Extinguish Crime

Chapter 104: The girl in black and white (1)


A girl in a black robe, the seventh-ranked general of the New World Force... Black Rakshasa.

A girl in a white robe, the ninth commander of the New World Army...Bai Luosha.

They are twins.

If two people stand together, they can only be distinguished by their skin color as their older sister and who is their younger sister.

As an older sister... "Black Raksha", her skin is dark and healthy wheat.

The younger sister "Bai Luosha" has a delicate and white skin, which looks broken by a bomb.

They look almost exactly the same.

He has the same cute face and waist-length hair, and the same petite and exquisite body.

Although they look almost the same, after the two took off their hats, the "black" hair and pupils were pure black, while the "white" hair was a very distressing but eye-catching silvery white pair of lovely pairs. In the big eyes, the pair of pale white pupils looked a little illusory.

If anyone who does not know their identity sees such a pair of girls, I am afraid that no one can believe that such a pair of lovely twin sisters will actually be the top ten famous generals in the New World... Black and White Rakshasa.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder and smoke, a total of more than 100,000 war zone soldiers held high the "white dove flag" and surrounded the last three battlefield strongholds blocking the "gateway to the new world."

The Gate of the New World... A silver-white steel gate with a height of 20 meters is called the "Gate of Heaven".

Obviously, the “gate of heaven” symbolizes “to heaven”, but in fact, this gate is a “gate of hell” in the eyes of sinners and others. As long as you enter, it is equivalent to entering “hell ".

Today, at this moment.

The New World Army will defend this "gate of heaven" to the death.

Fight crime and war zone, swear to break through this "gate of hell".

Different beliefs, same determination.

For the New World Army, this door has their family members, their homeland, and they must use their lives to guard this door.

As far as anti-crime organizations and war zones are concerned, behind this gate is a group of sinners who must be tried and sanctioned. Only by breaking through this gate can the group of demons get the punishment they deserve.

Oh oh oh!

The bloody horn sounded.

Everyone drew their weapons.

"Guards of the empire, show me your determination! Defend the gates of heaven to your death!"

Tens of thousands of neatly lined up soldiers in white, holding sabers with resolute faces, glared at the soldiers in the war zone around them.

More than one hundred thousand war zone soldiers with the same determination shouted out this faith neatly, and the white dove flag held high in the air fluttered in the wind.

The war is about to start!

Bloody, cruel, cruel...

Words can no longer describe this kind of scene.

No one flinched, even if they knew they would die, no one put down their weapons.

Step on your companion’s body!

Shouting and piercing the weapon into the enemy's heart!

The earth was blood stained, and the broken limbs were flying in the air.

Zhang Heng was dumbfounded.

Stayed in place completely.

His body and heart trembled uncontrollably.

"Stop, stop..."

An inaudible voice came from Zhang Heng's mouth, so small that he couldn't even hear him.

"did you see it?"

Amy pushed the frame and came to Zhang Heng's side, looking at the bloody battlefield in front of him with a plain face, and calmly said: "Understand? This is the true face of this world."

The true face

Not understanding this scene of fighting each other at all, Zhang Heng clenched his fists numbly and shockedly, gritted his teeth and wanted to growl, but didn't know what to vent.

Does it make sense

What is the significance of such a war

Just "different ideas", can people of the same kind want to kill each other now

If so...

Why is no one cares about the alien species and alien beasts outside

Obviously not many human beings survive in this world, why can they still kill each other and plunder each other's lives like this


Looking up confused and numb, Zhang Heng's heart shrank. He saw Anuo charging ahead, and saw him harvesting the lives of those soldiers with weapons with a cold face.

Whether it is Arnold or the soldiers in the new world, all have this expression at the moment.

Indifferent, ruthless, without the slightest sympathy for each other.

Is this war

Is a war aimed at "must kill the other side"

Looking at all this, Zhang Heng felt that he was numb and almost unable to breathe.

Zhang Heng is not the so-called saint, nor the kind of soft-hearted person.

He had killed people as early as when he was in the Anding District, but unlike this group of people at the moment, the soldiers who invaded the Anding District committed unforgivable sins, and death is not enough.

And now

What are these people fighting for

It's all to protect the home and family behind you, why do you have to rob each other's life? Can't we live together peacefully

Zhang Heng, who experienced this kind of scene for the first time, was both heartbroken and numb. He couldn't find the answer and couldn't find the reason for taking up the weapon.

They are all human beings, and they have the same beliefs and attachments in their hearts.

How can Zhang Heng deal with these so-called "enemies"

"Wake me up!"

Axe’s deep drink sounded beside him, and this burly man stood beside Zhang Heng like a little giant, watching all this indifferently with his pair of scarlet pupils: “You wanted to save Katya’s share before. What about determination? Where is the determination that you kept saying to protect your family? Seeing such a scene, you feel confused and at a loss?"

A word made Zhang Heng "awake".

"Sober" does not mean that you can kill the soldiers, but the determination to protect your family in the bottom of my heart.

Yeah... I'm going to save Katia... I'm going to protect Zero, protect my companions...

The sober brain expelled the rest of the troubles, Zhang Heng took a few deep breaths, and the dark right eye began to slowly change.

The moment the blood red sword appeared, Zhang Heng entered a state of "absolute calm".

In the eyes, everyone was covered with a faint "blood shadow" on the surface, and the original deafening shouts and roars were magnified several times.

Strength, speed, vision and hearing have been greatly improved, and the mood has also entered a "calm" state that is conducive to combat.

The curse power in Zhang Heng's body seemed to be prepared for such a war.

"What, what?!"

"Angel? Is it an angel?"

"My God... can humans grow wings?!"

"Quick, retreat! They are the awakeners!"

Above the mid-air, two "angels", one black and one white, appeared dreamily in everyone's sight. However, the "angels" representing kindness and peace, at this moment, waved one blankly Two giant swords, black and white, ruthlessly harvest the lives of soldiers in the war zone.

All soldiers in the war zone understand.

The appearance of black and white girls, symbolizing the new world's counterattack, has begun!