Extinguish Crime

Chapter 121: On the eve of the decisive battle (1)


The spring sunshine swayed the earth, but it was not as warm as imagined.

At least, this group of civilians living in the war zone did not feel any "warmth".

The front-line stronghold war ended half a month ago.

This battle was a victory in the theater.

It took a full 160,000 lives in exchange for the victory of this war.

On the roads of the war zone, there are sometimes dirty children, the older ones are twelve or thirteen years old, and the younger ones are only five or six years old.

No one pays attention to these children, and there is no extra food or place to provide them.

They are like "dead souls" wandering on the streets. When the residents next to the streets open the door every morning, they will always see one or two children with stinky bodies lying in front of the door.

No one sympathizes with these children, and no one takes care of their corpses. Who cares about these things when they can't guarantee it themselves

In just half a month, more than a thousand children have starved to death on the street... Even if the corpse is processed, you can still smell the numbing smell.

This situation has become commonplace in war zones. Every time there is a large-scale war, a large number of innocent children will die as they are now.


Hundreds of armored vehicles and helicopters drove into the war zone. Many residents of the war zone were dumbfounded, but they were not as shocked as before. They knew that this was a "mount" unique to the stable area.

"Sin, the supplies have already been shipped to the war zone. Will they be distributed now?"

In the small wooden house near the Rose Ranch, Amy pushed the frame and asked about the guilt with a leisurely look leaning on the wicker chair.

Sin pondered for a moment, then reluctantly got up and moved his body. He walked out of the room with a faint smile and said to Amy behind him: "All members are dispatched. If we are not here, these supplies may cause unnecessary trouble. "


Amy nodded, and after walking out of the room, gathered the others to go to the material gathering point... Goddess Square.

This time, the amount of food transported from the Anding District was one ton.

Rice, vegetables, meat, clothes...

All in all, the materials transported this time are basically the things that can be found everywhere in the Anding District, so even if so many have been transported, it will not cause any trouble to the Anding District.

However, these "ordinary materials" for the stable area are equivalent to "gold and diamonds" for the war zone.

Therefore, once the scene is not under control, I believe that the residents of those war zones will desperately rob it... No one wants to starve to death, everyone wants to put on a new dress. For these things, many people can fight for their lives.

In order to prevent such things from happening, with the assistance of Sin and War zone soldiers, the jealous and hungry war zone residents were kept outside.

At this moment, the Goddess Square was full of people, except for the adults who were blocked outside, the rest were children wandering on the street.

"Don't worry! Everyone has a share, you go and line up first!"

Zero, who is responsible for distributing food, frowned and drank to the children around her who were hungry and thirsty and drank the water around her. However, the scene was too chaotic, and there were not many children who would listen to her. They were already starving. Now, only those rice and vegetables are in my eyes.

The horse whip hit the ground fiercely, causing the hearts of these little guys to tremble, and their bodies jumped straight in an instant.

"Really, just go to the queue for me obediently! You little guys are so rude!"

Ronnie shook the whip in her hand and scanned the children angrily. Under her scolding, the children quickly lined up with their horror. The speed of the children was stunned. Sin, Amy and others couldn't help but laugh.

It took three full days for the materials to be distributed. In addition, the anti-crime organization also helped these children without shelters to build more than a dozen simple buildings to solve their housing problems.

"You have changed a lot."

For Sin's rescue of these orphans this time, Mie was very puzzled. In her impression, although Sin was not regarded as indifferent, she would definitely not unconditionally assist these orphans with no usable value as it is now.

"Aha? Is there really such a big change?"

Sin hit haha, with a handsome smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a dirty girl took a picture and walked to Mie's body. Under Mie's incomprehensible gaze, the little girl smiled sweetly and stuffed the picture in Mie's hand: "Thank you, big sister. Give us food and clothes, thank you very much..."

Mie's face became stiff, and before she could speak, the little girl jumped and left here.

"Wow... Did you actually receive a gift?"

Sin snatched the scroll in Mie's hand with a wicked smile. He opened it and looked at it, and the smirk on his face turned into a smile.

This painting is very ugly, the portraits of the characters inside are crooked, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

However, Sin knew that the few people in this painting were him and those around him.

"Wow! This painting is too ugly."

After seeing the "portrait of myself", his sinful face was distressed, and the portrait of him was extremely ugly, especially the one-eyed one, enough to scare young and ignorant children.

"Let me see! I see!"

Greedy Wolf escaped the picture with some excitement, and the next second he had the same expression as sin. It was so ugly, it was simply unsightly.


When Ling looked at herself in the picture scroll, she was also "ugly laughed" by herself.

"It's really bad, how can a figure like me be drawn so short!"

King Axe frowned, entangled with his short stature in the painting, and didn't care about the beauty and ugliness of the portrait at all.

Looking at herself in the portrait, Mie couldn't help showing an unnatural blush on her face, and a touch of emotion rose inexplicably in her heart.

"It seems that I am the "most handsome", um, these little guys have a good vision."

Amy pushed the frame and made a rare joke.

Although on the surface, everyone is very happy.

They looked at the picture scroll, and then at the group of children in their new clothes playing happily, everyone showed a warm smile.

"Why, our Miss Mie is blushing!"

Sin caught Mie's expression at this time, and couldn't help being surprised.

In the next second, Sin turned around in the air a few times, and fell to the ground pretending to be Venus.

"Starting tomorrow, your training content will be doubled!"

Mie yelled to Sin with an indifferent expression. Hearing these words, Sin simply lay on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The others were amused, however, they also followed the tragedy.

"It's funny, isn't it? Then you come too, starting tomorrow, I will personally supervise."

Leaving this cold voice that made everyone petrify, Mie turned around coldly, and walked away with a smile that everyone didn't notice.

Half a month later, the horn of war sounded again.

This time, the Fight Crime Organization learned that Zhang Heng had joined the New World Army and became the eleventh general.

Everyone is silent, they all know that what should come is always coming, they can't escape, they can only take up arms to face it.

The former partners will eventually meet again on the battlefield...