
Chapter 94


The fifth prince didn't agree with this method at first, he was afraid what if the child really belonged to Jiang Mao

But now seeing Concubine Lou's performance, the fifth prince suddenly changed his attention, he smiled, and said to the important minister: "This method is good, let's follow this method. If the child is not born, then wait until it is born. During this period of time, I will take care of the funeral for fourth brother." Then she turned to look at Lou Jingyu, "Miss Lou must take good care of her baby these days, and tell Ben Gong anytime you need anything."

Lou Jingyu was so frightened that her face turned pale, and after a long while, she replied tremblingly: "... yes." Lou Jingyu knew that this child was not Jiang Mao's, but in front of the court ministers, she had to agree to admit her relatives with blood. I dare not disagree with it.

If she dared to disagree, someone would stand up immediately to punish her for confusing the royal blood.

Looking at Concubine Lou's expression, there must be something strange in it. However, even if the child is really the fourth brother's, he is not afraid, there is still about half a month before the child is born, he has Jiang Jun to help, half a month is enough for him to do a lot of things.

The matter of the child was thus put on hold.

The incident happened suddenly, and Concubine Lou was not prepared enough, but there are certain obstacles, and there is still half a month, which is enough for her to prepare everything.

Let someone hold Su Caicai with bare buttocks, and take him to have a meal to fill his stomach.

Seeing that Su Caicai's mouth was so mushy that he couldn't see it, Li Jing took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, Su Caicai didn't stop talking. He was really hungry.

"Where's Grandpa and Uncle Seven?" With his mouth full, Su Caicai asked, sitting on the sedan chair with her fat legs crossed and her lower body naked, raising her head.

Li Jing said: "I sent someone to inquire, I believe there will be news soon."

Nodding, Su Caicai thanked obediently.

After the matter settled down, the ministers left one after another.

Following Concubine Lou to the end, Lou Jingyu's face was pale, sweat was still dripping from her forehead, this day was full of toss and fright, she couldn't take it anymore.

At this moment, Concubine Lou was worried about confessing her relatives with blood, so she didn't notice Lou Jingyu's strangeness.

"Auntie..." Finally, Lou Jingyu couldn't move anymore, and she suddenly fell to the ground.

Concubine Lou looked over, and after seeing this, she also became anxious, "Jingyu, what's wrong with you?"

Big drops of sweat rolled down Lou Jingyu's forehead, she panted, clutching her stomach with one hand, "Auntie... I, I seem to be giving birth."

Concubine Lou was shocked, "I want to give birth? How can I give birth at this time? No way." As she spoke, she whispered to Lou Jingyu, "Be patient, can you be patient?"

Lou Jingyu shook her head with difficulty, how could she endure such a thing

Concubine Lou bit her lips, and said: "Be patient, it will be fine in a while, even if you want to give birth, you can't give birth in this palace."

If she was born in this palace, without any preparation, she would definitely become meat on the chopping board and could only be slaughtered.

Bringing in a sedan chair, Concubine Lou took Lou Jingyu to the Lou Mansion.

After thinking about it, Li Jing kept Su Caicai. His father had just passed away, and his uncle was also missing. Li Jing looked pitifully at the poor little girl who didn't know anything yet.

Su Caicai was tired after tossing and tossing for a long time. She was curling up her legs, exposing the little bird in the middle, and fell asleep whirring, even making a small purring sound.

The eunuch who was waiting on him couldn't help but said, "My lord, why don't you... wrap some clothes for the young master." The child brought by Mr. Li is still young, always naked, what should I do if it is cold.

Li Jing seldom gets close to her children and grandchildren at home, that is, she teaches them to read on weekdays, and spends more time playing the board with them, so she is a bit rough in raising children.

Hearing this, he glanced at Su Caicai's little bean sprouts, "I'm afraid there are no clothes for such a young child in the palace." The emperor is old, and there has been no prince born in the palace for a long time.

