
Chapter 66


When Jiang Mao returned home, he went directly to the bedroom. There were several heaters outside the bedroom where the water was boiling and overflowing. Jiang Mao took off his heavy winter clothes, scooped the boiling water in the basin into the wooden barrel on the ground, and Added cold water to it.

Opening the curtain in the inner room, it was a little quiet inside, and the people inside seemed to hear him coming in, making a sound of "嘿, ah".

Jiang Mao stepped over the threshold and walked in, and saw that Jiang Fanfan, who was covered with a small quilt on the bed, was rarely asleep, and looked at him with eyes that looked very much like his brother.

Smiling and hugging him upright into his arms, it is better not to fall asleep all the time during the day, or he will be tossing people again at night.

Compared with Su Caicai, this little one was born in much better conditions in all aspects, and they didn't need to worry too much about food, clothing and food. Liu Yu had already prepared everything early in the morning.

Jiang Fanfan's clothes were also prepared by Liu Yuqing, they were extremely thick, and when a child lay there wearing them, only his little hands could shake them slightly.

I was playing with the children when a maid came in. She was looking after Jiang Fanfan. She just went to relieve her. It didn't take long. It happened that Jiang Mao came back in this short period of time. .

The maid hurriedly knelt down and pleaded guilty, hearing that her reasons were reasonable, Jiang Mao didn't bother with her, and asked her while hugging her son, "Where is Mr. Su?"

The servant girl was probably a little afraid of Jiang Mao, she lowered her head and replied, "Mr. Su was still teasing the little prince just now, but now I don't know where Mr. Su has gone."

Hearing this, Jiang Mao put Jiang Fanfan on the bed, intending to find Su Qingbai, when he passed by the servant girl, Jiang Mao stopped, "Don't call him your son from now on."

The servant girl was taken aback, the prince doesn't want the little prince to inherit his throne in the future? But the prince seems to like Xiao Shizi so much.

Jiang Mao didn't know what was going on in her mind, so after thinking about it, he continued, "Call the second young master." After speaking, he left.

Only then did the servant girl realize what the prince meant... Isn't the young master the prince's eldest son

Here Jiang Mao came out, asked the servants in the mansion, and went all the way to the back kitchen.

Before Jiang Mao was not there, he took Hu Hong and Liu Yuqing out. The back kitchen of the palace was idle, so he raised five pigs. Now that the pigs have grown up, it is time to slaughter them.

The back kitchen plans to make one end today, and save the rest for the Chinese New Year. Su Qingbai had nothing to do, so he came to the back kitchen to watch the fun.

Leaning against the fence, he even squeezed a handful of melon seeds, looking at them while knocking them.

Liu Wei on the side reminded him thoughtfully, "My lord, why don't you eat it?"

Su Qingbai had never seen a butcher before, so he glanced at him for some reason.

While the two were talking, the invited butcher began sharpening his knife.

Su Qingbai glanced at it, his face was a little purple, he threw the melon seeds away, and turned his head to leave without saying that he was about to kill a pig.

As soon as he took a step, Su Qingbai was grabbed by someone. When he saw it, it was Jiang Mao.

Slapping Jiang Mao's hand away, Su Qingbai said, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Mao came over with a smile.

Su Qingbai doesn't have time to play with him right now, he just wants to find a place to vomit, "Don't pull me, you go away."

Jiang Mao deliberately refused to let him go, and smiled and wrapped him in his arms, "I heard that you came to see the slaughter of pigs as soon as I got home next morning. How about it? Do you think it's fun?"

Su Qingbai tried his best to break free from him, "What a joke, let me go."

It seems that the pig butcher's skills are not very good. After a while, the pig is still screaming, Su Qingbai really can't listen to it anymore.

This time Jiang Mao really listened to his words and let him go. Seeing Su Qingbai walk away a few steps, Jiang Mao rolled up his sleeves and said: "This pig-killing skill is not good. It's been a while and the pig is still screaming. Let's see." Look at mine, the preservation is better than his craft."

Hu Hong said with a smile on the side: "When the palace was still poor, the prince was still young, and he brought us together to kill pigs."

At that time, it was probably when Jiang Hao first passed through, the Yue Palace wanted everything, and they had just started to earn money, and they had to do everything by themselves. He and Hu Hong had done all kinds of dirty work.

Su Qingbai turned around and said: "Don't." He avoided the butcher and the pig, walked up to Jiang Mao and dragged him away, gritted his teeth, and said harshly: "If you dare to go, don't even think about it for a month." Go to bed."

A few big men on the side blushed when they heard this. Although everyone knew about Mr. Su and his prince, they still couldn't help blushing when they yelled so loudly.

Jiang Mao smiled and walked away with him, he was just teasing Su Qingbai on purpose, he didn't really want to kill a pig, and he didn't have the effort.

After returning to the house, they stayed outside for a while, and then entered the house after the cold air on their bodies had gone.

Not long after, Jiang Fanfan fell asleep again.

Su Qingbai sat on the edge of the bed, grabbed his little hand and shook it, but he didn't respond at all.

"Don't let him sleep, or it's time to make trouble at night." Jiang Mao pulled a stool, sat aside and looked at the father and son and said.

This little bastard sleeps deeply during the day, even in thunder and rain, but he refuses to sleep at night, it's dark, he can't sleep, and the adults who are tossing have to get up to accompany him.

Jiang Mao was busy with business during the day, so he didn't have the energy to accompany him at night, Su Qingbai hadn't recovered well, and couldn't stay up late. Because of this, they really had no choice but to find a maid to watch him.

Su Qingbai passed the fleshy little paw he was holding in his hand to Jiang Mao's side, and said, "Come here." The little thing was sleeping soundly, and he couldn't bear to wake him up.

Jiang Mao looked at the chubby, snoring little fleshy face, and found an excuse to go out, Su Qingbai couldn't bear it, and neither did he.

After dinner in the evening, Jiang Fanfan's eyes opened on time, and finally coaxed him well and handed him over to the maid, and the two of them went to bed to rest.

After taking off his clothes, Jiang Mao took him into his arms, "Did Cai Cai make such a fuss when she was so big?"

Su Qingbai rubbed against his neck, and said with a smile: "Cai Cai was easy to coax before, much better than this bastard." But after thinking about it again, he said: "Don't mention it, when I was younger, I was quite obedient , but when you get a little older, you start to toss people, the two brothers are not the same, you don't even know... "

Jiang Mao smiled and listened to him talking about the eldest son when he was a baby, until he fell asleep while talking.