Extinguish Crime

Chapter 11: Make a choice


The strongest... Awakener? !

Zhang Heng looked surprised. He who understood most of the problems at the moment was shocked.

First of all, he has determined that this so-called crime-fighting organization is composed of a group of "awakened" who have cursed genes and have awakened the "power of the curse"!

After seeing the "cursing power" of King Axe, Sin, Wolf Greed, Amy and others, Zhang Heng became curious about the unawakened power in his body.

Could it be... what kind of power

telepathy? Still flying away

Zhang Heng's current mood is difficult to explain clearly, there is excitement, anxiety, and confusion.

"I won't mention what kind of power it is."

Amy seems to know Zhang Heng's thoughts, he pushed the frame and continued: "Zhang Heng, the question you have to consider at the moment is whether you are ready to become one of us in the fight against crime."

Become one of them

Zhang Heng pursed his lips and said nothing. Of course, he was not prepared for this group of people like Amy, the Fight Crime Organization.

This result seemed to be expected by Amy. He smiled slightly and waved to Zhang Heng to signal Zhang Heng to take his seat. Then he poured himself and Zhang Heng a cup of black iron coffee.

"I know you don't have the "reason" for being one of us."

Amy took a sip of coffee, pushed her eyes, and said seriously: "So, I can give you two suggestions for reference now. As for whether you want to join, wait for tomorrow morning and go and talk to sin by yourself."

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Heng nodded silently, motioned for Amy to continue.

"First, because of the curse of the gene, you have lost part of your memory like Zero. Of course, although this is a side effect of the gene, I am not sure whether you will recover your memory someday, but apart from waiting In addition to this method of memory recovery, you can also use the "gene serum" of the new world to recover memory, but this condition may not be possible for you alone. It may only be possible to achieve it if you become one of us."

"Second, in addition to the new world, you can leave our stable zone and go to the "war zone" in the middle of the new world to find gene serum. Although I don't think you can safely reach the war zone in your current state, the final decision is In your own hands."

"Restore memory?"

After listening to Amy’s two so-called suggestions, Zhang Heng pondered for a long time, and finally raised his head, looked at Amy directly, and asked, “I already understand what you mean. If I choose to... leave here, I What are the chances of self-recovery?"

Zhang Heng's decision and choice obviously did not intend to go to the so-called new world and war zone, nor did he want to find any cursed serum, but to try to wait for the memory to recover.

Amy took a sip of coffee and stretched out a finger: "No more than one percent. You must know that Zero came seven years earlier than you, and the memory she lost seems to be only ten years, less than you should. As you can imagine, I have tried various methods and drugs in the past seven years, and I have not been able to evoke the memory of zero loss. Therefore, I don’t think there is even a one-percent chance of your idea."

"Not even one percent..."

After getting this answer, Zhang Heng sighed and drank the bitter coffee with a bitter taste in his mouth.

If you can't even know the memory of the past, can I still be a "complete" person? …

"Ok… "

After drinking a whole cup of coffee, Zhang Heng was shaken after several trade-offs. He pursed his lips and asked, "Before I join you, I want to know what the anti-crime organization is for. Although my guess is that your organization may be protecting the residents of the stable area and destroying the kind of non-human monsters called "alien", but I still want to know the real reason for the existence of Fighting Crime, after all, a powerful awakening like yours You should be able to easily control the entire Anding District, right?"

"Does the fight against crime have a meaning?"

Amy pushed the frame, and did not answer Zhang Heng’s question, but raised her hand to check the time of the watch: “It’s not early. Come here today. Your question, after seeing sin tomorrow, he I will tell you."

After speaking, Amy filled another cup of coffee and walked slowly up the stairs with the cup.

"Drinking so much coffee, can you really fall asleep?"

Looking at Amy's back, Zhang Heng felt a little entangled in his heart. Although he didn't know if Amy could sleep, he knew that it would be difficult for him to fall asleep tonight.

Is to leave

Or stay

This night is destined to be Zhang Heng's sleepless night.

Zhang Heng, who had been suffering from insomnia all night, finally fell asleep on the sofa. At the same time, Amy and Sin met in the conference room on the third floor of the villa.

"Has he made a decision?"

Even early in the morning, Sin still couldn't change his smoking habit. He leaned back in a wicker chair lazily, and his whole person was wrapped in white smoke.

"not yet."

Amy knows that the "him" in the crime mouth refers to Zhang Heng.

"Sin, through these three months of observation, although there is nothing suspicious about Zhang Heng's performance, I still don't recommend him to join the fight against crime."

