Exterminate The Traitors

Chapter 9: Change defense


Gao Shusheng just said this, Li Xianmin walked in: "Ah, Captain Gao is here too? How about it? Are there any problems with changing defenses at Zhangjiazhai and Erlian?"

Gao Shusheng was a little embarrassed now, he lowered his head and smiled, "No comments, no comments. However, I honestly feel that for the three company commanders, my mouth is not good. I should choose one that is easy to use. It's here. It’s not just about fighting over there, but the main thing is political work, dealing with the people?"

"Three companies, and the second company in Zhangjiazhai!" Chen Yixian said, "Lao Gao, do you want to change with Instructor Wang? Lao Wang is a sharp tongue and good at doing political work. However, he is right now. How about transforming more than 20 prisoners of the Imperial Union Army? Or, let’s let Comrade Wang Wenhua come here to Zhangjiazhai. I feel that Comrade Wang Wenhua’s visit to Zhangjiazhai is quite suitable. Let Yilian be stationed on the ground. Temple, slowly transform the soldier of the Imperial Union Army. Say it again?" At this point, Chen Yi first looked up at Li Xianmin and Gao Shusheng and said: "Let’s go and talk to Comrade Wang Wenhua." After that, he ignored the room. The two of them went straight out.

Li Xianmin looked at Gao Shusheng and sat down first: "Company Commander Gao, you have fought well in this battle. It is definitely beyond my expectation. You see, we only have three companies in our hands. We say it is one. The regiment is actually the strength of one battalion. Neither in terms of equipment nor in terms of numbers, it has the upper hand. This one can directly take the Wangcun stronghold from the enemy's hands, not to mention me, the commander Lu of the military division is also very happy."

"Yes, it's not bad." Gao Shusheng nodded and said, "Political commissar, the second company of Company Commander Wang is very good in Zhangjiazhai, and he has a mass foundation. How come you suddenly think of coming here?"

Xianmin Li didn't expect that Gao Shusheng would ask such a question. It was now his turn to be embarrassed. He couldn't think of how to answer for a while, and he stammered in silence for a while and said, "This? This? I really don't know this question. I don't know what Wang Ergui thinks. However, Wang Ergui has a good mass foundation in this area. ,It's all good!"

Let’s talk about Chen Yixian. He found Wang Wenhua himself, finished the situation in Zhangjiazhai station, and then said: "President, I feel more and more suspicious of this political commissar Li. You see, I expected that our intelligence against the Wangcun stronghold would be compromised. Leaked, so I ambushed most of the men and horses in Huangtuling. What was the result? The enemy could not get our information, and they would never send troops. How could it be so coincidental? How did our information leak out? There are only a few people who know our battle plan. Pharaoh, you have to think about it for me this time."

"Can the suspicion of Mr. Zhang's son Fuqi be removed?" Wang Wenhua asked: "The leak of the military plan has absolutely nothing to do with this child. He will not know about this plan."

"Pharaoh, don't think about it so simply." Chen Yixian said, "You go to Zhangjiazhai, and continue to look for the son of the rich man. I don't believe it. He will never see you. The more he is If I dare not see you, then it means he is more ghost. The rich man Zhang also returned that day. Political commissar Li gave us a lot of food, and they have something to do with them. I suspect that our military plan is to notify the rich man’s son to send it out."

Seeing that Chen Yixian was so sure, Wang Wenhua couldn't say anything. He finally said: "Okay team leader, I'll go to Zhangjiazhai, I will continue to pursue Zhang Fuqi. However, you have to worry more about things here. Gao Shusheng is good at fighting, something that is tempting? Tuan. Long, please worry about it anyway. If there is a problem in Zhangjiazhai, we will fire a warning shot."

Wang Wenhua explained what happened to Wangcun, and immediately led his company to open up to Zhangjiazhai. Wang Ergui from Zhangjiazhai hasn’t gotten the letter yet. Seeing Wangcun’s team coming from a distance, he was a little worried. He picked up the binoculars and took a look. Only then did he relax and let the soldiers of Erlian start their outfits. .

"Comrades, we are going to the Wangcun stronghold." Wang Ergui waved his right hand high in the earth temple and said, "Our base area has expanded and the Wangcun stronghold has been taken down. Next, I will also take the county seat. Take it down. We are now a regiment, and in the next step, we will set up a division here."

Wang Ergui is still in the small temple for nothing, and the front team on Wang Wenhua's side has already arrived: "Company Commander Wang, the political commissar of the regiment wants you to assemble at the Wangcun stronghold immediately. Our company commander will be there soon."

Wang Ergui hurriedly sent an order to assemble the team and vacate the small earth temple. At this time, Wang Wenhua had arrived. The two saluted each other and shook hands. Wang Wenhua said first, "Second company commander, Wangcun will rely on you."

"Don't dare! Isn't there still three high company commanders?" Wang Ergui smiled embarrassedly and said, "However, Zhangjiazhai will depend on your company from now on. But it doesn't matter, Wang The village is not far from Zhangjiazhai. We can take care of each other whenever there is any movement."

Wang Wenhua settled down a series of soldiers in Zhangjiazhai, only then took the opportunity to come to the house of the rich master Zhang for the third time. This time, Wang Wenhua brought two guards with live ammunition. When the rich master Zhang went out and saw Wang Wenhua in the yard, his legs immediately weakened: "The chief, chief, me? Me? I asked Fuqi to go to your team to find you that day, but he didn't find you. Yesterday, Yesterday, didn’t you have a war? Me, me, me? I thought?"