Seeing the eunuch nod his head, Li Jing thought for a while and said, "Please, please bring me a small blanket, Eunuch."

When the blanket was brought, Li Jing took off Su Caicai's outer shirt, leaving only a white shirt, and wrapped him up in the blanket.

However, the problem came again. Li Jing was old and couldn't hold Su Caicai at all. Helpless, Li Jing had no choice but to tell the eunuch, "Please take care of me, my father-in-law. Pick up."

The eunuch was the chief eunuch next to the old emperor, and he was one of the few people who were loyal to the old emperor, so Li Jing had extra trust in this old eunuch. He smiled and agreed, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the young master will not make any mistakes with me."

Hearing that Li Jing begged to see him, the old emperor waved his hand to let the serving maid go down.

Sitting next to the old emperor, Li Jing took out a memorial from his sleeve and put it on, "About the matter of the successor of King Yue, I found out that this was before King Yue..."

No, the old emperor didn't want to look at it, he turned his head away, "I have given full power to the fifth prince to take charge of this matter." The old emperor didn't want to talk about Prince Yue's son.

Li Jing was taken aback, and stared blankly at the old emperor, the emperor's meaning was obvious.

He knew that the emperor was very afraid of the king of Yue before, but it was for the sake of the country and the great cause, but now that the king of Yue is dead, he didn't understand why the emperor would not To save a queen for the king of Yue, the king of Yue died for the country!

Jiang Mao had asked to establish his son many times, how could the old emperor not know? But he really didn't want to keep such a curse.

The old emperor chose to ignore it, believing that after concubine Lou was resolved, the fifth prince would be free to deal with this disaster sooner or later.

And the reason why no one is taking action against the root of the disaster now is because everyone is afraid of King Yue's power in the capital, and when the other matters are resolved and there is no worries about the future, the root of the disaster will come.

For the fifth prince, the old emperor was very disappointed, but no matter how disappointed he was, there was only one seedling left, so what could he do. As for Jiang Mao... a child who was not raised by him since he was a child, the old emperor couldn't treat him as his own child. What's more, he was still so unknown and so powerful, which made him a little uneasy.

Li Jing was about to bid farewell to the old emperor with her head down. He was loyal to the emperor, but he also respected loyal ministers and heroes. The king of Yue died for his country, but it was a pity that he didn't even have an heir in the end.

Suddenly, a eunuch came to report, "Your Majesty, Miss Lou gave birth."

Li Jing frowned and looked over, then heard the eunuch panting and continued: "It's at the gate of the palace... Miss Lou walked for a long time, she was so tired that she gave birth prematurely."

The old emperor's eyes darkened, and the teacup in his hand fell onto the table, and he rolled around for a few times before stopping. He was a little caught off guard, but he quickly realized, "How does the fifth prince plan to deal with it?"

"The Fifth Prince has sent people from the Grand Hospital to look after the young... young master, and decided to bleed in the hall at noon to recognize his relatives."

Li Jing was listening beside him, he couldn't help sighing, the fifth prince still couldn't wait any longer, the little child Tong was just born, and his body was still very weak, so he was going to bleed to recognize his relatives, it was too impatient, and Don't be afraid of others talking about him.

No matter what other people think, the matter of confessing relatives by dripping blood has been settled in this way. As for whom to recognize relatives by dripping blood, the fifth prince said that as the child's uncle, he is willing to suffer a little and donate a few drops of blood.

"No, I don't agree." Concubine Lou refused to let go of the newly born baby, who was a little red. My son is gone, leaving such a grandson behind, I really can't take the risk."

"Who knows if this child belongs to the King of Yue without a drop of blood?" Someone said, "Besides, it's just a drop of blood."

Concubine Lou gritted her teeth, thought for a while, then let go and said: "It's not impossible, but we have to wait until the child is older." At that time, she will have a countermeasure.

