Extinguish Crime

Chapter 107: Real family (1)


One second is neither long nor short.

Many people can use this second to quickly speak a sentence, or use this second to take a step, or take a breath of air.

Then, everyone's mood at the moment is easier to understand.

One second

No, it's just "a moment", not a second.

Not hundreds, not thousands, but tens of thousands of living soldiers.

At this moment, the "one moment" within this second, turned into ashes floating in the air.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, such a scene would probably be a scene that everyone would not even be able to see in a dream.

Are they really human

Are they really not the gods in the sky

All the soldiers in the war zone raised their heads involuntarily and looked at a man and a woman in the air, feeling that all this was so unreal.

"Win, win?"

A war zone soldier stared at the ashes floating in the sky, looked at the one-eyed youth and the blue-haired woman above the mid-air, questioning with an incredulous tremor.

This sentence seems to have caused "resonance."

"Won! Won!"

"Are you victorious?! Are we victorious?!"

The uncontrollable excitement caused the more than 100,000 soldiers in the war zone to shout with red eyes, "Freedom is forever."

Many people cried and knelt on the ground crying the names of their dead companions.

Many people were numb, because the excessive excitement and excitement made them kneel on the ground numbly and their bodies trembled violently.

Can't believe it, can't believe it.

On this day, it will come without warning.


This war, which lasted for nearly half a century, finally ushered in its first victory!

For example, a commander like Walton has tears in his eyes at this moment. As the commander of this group of soldiers, what he has experienced and experienced is the pain that ordinary people can't imagine, the obsession of the soldiers who have been carrying tens of thousands of dead soldiers. And faith, finally today, at this moment, got the result that everyone expected.

Seeing the group of men below crying unscrupulously, the two of Sin and Mie looked at each other with solemn expressions.

They were not as happy as they had expected, nor were they pleased with the victory of this war.

They know very well that what they have done is also an unforgivable sin.

Moreover, the "real enemies" of this war have not yet been resolved. If we relax our vigilance now, they will only die.

"Wow... It's perfect! I never knew that the power of curse can be used together! Can it still be used like this? You are really amazing!"

Standing in the "black mask" released by the black, Victor looked surprised, and did not feel even the slightest pain because of the death of the tens of thousands of soldiers.

Why should we grieve for these "imperfect garbage"

Victor smiled and smiled brilliantly. In his eyes, the tens of thousands of dead soldiers were just a bunch of "imperfect garbage". Even death is "a matter of course". In his heart, everything is imperfect. , Is not qualified to stay or live in this world.

"Master Victor, what should I do now!"

Black and White bit their pink lips tightly, and after asking in unison anxiously, both of them looked around with a bit of pain.

They were sad, and felt sad for the soldiers who died.

They knew that these soldiers died here at the moment, which represented that there would be tens of thousands of broken families in the Imperial Capital.

Katis, black and white, the three young girls with scarlet eyes biting their silver teeth and looking towards the sin and death in the sky, the three of them wished to rush to tear the two "hypocritical" sinners at once.

Like Zhang Heng, the three people, Black and White, and Katis, live the same "stable and peaceful" life in the New World Imperial Capital. The soldiers who were burned out of their ashes are also their partners. .

At this moment, what they experience and endure is completely opposite to those soldiers in the war zone.

Sorrowful, sad, uncomfortable.

What should those children whose fathers have died in the future go

The eyes of Hei and Katis were flushed, but the pure-hearted White was already in tears, because of the group of dead soldiers, some of them were good friends who had just joined the army, and at this moment, she wanted to collect their bodies for them. It's impossible to do it.

"Scum! Beast! Bastard! You demons!"

Regardless of Hei and Katis’s persuasion, Bai braved the holy white light all over, flapped the holy white wings on her back and flew into the air. While rushing towards the death and sin, she gritted her teeth and severely cut out of her hands. Silver white giant sword.

Obviously, an attack of this level like Bai did not pose a threat to sin and death at all. Sin did not even take action, and Xiaoyan lightly waved his hand with a flat face, the huge white sword light cut out by the giant sword. It was twisted into dust by a hurricane.

"White, come back soon!"

He flapped her wings and flew into the air, with a look of panic trying to stop Bai, but she was one step too late.

"With such an impulsive character, you really are an unqualified general."

Sin smiled faintly, and the dark red left eye, which was full of black lines, suddenly shot a red light like an ultraviolet ray, which instantly penetrated the white right arm.

The distressing screams sounded, and Bai Pain broke out in cold sweat, falling from the air like a broken-winged angel.

"It's not like you."

After seeing this scene, Mie took a surprised glance at Gui, as if he felt puzzled that Gui did not kill Bai with a single blow. Then her willow brows were slightly frowned, and her face was indifferently swooping from mid-air to Bai, holding it with one hand. Pair of holy white wings.

Hei panicked and wanted to rescue Bai, but was disturbed by Victor, and he could only struggle with pain on the spot.

A man like Victor who only believed in "absolute perfectionism" in his heart, the moment Bai was defeated, he had already given up on her.

Without any hesitation, no sympathy or pity, Mie broke off the pair of holy white wings on Bai's back with indifference.

This pain was like losing hands and feet, so that the gray hair could not scream. With the tears of panic and panic, she fell weakly from a height. It is conceivable that even the awakened person would fall at such a height. He fell to pieces.

The moment Bai was about to fall to the ground, seeing the blackness of this scene, she trembling and closing her eyes in despair, but the sound of bone shattering did not sound as she expected, but she heard Bai's extremely weak gasp.

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay! Cheer up!"

Zhang Heng held the white-haired girl in his arms tightly. Even though he knew she was the enemy, at this moment, he only saw the sadness and pain that the girl in his arms had revealed before.

The same as who I used to be.

The white-haired girl in her arms was immersed in endless grief like herself. Her big shiny eyes were filled with the despair and sorrow that made Zhang Heng distressed. The blood-stained wings made her see even more. Looks very pitiful.

"Give me a proper reason."

Mie didn't know when she stood in front of Zhang Heng. She looked at Zhang Heng indifferently, and Zhang Heng also looked up at Mie.

"Reason? Didn't you see it! Isn't it enough that she is already like this!"

Mie was stunned for a moment by Zhang Heng's roar, but the next second, her eyes were cold, and tiny mini whirlwinds suddenly appeared around her body.

"No, don't hurt him! Kill, please, don't hurt him!"

Zhang Heng didn't know that what he had done just now had angered the woman in front of him, but the zero who stood in front of him at the moment knew this, so she rushed to kill Zhang Heng without hesitation.

"Have you become so weak? I'm curious, what are you guys doing during my absence? Can you tell me? Huh?"

Mie looked at Zero indifferently, obviously a very playful "huh", but she trembled all over her body, clenching her silver teeth and said nothing, and did not dare to look up into Mie's eyes.

She, is she just extinct