Wang Wenhua nodded solemnly and said, "Treasury Zhang, even if the past is over, let's not blame the past. What I want to ask now is, is your son Fuqi at home now?"

"This, this, this?" The rich master Zhang stretched out his hand and scratched his scalp with a little embarrassment. Seeing Caizhu Zhang like this, Wang Wenhua was a little bit angry, but he still tried his best to control his temper: "Treasure Zhang, don't shirk. As the saying goes, there will be time and time again. I will come to your house to find your son. Fuqi, this is already the third time. You always say, where did he go? Otherwise, I'm not polite. To tell you the truth, I don't think it is because of your merits in fighting against Japan. I caught you. Just such a person, I will also ask him a few questions, why is it so laborious?" Wang Wenhua spoke and drew out the pistol that straddles his crotch. Caizhu Zhang became even more panicked now: "The chief director, our son Fuqi really went to his uncle's house this time. I really didn't lie. Would you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" Wang Wenhua said as he walked up the steps: "Treasury Zhang, I can't help you this time. Tell me, where is your child's uncle's house, we can send someone to follow you to find him come back?"

"Are you here? It's in Wangcun." The rich man Zhang was talking and his mouth began to tremble: "I, I, I, I didn't tell lies, Chief. Our child's uncle is called Zhou Lianqun, who runs a carpenter's shop. I am. My son has nothing to do at home, where does he often go to help?"

"Okay!" Wang Wenhua looked at Treasurer Zhang, then turned around and said to a soldier behind him: "Xiao Liu, you and Treasurer Zhang will go to Wang Village together and find his son."

"Chief, don't worry, don't worry." The rich man Zhang nodded and said, "I will find my son."

Wang Wenhua turned to Xiao Liu and said, "Xiao Liu, I will leave this task to you. Then, you follow me to the company to get an order. If you have anything to do in Wangcun, you can go directly to Chen. Commander."

Xiao Liu followed Wang Wenhua to the Temple of Earth. Wang Wenhua wrote a note and handed it to Xiao Liu: "Go, we must find a way to bring back the son of Caizhu Zhang." At this point, Wang Wenhua told Caizhu Zhang again. "Treasurer Zhang, we don’t have any important questions either. Just ask casually. You don’t have to be nervous. If you find your son, you should also persuade your son to say anything if you have anything in your stomach. We still believe you. Father and son."

Xiao Liu and Zhang Cai went directly to Wangcun after they left Zhangjiazhai. The wealthy Lord Zhang walked out of breath and didn't care about being tired. After entering Wangcun Town, he went straight to the carpenter's shop. When he reached the door, Mr. Zhang suddenly smiled and said, "Comrade Dajun, are we okay? This is just my relative's house, not my house after all. You, you, you? You wait here first, let me come first. Go look inside."

Xiao Liu felt that this made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay!" The rich man Zhang smiled and bowed to Xiao Liu and then went in. It was good now. Xiao Liu waited outside the door. After waiting for almost an hour, Xiao Liu still couldn't see the rich man Zhang coming out, but saw scattered customers walking inside. Xiao Liu's heart came up, and he broke in with a spear on his back. Unexpectedly, I ran into a strong man as soon as I walked in. The brawny man immediately pointed to Xiao Liu: "Bing, you broke into a private house!"

Xiao Liu couldn't help it anymore: "Fart! I'm here to find someone?" While talking, Xiao Liu was about to raise the spear on his back and was about to point it at the brawny man. Unexpectedly, the strong man stretched out his hand very neatly. He reached out and grabbed Xiao Liu's gun barrel and dragged Xiao Liu over. Then he took Xiao Liu down three times and five times out: "The Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army, well, well, you keep saying Say that our people are a family, and now we are holding a gun at our people. I will take you to the anti-Japanese democratic government to see what those chiefs say about this."

Xiao Liu was scared now. He hurriedly said to the brawny man, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. I really came here to find someone. Hey hey... There is a Zhang from Zhangjiazhai. Is the rich man here?"

"There is no Treasurer Zhang and Treasurer Li." The strong man obviously felt that he was holding Xiao Liu, so he was very domineering: "Let's go, say nothing else is useless, and follow me to see your chief."

Xiao Liu felt that he was very embarrassed, but there was no other good way for a while, it was worth being pressed by that strong man to the Wangcun stronghold. Xiao Liu was also a veteran soldier. Chen Yixian was their company commander before, so Xiao Liu didn't worry. But the strong man pressed Xiao Liu directly to Li Xianmin's room. The reason is very simple. There is a sign of the Anti-Japanese Democratic Government hanging in front of Li Xianmin's house, while Chen Yixian's house does not.

Xiao Liu felt that this was over, and when he was frightened, Xiao Liu began to shout, "Leader, I am Xiao Liu?" It didn't matter that Li Xianmin and Chen Yixian both came out of the house. Li Xianmin didn't know Xiao Liu, so he just stared at the scene in front of him in a daze. Chen Yi knew Xiao Liu first, and just came over quickly: "My fellow villager, don't worry if you have something to say slowly, say slowly. You said, what mistake our soldier made, you arrested him? "