
Chapter 91


How could the servant know what Su Qingbai asked? He also heard from people who were drinking and resting outside. Although the news was obtained from people's gossip, the credibility is still very high. This is not just one person, many people They are all talking about these things.

As for what happened to the king of Yue now, it is unknown.

Su Qingbai's head was a little dizzy, and he held back his worries. He thought for a while, and then told the shopkeeper, "Take care of the two young masters, I'll go and see what's going on."

After finishing speaking, he got on the horse brought by the boy and ran towards Li Jing's mansion.

Knowing the purpose of Su Qingbai's visit, Li Jing stroked her beard, "The person who reported the letter only said that King Yue was assassinated, but did not say how King Yue is now. When I wanted to ask, that person had already been called by the fifth prince." Looking at Su Qingbai whose face turned pale, Li Jing hurriedly comforted him, "Don't worry, I'll take you to ask him right now."

Li Jing knew about the relationship between Su Qingbai and Jiang Mao.

"Okay, excuse me."

After finishing speaking, Li Jing ordered people to prepare a car to drive to the fifth prince's residence.

Unexpectedly, when he went to the fifth prince's mansion, he was told that the man had been taken into the palace for questioning. The old emperor was not at ease with the fifth prince, so he insisted on asking him personally. Since seeing Jiang Mao last time, the old emperor has been exhausted and has never come out to deal with politics. Now that Jiang Mao's life and death are unknown, and there is no leader for thousands of troops, the old emperor is not at ease, and he comes out again with his sick body .

Li Jing and Su Qingbai tossed about in the fifth prince's mansion, it was already dark, it was inappropriate to enter the palace at this moment, and they couldn't enter.

Helpless, Su Qingbai went to visit the Yue Palace, in order not to meet Lou Concubine's people, he purposely walked through the back door.

Jiang Mao had someone else available in the Cangzhou Palace, so he let Hu Hong sit in the Yue Palace in the capital, so that he could deal with various situations in the capital.

At this moment, Hu Hong who received the news was about to send someone to tell Su Qingbai.

"My lord, he's fine. It's the fifth prince's grandson who messed up. If he wants to enter the capital, he has to pass through Xu Ning. The fifth prince's uncle guards Xu Ning. There, the grandson's uncle finds an excuse to stop the prince from going forward. And sent someone to assassinate the prince."

"Fortunately, the prince was cautious and didn't let them succeed. After catching the evidence that the fifth prince's uncle had murdered him, he forcibly entered the city. As for the person who went to Beijing to report the letter, the prince actually told the fifth prince to listen to it, so that he could get carried away first. on."

Hearing that Jiang Mao was fine, Su Qingbai felt relieved, but, "If the fifth prince does this, he won't be afraid that it will be heard by the emperor one day."

Hu Hong sneered, "The emperor has never liked the prince, and now that the military power has not yet been handed over to the prince, he probably hopes that the fifth prince can succeed in his conspiracy. Besides... the emperor's favorite son has almost been killed, and only the prince will be left. Fifth prince, will the emperor kill him?"

When everything became clear, Su Qingbai felt relieved, "I'm relieved that he's fine." Then he said goodbye to Hu Hong, "I'll leave first."

"Master Su, it's late at night, you should rest for one night before leaving." Hu Hong stayed behind and said.

Su Qingbai's tense strings loosened, and he was a little tired, but thinking of Concubine Lou, he still refused, "Forget it, you know, it's inconvenient for me to be here."

Hu Hong knew that the inconvenience he said was due to Concubine Lou, but he still insisted on keeping him, "Don't worry, Concubine Lou is busy at the moment. As soon as she learned that something happened to the prince, she hurried to the palace."

Su Qingbai also lived here for a while, and was very familiar with it. Hearing this, he was a little moved, so he stayed and slept in Jiang Mao's room.

Early the next morning, Su Qingbai was worried about the two young ones, so he washed up a little, ate some food to fill his stomach, and hurried to Su's house.

It's a bit far from the Yuewang Mansion to the Su's house, and there are several downtowns, so the speed can't be fast, so that when he arrives at the Su's house, it's already time for lunch.

"Child?" Mrs. Su was working as a maid, she raised her head and said, "Yesterday the shopkeeper didn't send the child back, saying that the uncle Seventh Prince picked it up."

"Jiang Jun?" Su Qingbai was worried, maybe it was because of Zhou Chang, Su Qingbai always felt that it was not reliable to be able to get involved with this kind of person, and the court was in such a situation, he was really worried.

Su Qingbai only had two sons in his heart, and he didn't know that there was a big drama going on in the palace.

Knowing Jiang Mao's accident, Concubine Lou was the most worried besides Su Qingbai, but she was not worried about Jiang Mao's safety, but worried about how she would live without Jiang Mao in the future.

At this time, all she could think of was her elder brother Lou Shangshu.

At this time, Lou Shangshu didn't want to have any further contact with Concubine Lou, Jiang Mao was gone, Concubine Lou was a woman who lived in the inner house for a long time without much ability and was a bit restless, it was too late for him to avoid it.

In addition, there is another reason that he can't tell. His daughter is pregnant, and with the help of Concubine Lou, she is still the seed of a servant.

Concubine Lou actually didn't know this at all, but Concubine Lou didn't know that Jiang Hao had left during this period of time. Concubine Lou felt that there was no way to create a chance for the two of them to be together, so she didn't summon Lou Jingyu much. Because of this, Concubine Lou gave up on Lou Jingyu and no longer summoned Lou Jingyu.

Lou Shangshu refused to help her, so Concubine Lou thought of Lou Jingyu, her closest niece.

Concubine Lou's status is still there, so seeing Lou Jingyu's side is quite easy.

"Jingyu...you, you, you." Seeing Lou Jingyu, Concubine Lou was shocked and speechless.

At this time, nine months have passed since that night, and Lou Jingyu's big belly can no longer be covered.

Because Lou Jingyu hid it from her family, she was already a month old when she found out, and with Lou Jingyu's physical problems, the child stayed behind. Lou Shangshu intends to send the child away as soon as it is born.

After the shock, Concubine Lou's eyes suddenly brightened when she was at a loss, and she said happily, "With this child, things will be easy, and someone will inherit everything in the Yue Palace."

Lou Jingyu's face turned pale with fright, and she was about to kneel down, but the maid next to her caught her in time.

It wasn't that no one knew about this incident back then, and it confused the royal family's blood. If it was revealed... Lou Jingyu couldn't afford this crime.

"Aunt..." Lou Jingyu bit her lips, "This child...is not my cousin's." Even though she was ashamed and afraid at the moment, Lou Jingyu still told the truth, she, a weak woman, could not bear the consequences of deception.

This child is the last straw for Concubine Lou, how could she give up so easily at this time.

"At this point, it doesn't matter if it's your cousin's or not." Her eyes flickered with madness, "What's more, with Ben Gong around, who would dare to question what I said was your cousin's? ?”

No one would want the splendor and wealth of the Yue Palace, and Lou Shangshu's heart that only wanted to protect himself was also said to be ready to move.

"But aunt, there is another person who knows about it."


Lou Jingyu bit her lip, hesitated for a while, and said the name of the man who smiled foolishly at her.