Extinguish Crime

Chapter 12: Unexpected physical examination


A ray of sunset shone through the window on Zhang Heng's horrified face. He opened his eyes and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

"But, damn it! How could...how could you have such a bad "nightmare"!"

Zhang Heng gasped. Although dreaming is a rare thing for him, the dream last night was no different from a "nightmare" to him.

Hmm... The definition of nightmare, of course, refers to the part where sin appears.

Although his mind was extremely clear, Zhang Heng shook his head slightly.

"I actually slept for so long..."

He stared blankly at the sunset outside the window. Apart from this nightmare, this was the most stable and longest time he slept in the past three months.

"Could it be...Is this my "home"?"

Zhang Heng sat up and leaned on the sofa, his dark eyes rolled, and he was able to sleep so heartlessly in such an unfamiliar environment, which surprised him at the same time, he seemed to understand something.

"Since this is the case... in order to retrieve the memory that belongs to me, then... it's decided!"

Zhang Heng got up and clenched his fists, his eyes filled with determination and hope.

By the time Zhang Heng walked out of the villa, it was already half night.

On the green lawn outside the door, apart from Xina, Sin, Amy, and other members of the fight against crime, all gathered here at this time.

They are still the same.

Amy leaned on a wooden chair and sipped coffee and read a book leisurely, and the crime on the side seemed to have moved the large wicker chair in his office that "will feel comfortable no matter how you lie down" here, with a cigarette in his mouth and slightly closed With eyes closed, his face was full of enjoyment.

Seeing the "familiar" expression and expression of sin, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and remembered the nightmare last night: "Damn it, obviously my sexual orientation is normal, why... why does this guy appear in my dreams? !"

Thinking that the crime is most likely "the kind of person", Zhang Heng shuddered involuntarily, and quickly looked away.

Looking at the other end of the lawn, Ling changed back to the tight red dress she had seen when she first saw her. She lay on the green lawn, holding a girly cartoon in her hand, and her long black hair in the breeze. Swaying gently, like the quiet and lovely girl in the comics.

And what makes Zhang Heng stunned is that such a scene, such a scene, seems to be deja vu...

"Hey, I said, can't you bear this weight? It seems that your kid has been lazy lately!"

On the other side, Greed Wolf and King Axe are ****ing their upper bodies. The ratio of one large and one small body makes Zhang Heng feel awkward. However, King Axe seems to be training the wolf at this time, staring with very cold eyes. A greedy wolf who is obviously exhausted and sweaty.

"No, it's such a weight for a teenager..."

Zhang Heng took back the thoughts that appeared inexplicably, cold sweat on his forehead, and some disbelief looked at the greedy wolf holding the "6000kg" weight barbell, and couldn't help but swallowed his mouth.

"Yeah, here it is."

When Zhang Heng was in a daze, Sin opened his left eye, his face was full of smiles: "It seems that I have a good rest."

"Ah, yes."

Although some didn't want to admit it, and didn't want to look at the "evil smiling face" of Sin, Zhang Heng nodded, and he did sleep peacefully this night.

"So, are you here to tell me the decision you made?"

Sin took a mouthful of cigarettes and exhaled a large circle of white mist, which made Zhang Heng frown.

"Hey, I said, there are still minors here, can't you take it for a while?"

Zhang Heng intentionally looked at the zero aside.

"Hahaha, that's it, sorry, sorry."

The sin was obvious for a moment. After extinguishing the cigarette, he laughed, and then said in an ambiguous tone: "It seems that you have decided to stay? So it is, after all, it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to zero for such a cute girl. I refused."

"Wha, what!"

Zhang Heng naturally heard the deep meaning contained in the words of sin, and couldn't help making a big red face: "It's not what you think, I..."

Sin interrupted Zhang Heng with a casual wave of his hand: "Okay, okay, I see, all in all, you decided to join us, right?"

"That's right..."

Zhang Heng pursed his lips, then raised his head to look at sin seriously: "Although I don't know what your organization does, but I always feel that you should not be bad guys, so..."

"Bad guy?"

Sin interrupted Zhang Heng again and said, "You are wrong, Zhang Heng, we are not the "good people" you imagined."


Zhang Heng was a little surprised.

"but… "

Sin's eyes became indifferent: "Compared to the "group of people" in the new world, we can be regarded as "good people"."

"Let's not mention this, Zhang Heng, before joining us, I want to ask you a question."

Sin suddenly smiled, and the arc drawn at the corner of his mouth made Zhang Heng feel inexplicably frightened: "Every member of our fight against crime bears their own past, and it is precisely for those beautiful pasts that we have This organization will be formed."

"Since you want to know the meaning of our existence and establishment of the fight against crime, then I tell you..."

"Since the heavens can no longer punish this world full of "sin and evil", then... it is up to us to execute the crime. I have always firmly believed that... all the sins and evils in this world will eventually be judged!"

"So, Zhang Heng, are you ready?"

"Even if you are looking for memory, you still have to live. Are you ready to... take up the weapon in your hand? Do you already have this consciousness!"

A voice full of magnetism, dull like thunder, echoed in everyone’s ears. At the moment when the words of sin fell, everyone focused on Zhang Heng’s body. Everyone’s eyes were Full of firmness!


