Extinguish Crime

Chapter 109: hypocritical


"This world no longer needs the so-called "hypocrisy". If you want to survive, then evolve, take up weapons, and plunder everything."

Victor’s piano-like magnetic voice sounded at the second when Bai died. He smiled and looked at Zhang Heng, watching Bai who had stopped his heartbeat in his arms, and slowly opened his arms, saying "Welcome" "Return" posture.

"See it clearly, right?"

Seeing Zhang Heng's innocent state of godlessness, Victor continued to smile and said, "This group of "hypocritical" people, can you see their true colors? Hahaha..."

"Shut up, you shut up!"

If it weren’t for Mie Jin to hold on to Zero’s wrist, she would have rushed to assassinate Victor, because she discovered that Zhang Heng was walking towards Vic after hearing Victor’s words. many.

"Come back! Don't go there! Come back soon!"

There was a voice of zero anxiety and heartbreak in his ears. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, Zhang Heng still steadily moved towards Victor.

"Amy, King Axe, help me, go and stop him!"

"Looking at the wolf, please, go and stop him, go!"

"What are you doing! Isn't Zhang Heng our partner? Isn't he our family? Why don't you stop him!"

Zero seemed to be mad and shouted to his companions around him. However, whether it was Amy or King Axe, even Greed Wolf went over his head with gritted teeth, ignoring Zero's help.

They all know that in Zhang Heng's eyes, they are probably a group of "hypocritical" sinners at this moment. Therefore, even if Zhang Heng is forcibly brought back, it is meaningless.

Zero frowned at such an abnormal behavior. She first reached out and knocked Zero out, then looked at Amy next to her with a displeased expression, and whispered, "What's going on? During my absence. , What happened? How did Zero become like this!"

Amy shook her head with a wry smile, and then her eyes quickly turned dark red, and she explained the events of the past few months simply through telepathy.

"Are you all crazy? When this matter is over, I hope you and Sin can give me a proper explanation!"

If it weren’t for knowing that Amy’s physical fitness is not very strong, Mie is definitely going to fix this calm and wise young man on weekdays. She never expected that an unidentified person like Zhang Heng would be guilty. Agreeing him to join the fight crime, this is simply mad, completely unable to let him understand.

"Never be blinded by hatred..."

The calm and steady voice came into Zhang Heng's ears.

Zhang Heng stopped, and turned his head indifferently to glance at the sin around him.

"I have seen it clearly, so put away your ridiculous "hypocrisy"."

Leaving this sentence that made the sinful expression struggling, Zhang Heng hugged the girl in his arms and continued to walk towards Victor in silence.

That's where he really belongs.

There is his real home.

Zhang Heng has already understood.

At the moment he died in vain, he already understood... The group of people he was familiar with, the group of people who killed the crime, were the real "demons in disguise."

The true "self", the "self" before the memory is lost, does not belong to the eradication of crime, but belongs to the new world behind the "gate of heaven" ahead.

Even at the moment when he felt heartache inexplicably and about to suffocate, Zhang Heng did not take action against the crime.

He knew that he couldn't be the opponent of this one-eyed youth, so he didn't make a move, even if he pulled out a weapon, it was just a joke.

A few minutes later, in the eyes of everyone on the battlefield, Zhang Heng came to Hei, with his arms trembling slightly, and handed the white-haired girl in his arms to the crying black-haired girl.

If it wasn't for his strength to be too weak, Bai would not die, right

Zhang Heng laughed mockingly, and at this moment, Arnold's shout rang behind him.

"Hey! Brother Zhang Heng, what are you doing! Come back soon!"

At this time, Arnold was covered in blood, and his body was weak and needed to be supported by Ronnie beside him in order to stand firm. Even so, Arnold gritted his teeth and screamed at Zhang Heng with all his strength. With a simple personality, he couldn't accept Zhang Heng. The fact of "rebellion".

Zhang Heng clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. He didn't turn his head to look at Arnold. He didn't know what kind of eyes and mentality he should use to face Arnold's "old friend".

Yes, old friends...

From the moment he withdrew from the fight against crime, Zhang Heng was no longer a friend of Arnold, nor was he an important partner and family around them.

"Damn it! Uh..."

Zhang Heng's attitude made Arnold miserable. He wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but he vomited a mouthful of blood because of his injuries. It was very difficult for him to live until now on such a cruel battlefield.

"Ha ha ha, you made a very wise choice."

Victor smiled and looked at Zhang Heng, and said loudly, "Welcome to the new world..."

"Shut up!"

Before Victor could say the whole sentence, Zhang Heng stared at him with scarlet eyes. Zhang Heng did not forget what this demon was like. Even if he quit fighting crime at this moment, he would not admit that he was this. The devil's partner.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this."

Victor shrugged indifferently, then reached out and touched Katya's little head beside her, and smiled and said, "As you can see, Katis’s "original memory" has been awakened by me. Would you please Don't want to know what happened to her past?"

The original memory

Zhang Heng looked at Katia with a look of astonishment. This little Lolita had a painful past, but he had learned about it from the mouth of sin before.

"Ah, Little Tiss, it's up to you to tell Zhang Heng what those "hypocritical" people have done to you."

Victor chuckled lightly.

Katiya nodded obediently, then stared at the sin and the rest of the people indifferently, and whispered: "The group of people changed my memory before. My real name is Katis. Those guys killed My mother and brother forced me to join their organization..."

"Enough, enough!"

Unable to listen at all, Zhang Heng roared when he learned the "truth" and looked at Katya with a painful look. He wanted to hear Katya say that everything was fake, but those pairs were full of indifference and doubts. With big eyes, it was telling him that all of this was "true".

How come, how come...

Have they been deceiving me all the time

Could it be that even Yuko's family were persecuted by them

Trembling and turning around, Zhang Heng stared at Sin, staring at Amy, staring at each of those once familiar partners, and for a while, he felt his heartache as uncomfortable as tearing.