Exterminate The Traitors

Chapter 6: ambush


"The political commissar is right, what the political commissar said is too right!" Wang Ergui immediately thumbed up to Li Xianmin

Besides, Wang Wenhua, he went directly to the home of the rich master Zhang when he returned. The rich master Zhang enthusiastically let Wang Wenhua into the house. After sitting down, Wang Wenhua said, "Where is your son Fuqi? I still have something to ask him. This time, won't I go to his uncle's house in Wangcun again?"

Caizhu Zhang immediately stood up a little embarrassed: "Excuse me, sorry, Chief, my son Fuqi didn't go to his uncle's house in Wangcun this time, but he really went to Wangcun for the fair this time. . Look, isn’t my long-time worker Uncle Zhang’s family being burned by devils? I asked Fuqi to buy some burn medicine from the drug store on Wangcun Street, and treat Uncle Zhang’s family. Hey, goddamn Japanese devils. But, let’s do it now. Our Zhangjiazhai will become the base of the Anti-Japanese War from now on. Your Eighth Route Army will never leave. We people have a backing, so we don’t have to worry about Japanese devils anymore?"

Wang Wenhua was unwilling to listen to the sweet words of Mr. Zhang. He interrupted Mr. Zhang's words and said: "Treasurer Zhang, you are a democratic person who supports the resistance to Japan. Our base area has just been established. You must actively support the anti-Japanese activities and contribute more to our anti-Japanese democratic government. "

"Yes, yes, I must, definitely." The rich man Zhang nodded and said, "The head of dissatisfaction said that I have prepared 50 pallets of grain and I am going to send it to the team today. This is also what Zhang Shiren established for the base area. A congratulatory gift."

"Well, then, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Anti-Japanese Democratic Government." Wang Wenhua said: "But, Caizhu Zhang, after your son comes back, you will let him come? Go to the station of Yilian to find me."

"Whose home is Yilian's resident?" The rich master Zhang was completely blank when he heard it.

"It's at Ergou's house at the west end of the village." Wang Wenhua stood up after speaking, "Our government will be working in the Temple of Earth for the time being. If you always have anything you can go directly to the political commissar and head of the delegation. Okay, I gone."

Wang Wenhua ran into Chen Yixian on the way out. Chen Yixian asked about the situation and immediately shook his head: "It's not safe! Pharaoh, I don't think Mr. Zhang is safe! Look, the more wicked people are, they tend to be more active than ordinary people on the surface. It’s so distracting, isn’t it? I really don’t believe it! Pharaoh, you have been there twice. Why is his son not at home twice?"

"People went to get burn medicine for Uncle Zhang's family this time." Wang Wenhua quickly explained: "People are kind and support the work of our anti-Japanese democratic government. We should commend them."

"I didn't say not to commend!" Chen Yixian said, "However, while commending, we must not take it lightly. Pharaoh, I will leave this to you, but you can worry about me. Okay, tonight. Be prepared to attack the Wangcun stronghold at night."

After the night fell, Chen Yixian said to Li Xianmin: "Political commissar, we are going to leave."

Li Xianmin looked up at the night: "Head Chen, you have to be careful. I don't know if you are prepared. What if your end breaks and the devils will attack us suddenly? We only have one second company in our hands. !"

Chen Yi bowed his head for a moment, and then said, "Commissar, what if you do? You just move. You think, as long as I catch the fire on my side, then Wangcun must be taken down. In other words, you guys. We have to wait until our Wangcun battle is over before we can turn around to support this side. I think it’s OK, if we take the Wangcun stronghold, we will move the headquarters there. We can use it to capture the enemy in the next step. The equipment, expanding our team, here is definitely a lot of benefits."

Xianmin Li sighed helplessly, and then asked, "Head Chen, what do you think is your chance of winning against Wangcun stronghold?"

Chen Yixian stood up and said decisively: "Political commissar, to tell you the truth, I have calculated this Wangcun stronghold for more than half a month. Since I got down the mountain, I have kept moving around Zhangjiazhai and Wangcun. , I’m collecting information on the Wangcun stronghold. In this battle, I dare not say that it is ten or nine, but it’s not much worse. Just look at it, political commissar. However, there is nothing wrong with Zhangjiazhai on your side, as long as you can Persevere until two o'clock in the evening, I will take Wangcun down."

"Head Chen, I will work hard to cooperate." Li Xianmin stood up and saluted and shook hands with Chen Yixian.

Chen Yi first pulled up Yilian and Sanlian and set off. On the way, he and Yilian Wang Wenhua said in a low voice: "Instructor, listen to me. There is a barren hill on the way from the county town to Zhangjiazhai. We passed by there when we moved at night. I have carefully inspected it. You will immediately lead the company. And the two of the third company platoon there to ambush, the devil will pass from there and then go sneak attack on Zhangjiazhai. You will command the ambush over there?"

"No, no!" Wang Wenhua hurriedly said: "I can't fight a war, my heart is always beating. Let's let Gao Shusheng command it, I feel that he has another way to direct the war."

Chen Yi first bowed his head and thought about it, then came to the team of the third company, found Gao Shusheng, and whispered his plan again: "Company Commander Gao, this is the same thing. Instructor Wang, you are here to direct that. In the side ambush, let me lead you a platoon to attack the Wangcun stronghold. This is called slamming, and it can’t be wrong!”