"Should all evil be slain?"

Looking around at his firm eyes, Zhang Heng was stunned for a long time. There seemed to be something in his body, boiling and burning!

"Although it feels a bit like a "savior", but..."

The corners of Zhang Heng's mouth raised slightly, and he finally understood that the feeling of blood boiled from inside made him yell out loudly: "I, I've long been... ready!!"

The expected cheers did not come, and Zhang Heng kept an extremely embarrassing and enthusiastic expression on his face, because the eyes they looked at him were like looking at a "second young man".

"Hey...At this time, you should at least applaud..."

Although there is such hope in his heart, in fact, even Zhang Heng himself feels that his expressions and actions are very "secondary."

"Oh, what a headache."

At this time, Sin broke the embarrassment. After Zhang Heng showed a puzzled expression, he continued to say seriously: "Although your performance makes me very satisfied, Zhang Heng, you are actually not "ready". Did not get the consciousness that belongs to you to take up the weapon."

"Yeen, that's right, not only is the power weak, but also the "big pervert" who peeks at others in the bath, I won't admit that he is my partner."

While watching the cartoon, Zero casually said the sentence that made Zhang Heng both angry and blushing.

"That means, a weak fellow like you, how could he be qualified to be my wolf-greedy partner..."

"Hey! Don't be distracted, kid!"

The greedy wolf gritted his teeth and thrust a sentence in sweat, but as a result, the King Axe’s merciless "whipping" and howled miserably came, but I have to say that the actions of King Axe made Zhang Heng feel happy from the bottom of his heart. do not have? Greedy wolf, this hateful kid, also has today...

The only one who didn't express any opinions during the whole process was Amy, the young man who seemed to be full of wise light in his eyes.

However, Zhang Heng knows that Amy this guy has the special ability of telepathy, maybe he has already expressed his opinion through spiritual communication and sin

"Then... let's do this first."

After a while, a cigarette was lit on the crime. Before Zhang Heng could ask a question, he first said: "In your current state, you can barely be regarded as our "alternate member" for the fight against crime, but before that..."

Sin snapped his fingers.

Then, the yellow-haired "maid" Xina I saw last night walked out of the villa with a yawn, staring at Sin with the eyes of a panda who had obviously not had enough sleep.

Sin's face was also thick, he just smiled at this, and then continued with what he hadn't said before: "Before this, let's have a "physical examination"..."

After dinner.

The second floor of the villa, the medical room.

"This...what the hell is this!..."

Zhang Heng, who was lying on the bed at the moment, flushed...oh no, it should be considered as...blushing, right

There are not many things that can make a young man in his twenties feel ashamed, but Zhang Heng at this moment has really experienced it.

Zhang Heng was lying flat on the bed, naked, with only a pair of panties to cover her shame, while Xina, who was slender, wore a maid outfit that was not supposed to be a doctor.

On the other hand, for any youth of the same age, there will probably be some "undesirable pictures" in his mind.

But in fact…

Zhang Heng is still very confident in his "endurance". At least so far, there has been no "change" in his lower body that embarrassed him.

Hello! Don't be so close! If it's pressed down... it won't be great!

It is not so much a physical examination as a "test" for Zhang Heng. Xina groped on Zhang Heng's body full of various instruments like a doll, and then picked up a notebook from time to time to record something. And she seemed unaware of it. Every time she lowered her head to breathe, and every time she approached Zhang Heng, it was an "unbearable torture" for Zhang Heng.

"Huh, huh... Calm, calm! Now is not the time to think about those things!"

Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, his body trembling slightly, which suppressed the inexplicable restlessness in his heart anyway.

"Damn it, what kind of physical examination is this? Is this the sin that guy is testing my willpower?"

Zhang Heng was puzzled by such a peculiar physical examination method, thinking it was a "test" set by sin.

"Sure enough, wanting to join this strange organization is not such a simple thing!"

Affirming this, Zhang Heng's "will power" is more determined!

"Xina, have the test results come out?"

After a while, sin appeared in Zhang Heng's expectation.

"Ah, is it really testing me? Haha, you are too underestimating me!"

Zhang Heng opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, his face was full of winners' smiles.

However, after seeing Zhang Heng's expression, Sin was puzzled.

"The result has come out, you...see it for yourself."

When Zhang Heng got dressed, Xina blankly handed the book she had recorded before to Sin.

"This, this score!..."

After seeing the data in the notebook, Sin stared at his left eye in disbelief and almost spit out the cigarette he was holding in his mouth.

"Physical test result: 3 points (10 points out of 10 points)."

"The strength test result: 2 points."

"Response speed test result: 9 points."

"Brain test result:???"

"Combat power simulation test result: 2 points."

"Comprehensive score... 3 points... "

Sin was almost a dull expression reading the test results that made Zhang Heng "shocked and unexpected".

"I said..."

Xina sighed lightly, looked at Zhang Heng, her long eyelashes blinked very playfully: "You are really... unexpectedly weak."

Although Zhang Heng doesn't know what this score represents, from the expressions of Sin and Xina, it can be known that his score is probably the lowest score they have ever seen.

"Oh, yes, except for these..."