Extinguish Crime

Chapter 102: misfortune


"I said, are we just squatting here tonight?"

In the dense forest ten kilometers away from the frontline battlefield, Zhang Heng wore a white uniform of the New World Patrol, frowned and asked Amy, who was carefully fiddling with the equipment beside him.

The battle of the group of soldiers that Zhang Heng met before ended as early as four hours ago. After that, he and Amy have been hiding here since they changed into the costumes of those soldiers.

Said to be hidden, it is actually very uncomfortable to "squat in the grass" enduring the bites of mosquitoes and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

Zhang Heng couldn't stand it anymore.

It's not that being bitten by mosquitoes makes him uncomfortable, but that he is very worried about the safety of the zero moment. If Amy has repeatedly emphasized that there is no danger in crossing zero, Zhang Heng must have gone to the battlefield.


A few minutes later, Amy looked calmly at the time on the watch, then got up and walked out of the grass, and said to Zhang Heng behind him: "The frontline strongholds have almost been breached, let's set off."

"Wait! Is it really okay for us to dress like this? Will it be misunderstood?"

Zhang Heng expressed the worry in his heart. He didn't want to be killed by friendly forces as an enemy on the battlefield. That would be too tragic.

"no problem."

Amy started a silver-white steel motorcycle parked by the road, turned around and smiled at Zhang Heng and said: "Our task is to enter the new world stronghold and open the door from the inside so that Zero can sneak in safely. "

Upon receiving such news, Zhang Heng was a little bit disappointed. He originally thought that waiting for his mission action should be to charge like Arnold, but he didn't expect it to be such a result.

Isn't this the bodyguard

Zhang Heng sat down in the back seat of the motorcycle with a little depression. He realized it at this moment. It seems that the mission assigned to him this time should be to protect Amy's safety.

Zhang Heng didn't have any opinion on this, and it would be difficult to say if the object of protection was replaced by greedy wolves.

"Sit down!"

As soon as the voice fell, the motorcycle galloped away like a silver dragon, at a speed equivalent to a 200-meter "silver-white armored vehicle."

Not surprisingly, Zhang Heng's exclamation never stopped.

"Do you still have motion sickness?"

More than ten minutes later, the motorcycle stopped at the edge of the frontline battlefield, and Amy looked at Zhang Heng, who was pale beside him, with a stunned expression. It seemed that Zhang Heng would have motion sickness unexpectedly.

"Me! Ugh..."

Before he could scream out the anger in his heart, Zhang Heng couldn't help lowering his head and retching. This feeling was really bad. It was like the stomach and intestines were screwed together. It was very uncomfortable.

After retching for a while, Zhang Heng couldn't help but feel a little grateful that he didn't eat too much for dinner.

Amy still maintained a leisurely smile, and said: "Three minutes have been wasted, and then I have to speed up."

As soon as the voice fell, the greedy wolf wearing the "wolf head mask" flashed to Amy's side. After he took off the mask, he said solemnly: "The plan has changed, and the sin makes you and Zhang Heng not act."

Both Amy and Zhang Heng were shocked. After a while, Amy calmed down, pushed the frame and said, "Has our plan been discovered?"

Greedy Wolf shook his head, and either intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at Zhang Heng with a hesitant gaze, gritted his teeth and said: "The new world has dispatched two generals, and the three strongholds guarding the gate cannot be breached in a short time. ."

Amy was even more stunned, "Isn't this situation expected? Me and Zhang Heng mixed into the stronghold and opened the door. Even if the ten generals are dispatched together, it can't be stopped, right?"

"No, the problem is not the two generals."

Greedy Wolf’s face suddenly became a little bit painful and a little struggling. He blushed and said in a low mood: "The collector is here too, so your plan may not be realized. You should know that, just open the door and collect. Home will definitely interfere!"

Although knowing that this planned operation failed, Amy did not say much. She still had a calm face. It can be seen that after the frustration of the last invasion, Amy's mind has been improved. Feeling frustrated or lost because of failure.

"wait wait wait!"

Zhang Heng grabbed the greedy wolf who was about to leave, and when the greedy wolf turned and looked at him suspiciously, he gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "You shouldn't have finished talking yet? Now that Victor has appeared, then …Katie should be there, right? Isn’t it?"

Zhang Heng had already judged this from the painful and struggling face that Greed Wolf showed before... Greed Wolf must have something to hide from himself.

"No, no!"

Telling a lie that he didn't even believe made Greedy Wolf's face flushed, "You guys don't mess with me! It's war now..."

Before Greed Wolf finished speaking, Zhang Heng yelled at him directly: "Where is she! Tell me where she is!"

Greedy Wolf fell silent, but the pain and struggle on his face made Zhang Heng extremely irritable.

"Let's go, gather with everyone to make a decision."

Amy patted Zhang Heng's shoulder comfortingly, and then the three of them walked into the battlefield in front of them in silence.

The place where the Reunion with Sin and the Zero Class reunited was the stronghold of the battlefield that was captured just an hour ago.

In addition to sinning against them, Miyamoto Naohei is also standing aside. This young samurai from the island country has the same expressionless face as when they first met, but at this moment, his black samurai robe is stained with blood, as if it was before. Have experienced battles.

Ignoring these details, Zhang Heng looked at Sin with red eyes, and shouted in a low voice: "Where? Where is Katya now?"

Sin glanced at Zhang Heng faintly, and did not answer. Instead, he said to Amy on the side: "Then, the plan seems to have to be changed a little bit. At present, it seems that it can only be done by forceful attack..."

"Hey! I'm asking you something!"

Before the crime was finished, Zhang Heng interrupted him with a roar, and roared: "Tell me! Tell me where Katya is now!"

Sin frowned, turned his head to look at Zhang Heng, and said indifferently: "What are you going to do?"

"What are you going to do? Shouldn't you go and rescue her? You bastard, can you ask such a question!"

Sin’s answer made Zhang Heng even more convinced that this one-eyed young man had no definition of “partner and family” at all, so that he was almost in a state of rampage at this moment. If he could, Zhang Heng didn’t even want to wait for a second. it's here.