"It can bypass my surveillance and send people into the stable area without knowing it. I believe you know in your heart that this can only be done by the "group of people" in the new world. Therefore, Zhang Heng is very likely. Of course, the undercover agent sent by the New World does not rule out that Zhang Heng is the son or relative of a certain senior. For some reason, the New World cannot accommodate Zhang Heng, so he was sent to our Anding District."

Amy pushed his glasses, eyes full of wise light, calmly analyzing his thoughts to sin.

"Ah, this is a little troublesome..."

The smoke on Sin slowly dissipated. He pinched his chin with one hand and said after a moment of thought: "Then...just treat him as an illegitimate child, well, that's it..."

"Hey, I knew..."

Amy smiled helplessly. He had long guessed that sin would bypass the "undercover" level of speculation. Because of the powerful curse power in Zhang Heng's body, sin probably wouldn't give up Zhang Heng easily.

Despite this, Amy is still a little worried about Zhang Heng's true identity and origins, and sin also sees Amy's concerns. This one-eyed youth changed his normal at this time, his expression suddenly became cold, and he flung the windbreaker domineeringly: " Don’t worry about the rest of the issues. I’m here, I won’t, and will not allow anyone to destroy our “homeland” created by our fight against crime. If Zhang Heng is really an undercover agent sent by New World, then I will personally kill him. … life!"

"Just as I promised you before, to slay all the sins and evils in this world, this is the meaning of our existence!"

Late at night, the villa is on the fourth floor.

"What a strange feeling..."

Wearing a light pink pajamas with a "cartoon bear pattern", he walked out of the bathroom and lay in a daze on his beautifully decorated "princess bed" full of cartoon decorations.

Such a daze situation is zero "daily performance".

Like Zhang Heng, he has lost most of the zeros of his memory, and often tries hard to remember something.

However, today's "daily performance" made Zero's eyebrows slightly frowned, and she seemed...very vaguely thinking of some pictures.

In the vague picture of memory, it was a man standing in front of him with his back facing him. Although he couldn't see his face, he was inexplicably convinced that this man should be a young man.

To be precise...a young man like Zhang Heng.

"Ahhh! So annoying, how can I think of that big pervert..."

Zero's two little feet are kicking back and forth on the bed, and this has been annoying for her for several days.

Since I saw Zhang Heng a few days ago, he has been in his current state.

"My past...what is it..."

"Is it... really related to him?"

With a puffed face, Ling Weiwei, as an excellent assassin, is the first time she has fallen asleep with such confused thoughts.

It’s not clear and can’t explain.


In the dark.

It seems to be the "intertwined thread of destiny" that binds the two strangers together.

"Master... It's time to get up..."

In a daze, Zhang Heng opened his eyes and stared at Ling's cute face like a comic girl.

"What...what's going on?"

Zhang Heng blinked, as if he heard the word "master" just now

what's the situation!

Hello! When did I become your master? Also, what is your "smiley face at the disposal of the master"! With your expression like this, I... I will misunderstand it!

Zhang Heng sat up abruptly, panting violently, and stared at him with nervous and disbelieving eyes with almost no clothing, similar to zero in a maid outfit.

"What a joke! Are you playing tricks on me? Damn it! You just want to explain it! Don't keep on putting on a smile that makes me misunderstand!"

If it hadn’t been for the behavior of “ravaging” the greedy wolf before crossing zero, Zhang Heng would almost believe the unreal scene before him. How could a girl with a cute appearance and a violent tendency like zero...how could she wear such a shameful appearance? The maid pretends to say such shameful words as "Master"!

"Yes, yes!... Isn't this a dream? Yes! This must be a dream..."

Seeing Ling who was next to him slowly leaned towards him with extremely "eager" eyes, Zhang Heng's mind went blank, and his thoughts were completely messed up. Although he had already determined that this must be his dream, he stared at it. The pink lips close at hand made him completely lose the ability to think.

Bang bang... bang bang...

As zero approached, Zhang Heng's heart seemed to be beating nervously.

"Ah, is that so? This is the "power of love"!"

But when Zhang Heng closed his eyes and was about to kiss Zero's pink lips, the unexpected voice of sin suddenly sounded.

Opened my eyes suspiciously, only to find...

Sin's upper body was smiling, his eyes were full of "fire-like heat", and the distance between the faces of the two people was no more than half an inch.

Hello! Don't get so close! If this goes on, you have to face up! That's it!

However, Zhang Heng's heartfelt horror was not interesting at all, he slowly, little by little, approached with that fiery eyes.

Such a picture, such an atmosphere!

"He, is he really..."
