
Chapter 93


As early as when he sent people back to Beijing, Jiang Mao set out to drive back. He was no better than a person who had been on horseback all year round, but he still couldn't catch up with that person.

But that's good too, after a while he will arrive, the capital should be the busiest time.

Looking in the direction of the capital, Jiang Mao led his men to rush towards the capital with whips.

Clutching the little bird, Su Caicai walked for a while. He didn't know his way in the flower bed, so he stopped and stuck his head out to look outside.

"The Seventh Prince has just left, and the child will definitely not be far away." A woman said with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

The Concubine Lou's people saw Jiang Jun bring a child into the palace with their own eyes, but when they rushed over just now, they saw the Fifth Prince pushing the Seventh Prince away, and did not see the child, so they guessed, Perhaps the subordinates of the Seventh Prince fled with others.

Another female voice gave a soft acknowledgment.

That's right, although Su Caicai walked for a long time, it was too inconvenient to walk among the flowers and plants in the flower bed, and he didn't wear pants yet, so he didn't actually walk very far.

Su Caicai was three years old, but Jiang Mao didn't teach him too naively. At this moment, he felt the danger again.

Su Caicai was still young after all, he couldn't help shrinking back, and accidentally bumped into a small tree that was not tall, making a rustling sound.

The voice was so obvious that the two women looked over in surprise.

Su Caicai was so frightened that he sat down on a clod that felt a little painful, but he didn't cry out, and the tears he held back rolled in his eyes. He dared not make a sound.

The woman's pink skirt floated closer and closer, Su Caicai covered her mouth in fright, fearing that she would cry out.


"Drive, drive..." There was a sound of driving.

——This road is the road that everyone who goes to court must pass.

"Those two maids, come here." The people in the car didn't get out of the car, but the accompanying servants called them over.

The two maids froze, what they did could not be seen in the open, and they didn't have the guts to do it in front of this big man.

Hearing that person call them, the two looked at each other, but they didn't dare to resist the order of that big man.

"Have you met the seventh prince here?" The person in the car showed his face, and it was Li Jing, who pointed to Jiang Jun's sedan chair.

One of the two was taken aback, she was a little confused about this question, she shook her head and then laughed again, "At this time, of course the Seventh Prince has gone to court." When she didn't mention it, she saw Jiang Jun It's better for her not to get involved in the matter of being escorted away by the Fifth Prince. Her goal is only that child.

Li Jing frowned upon hearing that, today is a bit special, he had to think more, if the Seventh Prince really went to court as usual, then why the Seventh Prince's sedan chair is here, but his entourage is nowhere to be seen... It is impossible to follow him into the palace Bar

Li Jing didn't say what was in his heart, and didn't ask anything from the two women. He pinched the bridge of his nose and waved to the two women, "Okay, it's okay, let's go down."


Hearing this, the two women looked at Su Caicai's hiding place unwillingly, and had no choice but to leave. ——They said they were leaving, but in fact they were hiding in the dark, only waiting for Li Jing to leave before going to get the little man.

No, Li Jing didn't leave after waiting for a while, but some ministers came one after another, and they all went to court.

Those people invited Li Jing to go to court together, but Li Jing refused them one by one.

Looking at the backs of those people leaving, Li Jing looked at another road, which led to the old emperor's bedroom.

He didn't come to the court. Thinking of the recent court meeting, Li Jing became a little annoyed. It was clearly the place where major national affairs were decided, but these people were always arguing about some backyard affairs, and they didn't get a clue about the major issues. .

But he didn't expect these people to come up with a solution. Looking at the paperwork in his hand, Li Jing calmly picked up the hem of his clothes and got out of the carriage.

Su Caicai knew Li Jing, he had met Li Jing a few times.

After a little hesitation, Su Caicai got out of the flower bed.

Li Jing was taken aback when she saw a man with bare buttocks and somewhat restrained popping up in front of her.


The fifth prince's first priority today was Concubine Lou, so he ordered people to look after Jiang Jun and went to court.

Looking at the person in front of him, Jiang Jun couldn't help admiring his fourth brother. He didn't expect the fourth brother's power to reach such a level in this palace, but within a quarter of an hour, he solved the person sent by the fifth prince to guard him.

Without further ado, the man untied Jiang Jun's body, took him outside, and left.

Concubine Lou brought her niece to the main hall early, the fifth prince curled his lips when he saw it, and walked up to the two of them with disdain in his eyes, "Lou Jingyu? Miss Lou?" Seeing Lou Jingyu Respectfully agreed, the fifth prince continued: "I won't talk nonsense with you. You said that the child in your belly belongs to my fourth brother. What evidence do you have?"

Lou Jingyu had a timid face and was unable to speak for a while, but the concubine Lou beside her said, "I can testify for her, the matter between Jingyu and Mao'er was facilitated by me, who would have thought that it would not be long That's what happened to Mao'er." After speaking, she pretended to wipe her tears with a handkerchief.

The fifth prince still refused to let go, "Concubine Lou, it's not that I don't believe you, it's because you and Miss Lou are aunts and nephews, so we should avoid suspicion." He said, looking around, "Do you have any other evidence? ?”

Concubine Lou was furious, "Fifth Prince, what are you talking about? Even though Jing Yu kisses Ben Gong, she can still kiss Ben Gong's own son?" She pretended to wipe her tears as she spoke.

The fifth prince is well aware of this woman's pissing nature, greedy for money and false fame, he doesn't like Concubine Lou, and gave her a disgusted look, "But how can Concubine Lou explain, fourth brother, he and Miss Lou have a husband and wife After all, she proposed marriage to the Lou family, but did Miss Ren Lou have a child without getting married?"

Not only the fifth prince, but also the court officials had a great change in their impression of this graceful woman within one day. An accident happened to King Yue, and everyone was immersed in regret and grief. Even though many people were envious of the wealth of King Yue's mansion, no one came out to fight for it at this time. After all, King Yue had sacrificed his life for the country. Unexpectedly, Concubine Lou, who is the mother of the King of Yue, was the first to come out, for the sake of the wealth left by the King of Yue, on the day when the sad news of the King of Yue came. At this moment, everyone had to reconsider Lou Concubine.

After hearing what the fourth prince said, Concubine Lou squeezed her handkerchief, tears filled her eyes, "I have no sons, as a mother, if the child in Jingyu's stomach is not Mao'er, I will not accept this child more than anyone else." .”

As she said that, the tears in Concubine Lou's eyes rolled down her cheeks. If one ignores the fact that after the death of her son, her combat effectiveness has not been affected at all, this is really touching.

But... the fifth prince glanced at Concubine Lou, Concubine Lou took herself too seriously, she cried for a while and was deeply in love with King Yue's mother and son, so she delusionally wanted to take away the wealth of King Yue's mansion.

"My concubine Lou said that I understand, but this is not a trivial matter. I can't be sloppy. I'd like to ask my concubine to show evidence." No matter how Concubine Lou cried miserably and pretended to be pitiful, the fifth prince would never let go, and he must see the evidence just work.

Concubine Lou gritted her teeth and looked at him, her eyes wished to go up and scratch him.

Things have come to a stalemate like this. On the one hand, there is a deep love between mother and child, which cannot be ignored.

"Why don't you bleed and recognize your relatives." Someone on the side made a suggestion.

Concubine Lou's face turned pale, and she rejected the suggestion without even thinking about it, "No way, the child has not been born yet, how can you recognize your relatives with blood?"