Gao Shusheng stretched out his hand and scratched his head: "Leader, I heard that our attack on the Wangcun stronghold is fake. We really want to lure the ghosts in the county town into attacking Zhangjiazhai. We were so lucky to ambush them halfway. Is that what happened? Commander?"

"Yes, yes, that's the thing." Chen Yixian smiled: "Or your company commander is smart, or the instructor wants you to direct this ambush! It seems; hey, Lao Wang's idea is correct!"

"His idea is wrong!" Gao Shusheng shook his head calmly, then tilted his head and looked at Chen Yixian. Chen Yi first listened to the soldiers marching, and then hurriedly pulled the voice of Gao Shu aside: "Old Gao, Old Gao, me? I am the regimental commander, and I am giving you an order. What are you doing, you?"

"Leader, listen to me!" Gao Shusheng whispered: "I am not shirking the mission, let alone refusing to carry out your order. I mean, here is leading a platoon to attack the Wangcun stronghold, that should be Let me go. Look at my platoon leader, my platoon, my soldiers, and my subordinates. Wouldn’t that make the command more handy? Isn’t it just to scare the devils? When there is a disturbance in Wangcun, the devils immediately call the county town. , The devil in the county seat will be dispatched immediately. You are still fighting the devil’s ambush over there. Isn’t this how this scene is sung? Let me come to Wangcun, I first pinched the devil’s phone line, and then Started a fierce attack. After such a toss, the devils of the county town must be dispatched." At this point, Gao Shusheng looked at Chen Yixian: "Head, how is it?"

"You? You cut off their telephone line, how did the ghosts in the county know that there was a war here?" Chen Yixian asked.

"It's very simple!" Gao Shusheng said: "Their telephone line has been disconnected, and the devils will definitely think that the Eighth Route Army is going to attack them. Otherwise, why would the telephone be interrupted suddenly? On the other hand, continuous is not good. It's required!"

Chen Yixian stunned for a moment and grinned: "Hey? Hey, I said Lao Gao, you want to say that? If you say that, you will have to let you direct the affairs of Wangcun here. I was originally a partner with Lao Wang. , This time add your two platoons and beat him in an ambush. Good, good, that’s it!"

In addition to the county seat, Lieutenant Sasaki took the order of Yamamoto's Young Master, and went back to the barracks by himself. After lighting up the two small groups of Japanese soldiers, they began to march towards Wangcun. But before the team left the county seat, a Japanese messenger on horseback rushed over from behind: "Your Excellency Lieutenant, Commander Shao Zuo's order."

Sasaki took a look and immediately waved his hand: "For the team, the former team has changed to the latter team, and the latter team has changed to the former team and return to camp."

Sasaki rode to the headquarters quickly, and then asked Yamamoto in a puzzled way: "Your Excellency Sasao, I don't understand that it is right to strengthen Wangcun's defense. Why did your Excellency ask me to return to the army?"

Yamamoto sat motionless or spoken. At this time, Sasaki was a little stunned, so he had to stand there silently. After a while, Yamamoto raised his head and looked at Sasaki with a very serious look and said: "Lieutenant, I got a secret report. Tubal Road is likely to be pressed to attack the Wangcun stronghold tonight. It's true!"

"Your Excellency, then, isn't your final account very correct?" Sasaki asked doubtfully: "Let me strengthen the defense there. Isn't it a good time to meet the attack on Tuba Road? Don't worry, your Excellency, this time, I will definitely let Tuba Around the Balu death stronghold."

Yamamoto didn't say a word, just shook his head, and then looked at Sasaki thoughtfully: "My lieutenant, if, if I let you bring a sentry to raid Zhangjiazhai's nest tonight, do you think this deployment will Better? We have fought with Tubal Road for many years and know them well. Tubal Road is good at night battles. I guess they are likely to launch an attack on Wangcun stronghold at midnight tonight. Lieutenant, you lead a squadron of the Imperial Army, and then Another squadron of the imperial army must arrive at the outskirts of Zhangjiazhai before midnight. As soon as the Wangcun side starts, you will immediately launch an attack on Zhangjiazhai. This time, we must put aside the "Huairou" policy. It is necessary to implement the'Three Lights' policy on Zhangjiazhai and eliminate Zhangjiazhai into flat ground. All buildings above the horizon will be bombed flat; everything that is alive will be captured without being killed. We must learn from Zhangjiazhai, Yours, understand?"

"Understood!" Sasaki lowered his head fiercely, and then looked at Yamamoto, with a murderous look in his eyes: "Zhangjiazhai, this time it must disappear from the map of Ningshan County! Your Excellency Shaozao , I asked to carry two mountain cannons for this operation. Although it is not convenient to move at night, I can put mountain cannons on the carriage this time.

"Okay." Yamamoto nodded: "Lieutenant, you have to make arrangements so that in this operation, you will crush the party's base area expansion plan and crush their dream of opening up plain base areas."

Sasaki looked nonchalant during the day, but at night, the Japanese army camp began to get busy. Push the two mountain cannons onto the carriage, and the cannonballs are escorted by a carriage alone. With all preparations in place, Lieutenant Sasaki gave an order to the Imperial Union Army team: "Order Captain Huang of the Imperial Union Army. Upon receiving the order, immediately lead a squadron of Imperial Union soldiers to prepare to march towards Zhangjiazhai."