Qingbai said as usual, "Let's stay for a meal."

In the past, Su Huai definitely agreed. But now he doesn't dare anymore, thinking of Jiang Mao's identity, how can he eat it? He waved his hand and left.

The moment he said he was going to the capital, Jiang Mao was already making preparations.

He planned to take Su Qingbai with him. Although being a carriage is a bit bumpy, it is not good for Su Qingbai's health, but if Su Qingbai is left here alone, his life will definitely be worse than going to the capital with him.

Moreover, he spent a lot of money to specially find someone to make a carriage, which was quite large and less bumpy. When the time comes, walk a little slower and it should be fine.

I told Su Qingbai this, and Su Qingbai agreed without thinking about it.

Su Qingbai has his own considerations. On the same day, he went to his elder brother and sister-in-law to borrow money.

That's right, Su Qingbai wants to start a small business. Because of that little self-esteem, Su Qingbai didn't have the nerve to ask Jiang Mao for a loan.

Su Huai might get married when he went out, Su Qingyang didn't spend much money in other places, and when he heard that he wanted to go into business, he asked Mrs. Su to give him five taels of silver.

Su Qingbai thanked him, five taels of silver, plus some he had saved, would be enough.

The border town is more remote, so there are many good things, but it is difficult to transport them out. There are also merchants who come to collect things, but because the road is not easy to walk and it is not very peaceful, they don't come very often.

Su Qingbai bought a lot of medicinal materials and tea locally that couldn't grow near the capital.

Jiang Mao watched him busy and didn't stop him, and even went with him in his spare time, paying attention to him from time to time. He is also a man, and he can understand men's desire to have a career of their own.

Everything has been tidied up, and now there are only two big problems that have not been resolved. One is that he has not said goodbye to Su Lingchuan, and the other is Su Caicai.

Who knows, Su Lingchuan probably heard the news from somewhere, and came to the door by himself.

"Father~" Su Qingbai looked at his father cowardly.

Su Lingchuan glared at him, "If your elder brother hadn't told me that you were going to do business, would you have kept it from me again?"

Su Qingbai touched his head, "Isn't it because I'm afraid you won't agree, we haven't figured out how to tell you for a while."

Su Lingchuan sighed, "Do you have to go?"

Su Qingbai handed him a cup of tea in a doggy manner, pretending to be relaxed, "Father, I know what you want to say, don't worry, we will be careful, if things can't be done, we will come back, just treat it as a crime." Went to business."

Su Lingchuan looked at Jiang Mao again.

Jiang Mao called uncle respectfully.

Su Lingchuan sighed, and took out four letters from his bosom, "I still know a few people in the capital, some of my students and close friends, who went to the capital, you take my letter and go to them to look after them .”

Jiang Mao respectfully continued.

"Father." Su Qingbai thought over and over again, and decided not to take Su Caicai, he said to Su Lingchuan, "Caicai is still young, it is inconvenient for me to take him to the capital, so I will ask you and mother to take care of him for a while." day."

Su Lingchuan nodded, "I'll pick up Cai Cai then."

After Su Lingchuan left, Jiang Mao looked at the signature of the recipient on Su Lingchuan's letter, and was shocked by the people above.

Including Bai Canning, whom Su Qingbai had mentioned to him, the rest were either in important positions or highly respected. What surprised him the most was that there were Li Jing and Li Shangshu who were rumored to be at odds with Su Lingchuan.

Jiang Mao suddenly didn't know what Su Lingchuan meant. These people are not idle people. If they can win them over, they will be able to sit on an equal footing with the third prince, and even overwhelm him. Su Lingchuan introduced these people to him...

Su Caicai was the most unhappy when he was going to the capital. He hugged his father's neck with his fleshy little hands and cried loudly. He didn't even care about his father beating him a few days ago.

How can Su Qingbai hold such a small thing without softening his heart? But he can't help it, Su Caicai is still young, and his basic necessities are much weaker, let alone travel long distances.

"Baby, Daddy will be back soon, stay at home and listen to grandpa, okay?"

Su Caicai just cried, he hugged Su Qingbai and did not let go, "Hi... woo woo... I don't, woo... Dad, dad."

Su Qingbai hugged him with a wry smile, and when it was time to separate, Su Qingbai realized how much he cherished this little thing, even when he made troubles in normal times, he was so cute.

In the end, Su Caicai was tired from crying and crying, and fell asleep.

Su Qingbai held him, reluctant to let go.

Jiang Mao wiped Su Caicai's tears with a handkerchief, and pulled her to bed, "Go to bed early." If it is said that the people in the world who are the rarest of Su Caicai, besides the two elders of the Su family, are Jiang Mao Yes, the little thing was coaxed by him to call him daddy a while ago, and now he is leaving, and when he comes back, he doesn't know if he still remembers his daddy.

At night, the two of them put Su Caicai between them and hugged him to sleep. They will leave early tomorrow.