
Chapter 84


After the Chinese New Year, Jiang Mao handed over the paperwork for establishing a son, but there was no news for several days.

Jiang Mao frowned, he knew that someone must have suppressed the paper on purpose, so he waited patiently for a few days, he went to court on time every day, leaving early and returning late.

In the past few days, he handed out the booklets every day, not wanting to be lost forever.

At the same time, a major event happened to the Su family. After taking back the property, Su Lingchuan decided to move to a farm in the countryside.

In the evening, the two of them came to Su Caicai's room to put him to sleep, and they forgot about putting his son to sleep when they talked about the Su family's moving.

While Su Qingbai was talking to him, he lay down and said to Jiang Mao, "beat my back." The two cubs were really tossing and making a lot of trouble. After a day, he was exhausted.

"When does uncle plan to move?" Jiang Mao asked Su Qingbai while squeezing his shoulders.

"I will move the day after tomorrow." Su Qingbai lay on the bed and hummed comfortably, "Father plans to say goodbye to the old friends who have been walking around during this time tomorrow and move."

Su Caicai was playing at his feet with her bare buttocks. As he spoke, Su Qingbai clamped Su Caicai with his calf and scratched him.

"Then I will free up the day after tomorrow to help."

"No need, my parents just came to the capital, and I don't have much luggage. When the time comes, my brothers and I will go and finish the move in one trip. Your business is urgent, so don't delay."

Hearing this, Jiang Mao disagreed, pinched the tender flesh on Su Qingbai's waist, and said, "How can that be done? Everyone has gone, how can my son-in-law not go?"

"Son-in-law? Son-in-law, your mother's legs." Su Qingbai squinted his eyes to listen to him, but immediately exploded when he heard these words.

son in law? Is this treating him as those married girls

The word "son-in-law" stabbed Su Qingbai at once, saying that he stood up abruptly and straightened his waist, trying to throw Jiang Mao who was sitting on his waist down.

The next moment, there was a sound of bones, Jiang Hao was not thrown by him, but he threw himself on the bed again, Su Qingbai quickly put his hands on his waist and screamed: "Aww, my waist——"

Su Caicai was so frightened that she sat down on the quilt, Jiang Mao hurriedly sat up, and asked him with a smile: "Are you okay?"

Su Qingbai was so annoyed that he gave him an elbow, "Get out."

Jiang Mao really left, he went out and called Liu Yuqing to come in.

Liu Yuqing looked at Su Qingbai's waist meaningfully, and Su Qingbai was even more annoyed, but in front of Liu Yuqing, he still took care of Jiang Mao's face and did not get angry at Jiang Mao.

Liu Yuqing showed the injury on his waist and said that it was not serious, so the two were relieved.

After twisting his waist, Su Qingbai didn't dare to make trouble anymore. He lay on the bed, holding Su Caicai in his arms, and said, "What should I do? My waist is twisted."

Jiang Mao poured him a cup of tea, "Just do as I said, I'll go, you rest at home."

Su Qingbai took the teacup and drank it down, "That's the only way to go."

In the evening, after Jiang Mao helped Su Qingbai wash up, the two lay on the bed and talked.

"We've been together for several years." Su Qingbai suddenly thought of something, looked sideways at him and said, "It feels weird that you call me father and uncle."

Jiang Mao touched his waist, and immediately said: "I will change my mouth when I see Uncle in the future."

"Changed it?" Su Qingbai asked him interestedly, "Changed it to what?"

"Changed to father-in-law..." Before he finished speaking, Su Qingbai's hand moved towards his waist, making a gesture to pinch him, Jiang Mao quickly hugged Su Qingbai, "Of course it's inappropriate."

Su Qingbai nodded in satisfaction, then let him go, and didn't talk to him more about it.

On the third day, Jiang Mao really set aside a day to help Su Lingchuan move.

Now he is the only one left in Xu Qian's family. He doesn't care about fame and wealth, and he doesn't pursue a rich life. Xu Qian plans to follow the Su family to settle in a farm outside the capital.

Early in the morning, Xu Qian got up early with Su Qin in his arms. While looking at Su Qin, he watched the house go up and down.

As soon as Jiang Mao came, Xu Qian, who was playing outside with Su Qin in his arms, saw him, and hurried back to report, "Uncle Su, the carriage from the Yue Palace is here."

Su Lingchuan, Bai Canning, Li Jing and others who came to see him off hurriedly got up and went out to meet him.

There were not many salutes in the Su family, and there were not many people brought by Jiang Mao. He came here this time mainly to do his best for Su Qingbai.

Jumping off the carriage, Jiang Mao looked at the piled-up carriage and thought he was late, the Su family had already cleaned up, so he hurried in.

Seeing Su Lingchuan coming out, Jiang Mao paused, then cupped his hands and said, "Father."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Su Lingchuan was startled by his sudden cry, and helped Bai Canning to cough several times.

Not only Su Lingchuan, but the rest of the people were also shocked when they saw this incident. Fortunately, they were concerned about Jiang Mao's identity and didn't want to offend Jiang Mao, so they didn't get too entangled in this matter.

After some tidying up, the Su family saluted and cleaned up almost, Su Lingchuan led the family to send away their colleagues and friends who came to see them off, and finally only Bai Cangning and Jiang Mao were left.

"Where's Qingbai?" Su Lingchuan asked him at this moment.

"Qingbai sprained his waist, so I came here for him." Jiang Mao replied, "But don't worry, it's nothing serious."

Su Lingchuan nodded, and said politely to him: "It's almost done now, go get busy with the business, don't delay the business because of my trivial matter."

Jiang Mao agreed to come down and left a few people to help.

Looking at Jiang Mao's disappearing figure, Bai Canning's eyes were complicated, "Teacher, what's the relationship between you and King Yue..."? Let him run around for the Su family, and come here because of this little housewarming

Su Lingchuan didn't hide it from him, and told the truth about the relationship between Su Qingbai and Jiang Mao.

Bai Canning heard this, and his attitude towards Jiang Mao changed drastically. He no longer only regarded him as a prince who had nothing to do with him, but a "son-in-law" who had a close relationship with the teacher.

Su Lingchuan didn't know what was going on in his mind, and sighed: "I'm used to being a countryman, but I'm not used to it when I first came back to the capital, and now I can finally leave with peace of mind when it comes to such things as the Qing court."