"What? Still waiting?" Everyone has been waiting for several days, waiting for today to settle this matter. After all, the rebellion has just ended, the country is in ruins, and the power should be redistributed.

The child is here, this is the perfect time, no one is willing to wait, and finally the imperial doctor prepared the necessary supplies, and the eunuch held the child, ready to carry out - all this could not be stopped by the concubine Lou.

She was dumbfounded, the fifth prince didn't give him any face, not only that, seeing the fifth prince belittled her today, all the ministers also looked down on her. This was unbearable for Concubine Lou before, but at this moment, she couldn't care less about it.

The child is not Jiang Mao's, she knows it very well. At this moment, she hated Lou Jingyu a little in her heart, why was she so incompetent, why couldn't she even conceive Jiang Mao's child

"Wait..." Seeing the blood from the fifth prince's fingertips dripping into the copper basin, Concubine Lou suddenly shouted.

The child is not Jiang Mao's, there is no doubt about it. To continue is to slap yourself in the face.

"For the sake of the health of my grandson, I am willing to give up this blood test."

The Fifth Prince looked at her with raised eyebrows, would Concubine Lou give up so easily? As for what she said was good for the child, he didn't believe it.

"However, apart from my little grandson, Mao'er in this Palace has a concubine."

Li Jing was also present today, so he also came to have a look. He couldn't help frowning after hearing this, bastard? He saw that King Yue was very fond of that child, and even asked him to make him his son.

"Concubine Lou, are you playing tricks on this palace, on the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty?" The fifth prince knew that Jiang Mao had a concubine, so he frowned and said angrily, "First, let me say that this baby of unknown origin is the fourth My brother is posthumous, so that my fourth brother can have a queen, I am willing to bleed to admit my relatives, and test my real body. Now that everything is ready, you say that there is no test, and you have another concubine?"

"That's right. After waiting for such a long time, isn't this playing tricks on everyone?" Just as the fifth prince finished speaking, someone echoed from below.

"Yes, yes, there are still quite a few elderly adults here. For such a result, they have not rested since the morning and have been waiting here."

Concubine Lou gritted her teeth, "What can I do? My grandson is still young, so I can't do anything about it." Wiping her tears, she said, "Is that concubine the fifth prince of my Mao'er who should be the best?" Clearly, when Mao'er was alive, there were more than one times when the Zhezi wanted to make the bastard his son."

The fifth prince frowned, "Is there such a thing? I was busy with the third brother's rebellion a while ago, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Come on, go and check to see if the fourth brother is really like what the concubine Lou said. Zhezi." A look of complete ignorance.

Soon, some people went, and everyone waited at the same place. They didn't eat any food at noon, and finally, in the evening, those people came back.

"Going back to the Fifth Prince, I have read all the papers, but I didn't find the papers mentioned by the concubine Lou."

"How is it possible?" Concubine Lou was startled at first, and then she quickly realized, yes, it has been so long and there is no news of so many books, it should have been ruined by the fifth prince long ago.

The Fifth Prince curled his lips and looked at Concubine Lou.

"Yes, I, Mao'er, was busy with this matter at the time, there must be many people who know about it." Concubine Lou was a little flustered.

Hearing this, the fifth prince glanced around at the ministers, "Who knows about this?"

Everyone below bowed their heads, even if some people were not the fifth prince, they did not dare to oppose the fifth prince.

Your Majesty, Li Jing was struggling in her heart.

No one knew that he had a copy of the Yue King's invitation to establish a son, which was left when he wanted to help him after learning that the Yue King's invitation to establish a son had repeatedly hit a wall.

Your Majesty's meaning is very clear. He doesn't want King Yue to have an heir, but think about that child, who is only three years old and still doesn't know anything. His father died for the country, and he is left alone. With the addition of the title of King Yue, it will be different, at least much better than now.

The Fifth Prince glanced around at His Royal Highness, "No one knows?"