Extinguish Crime

Chapter 115: Twisted love (3)


Zhang Heng and Avril had a big quarrel this night.

The reason for the quarrel made Zhang Heng very incomprehensible... It was just that he was unwilling to take off the red ring, and this gentle and considerate woman quarreled with him inexplicably.

"You only belong to me!"

These words before Avril Lavigne left made Zhang Heng frowned.

Despite the quarrel with Avril Lavigne, Zhang Heng was still unable to take off the ring.

There are too many unforgettable memories.

Zhang Heng touched the ring, and sighed, whether it was sad or uncomfortable. This ring was the only thing left to him by the innocent and cute girl in his memory.

How can I take it off

How can I forget the smiling face of Zero

Before he knew it, Zhang Heng was stunned to discover that in his heart, zero always occupies a very delicate position. If he must explain, this inescapable feeling can only show that Zhang Heng is already unaware I fell in love with this simple and cute girl.

But what's the use

I have already left Zero and also withdrew from the fight against crime. Even if I realize it now, it doesn't make any sense, right

Zhang Heng smiled bitterly. Although wine can't drunk him, if there is wine at the moment, he believes that he will gulp a few bottles.

After the beginning of the next day, Zhang Heng discovered one thing... Avril, who had quarreled with him, was no longer clinging to him as before.


Bite the scalp and greeted Avril Lavigne and others at the table, Zhang Heng sat down.

"Ah, Brother Zhang Heng, your eye circles are so dark, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Bai sipped his breakfast on the side, and doubts radiated from his silver-white pupils.

"Huh? Sister Avril is the same, what's wrong, you are so weird today."

The black and white expressions on the side.

"I'm fine."

Almost coincidentally, Zhang Heng and Avril Lavigne spoke at the same time.

The two looked at each other unexpectedly and awkwardly, and then Avril hurriedly staggered her gazes. This made Zhang Heng a little depressed. She had just quarreled, so this woman was so shy that she couldn't face herself

"I, I'm full."

Just after Zhang Heng took a sip of milk, Avril Lavigne lowered her head and stood up with a shy and panic expression, and hurried out of the villa without even saying hello.

What, what is she shy of

Zhang Heng felt that Avril Lavigne's behavior was a bit inexplicable.


After Avril Lavigne left, Hei suddenly put on an expression of "I understand", smiled at Zhang Heng and said sweetly: "It turns out to be like this... It seems that Brother Zhang Heng and Sister Avril must have slept together last night. Huh? I know, this is the case with many newly married people."

"Huh? Sister, do you actually understand again? It's really amazing!"

Innocent Bai looked surprised, she felt that her sister was really too good, and she "knowledges" everything.

He squinted his eyes triumphantly and chuckled after Bai’s "commendation": "Of course, you should remember that guy Jerry? Huh, since he got married, his wife has been with him. Sister Avril’s expression like that just now is simply too embarrassing."

"Oh... That's how it is!"

Bai had a suddenly realized expression, but her face suddenly darkened in the next second, and said with a sad expression: "Jerry seems to have died on the battlefield too..."

Hei gritted his silver teeth and nodded, and said sadly: "I heard that his wife also committed suicide the day before yesterday..."

Committed suicide

Zhang Heng was a little flushed by the conversation between the sisters, but his face immediately sank when he heard this.

"Well, you can't talk during breakfast."

Turning off the topic calmly, flushing barely squeezed out a smile, then looked at the empty space next to him, and asked with some confusion: "By the way, where did Tiya go? Why didn't you come for breakfast today? "

It has been four days since I came to the imperial capital. Zhang Heng knows that Black, White, and Katya all live here. According to their usual habits, Katya will definitely come to eat together.


Bai looked confused.

"Is Brother Zhang Heng talking about Tiss?"

Hei reacted, and the big dark eyes turned and said: "Tiss, Lord Victor took away last night, I guess he was going to perform some task."

"Perform the task?"

Zhang Heng's heart shrank slightly, frowned and said, "Where are they?"

Regardless of whether he is joining the new world or not, Zhang Heng can't watch Katya staying beside the demon Victor.

"What's wrong? Brother Zhang Heng, is there any problem?"

Seeing that Zhang Heng seemed to be in a bad mood, he asked suspiciously.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Heng shook his head and said, "It's okay. It's just that you are still such a small person. I'm not worried about your mission or something."


Hearing these words, Hei and Bai glanced at each other and laughed involuntarily.

Zhang Heng looked puzzled, is his own words funny

"Brother Zhang Heng, you have changed a lot."

Hei looked at Zhang Heng with a squint, wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth with a napkin and smiled sweetly: "We are commanders of the empire, so this has nothing to do with age."

"That was not what I meant."

Zhang Heng frowned: "Did someone force you?"

Obviously, Zhang Heng couldn't believe that such a lovely pair of sisters would "voluntarily" become the top ten generals.


Bai blinked his eyes and smiled and explained: "No one forced us. Anyway, my sister and I were able to survive thanks to brother Zhang Heng. Without you, my sister and I would still be there now." Abandoned area "is being bullied."

"Thanks to me?"

Zhang Heng couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence for a while. Did he ever save these sisters

"It's really rude, do you guys forget that Zhang Heng's brother has lost his memory?"

Hei glared at his sister a little displeased, and then said to Zhang Heng apologetically, "Brother Zhang Heng, don’t care about these things. Anyway, you can come back now. You don’t know that you have been missing these months, Avril Lavigne. My sister almost broke down."

Upon hearing this news, Zhang Heng didn't feel much surprise. From the beginning of the meeting, he could see Avril's attitude towards him... This woman cared far more about herself than others.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Heng couldn't help but ask: "Can you tell me, Avril and I...no, it should be me before the amnesia, what is the relationship between Avril and me?"

Before Hei answered, Bai exclaimed in surprise, "Brother Zhang Heng actually forgot this?"

"Yes, yes."

Bai's reaction made Zhang Heng a little at a loss.

Then, Hei said something that made Zhang Heng stunned on the spot: "You and Sister Avril are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. I heard Sister Avril said that you seemed to be engaged a year ago..."