
Chapter 90


With a flick of a finger, Su Caicai is now at the age where she can recite a few poems with Su Lingchuan.

"Aww..." This was Jiang Fanfan, who was a little reluctant to see Su Caicai follow Su Lingchuan to school, so he lay on his grandmother's shoulder and screamed.

Mrs. Su patted his chubby buttocks, coaxing: "Be good, Fanfan, my brother is off to study, and he will be back in the evening."

Mrs. Su has completely lost her initial defense and slight dislike towards Jiang Fanfan, and now she holds her in her arms like a baby all day long, even if she is dying, she is willing to hold her all the time.

Jiang Fanfan looked at grandma tearfully with his finger in his mouth, trying in vain to let grandma call the shots and let his brother stay and play with him.


This is Su Qingbai, he raised his hand and slapped Jiang Fanfan's pouting buttocks, these two brothers are really wrong, one and both like to eat fingers, "Take your hands out of your mouth."

When he was still a teenager, Su Qingbai was chased away by his father with a stick all the year round. Su Qingbai decided that he would never beat him when he had a child. Stop beating him. Su Qingbai gradually began to feel that the saying that a filial son is born under a stick is very reasonable.

"Crack!" Mrs. Su slapped Su Qingbai's hand away and gave him a look, "The child is still so young, can't he speak well?"

Su Qingbai had no choice but to think, you tell others, will they listen? Do people remember it

How many times have I said this, it is completely useless.

Unable to offend the younger one, Su Qingbai ran to see the older one.

Su Caicai is going to school with Su Lingchuan now. At this moment, he was being hugged by Su Lingchuan, but his head was tilted up, his watermelon belly was heaving and falling, and he still looked like he was not awake.

Su Qingbai took two steps forward, and saw Su Caicai suddenly tilted his head, and the saliva fell down Su Lingchuan's clothes along his chubby face.

This man is also a god. His younger brother howled and shouted at him for a long time, but he didn't even open his eyes.

Seeing Su Qingbai walking this way, Su Lingchuan probably guessed that the precious grandson in his arms was going to be scolded again, so he turned to Mrs. Su and said, "Let's make the lunch lighter today." Seeing Mrs. Su's promise, he He hurriedly said, "Then I'm leaving."

Su Qingbai was left alone in the main room staring.

"Ai—" The son went away in a hurry and was not by his side. Su Qingbai couldn't worry about them, so he sat down and drank tea.

It has been more than a year since Jiang Mao left, Cai Cai is about three years old and almost four years old, and Fan Fan is also one and a half years old.

Su Qingbai frowned, since Jiang Mao left, he would write to him almost every month, and the war was rarely mentioned in the letters, both good and bad, sometimes making him happy and sometimes worrying him. Fortunately, although he has been in constant trouble, the general trend is still developing in a good direction.

Du Cheng didn't have a good reputation among the people. People's impression of him was only that he was a prime minister, but now he colluded with the enemy to rebel, so not many people responded to him. His main support came from courtiers with whom he had an interest, as well as from enemy armies.

Jiang Mao's name is right and sound, under the banner of suppressing the rebellion, with elite soldiers and good generals, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible against Du Cheng's unacceptable enemy army who came from afar and the mob gathered for interests.

One month ago, Su Qingbai received a letter saying that most of the enemy's army had been lost, and the few remaining were forced to return to other countries. Du Cheng's situation was over.

In fact, little Du Cheng wouldn't have spent so long on him two years ago. It's just that in the past two years, Du Cheng ruled out dissidents, and many pillars of the country were murdered and demoted, which greatly reduced the available talents of the court. This is also the reason why no one dared to put down the rebellion before, and in the end, there was no way to let Jiang Mao, who was used to business but a half-baked man in war, go.

According to the news from various sources, Jiang Mao should be back soon, but now, there is no news of Jiang Mao Feifan's return, and even the monthly letter has been cut off.

Su Qingbai couldn't help worrying in his heart.

"This is peach blossom." Su Qingbai sat at the door of the wine shop, holding two chubby ones on his left and right, sitting on his knees, pointing to the delicate and beautiful peach blossoms that were full of trees.

"Peaches." Su Caicai drooled while holding her chubby face. He ate the peaches on the tree last year and never forgot it every year.

"Fat?" Jiang Fanfan only grasped the last word from Su Qingbai's mouth, he didn't understand it very well, and asked his brother in a daze.

Su Qingbai glanced at the two in his arms, and was about to explain when he suddenly saw the guy inside running out and said to him: "Boss, someone is causing trouble."

Su Qingbai had no choice but to put down the two people in his arms, and went into the room to have a look.

Su Qingbai went into the room and saw that it was not a big deal, it was a guest who got drunk and made a fuss in the wine shop.

When I came out after dealing with it, I found that the two brothers were no longer sitting where they were.

Not far away, Su Caicai asked someone to move a stool, and he stepped on the stool to pick flowers. Under the stool, Jiang Fanfan circled around the stool.

The stool was not very stable, but fortunately there was a servant underneath to support it.

Su Qingbai didn't care about them, he sat aside and watched, watching Su Caicai pick a few flowers, and then insert them into Jiang Fanfan's little hair. everywhere.

After the peach blossoms had finished blooming, the news of Jiang Mao came back. It was not Jiang Mao's previous letter, but someone from the court.

The news is very bad. I heard that Jiang Mao was assassinated on the way back to the imperial court.

Su Qingbai Tavern was full of people coming and going, and they heard the news almost immediately.

When he first heard the news, his heartbeat almost stopped, and then he held his chest and slowly sat down on the stool.

But...it was not the first time Jiang Mao was assassinated, every time he was fine, he lived with him for several years, and had two children with him.

There are so many people protecting him this time, it's impossible for anything to happen.

Su Qingbai raised his head and asked the boy who came to report, "How is the king of Yue now? Didn't he get hurt?"