Extinguish Crime

Chapter 125: The baptism of despair (2)


There was only one helicopter, and all six commanders, including Zhang Heng, were seated in this helicopter.

The personnel involved in the operation this time were Zhang Heng, Victor, Dante, Black and White, and Katya.

Such a lineup is the first time that the New World has dispatched so many generals at the same time since the start of the war. This shows how important the "Apocalypse" stele unearthed this time is to the New World.

"Collector" Victor.

"Hellfire" Dante.

"Black and White Raksha" is black and white.

"Scythe of Death" Katis.

"Blood Eye Shura" Zhang Heng.

Except for Zhang Heng, the newly appointed general, all the others have a reputation in the army. The number of enemies they have killed is tens of hundreds of times more than those of ordinary soldiers.

As a high-level awakened person, if he doesn't even have this "record", then he is no different from ordinary people. What are the top ten generals

At this moment, Zhang Heng was sitting in the cabin. Although his expression was plain, his heart was a little confused. He unconsciously took out the test tube from his pocket and played with him back and forth, trying to distract his thoughts.

My thoughts haven't stabilized yet, but I heard a soft voice from the dark side: "Isn't this "gene serum"?"

Gene serum

Zhang Heng was taken aback, looked at the test tube in his hand in surprise, and after a while indulged in a thought, he asked the gangster next to him: "Is this genetic serum?"

Hei smiled and nodded. After seeing Zhang Heng’s doubts, she explained with a smile: “It seems that Brother Zhang Heng should have forgotten, right? Gene serum is very helpful to us who are awakened. The last time I was injured in vain. It’s because of the help of gene serum to survive."

Used to treat injuries

Zhang Heng pursed his lips. Looking back at this moment, he seemed to have heard of the gene serum when he was in the stable area. According to Amy, the gene serum seems to be able to help him restore his memory.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng's expression was startled, his eyes became a little frantic.

Restore memory!

Drink this to restore memory!

Zhang Heng's heart was beating quickly. After waiting for so long, he finally waited until this day, and he was finally able to restore the memories of the past!

"Hehe, gene serum is not as simple as you think."

Zhang Heng was about to unscrew the test tube with a look of excitement, but he heard Victor’s piano-like magnetic smile: "It would be a waste to use it now, and different awakened people have different genes in their bodies. Yes, even if you take Gene Serum now, it may not be able to arouse your memory. On the contrary, it may make your condition worse because of the side effects of Gene Serum."

Zhang Heng looked stunned, and the movements in his hands stopped. Although he hated and did not trust Victor, if what Victor said was true, wouldn't the memory of this time be erased? danger

At that time, I'm afraid I can't even remember the name, right

Think about it, Zhang Heng shuddered, it would be too painful that way, it might as well die.

Of course, what Victor said is not false, but what he and Zhang Heng didn’t know was that this gene serum was specially made by Avril Lavigne for Zhang Heng, and there were no side effects. Not only that, but this gene can also give It is taken by any awakened person and will not conflict with the genes in the body.

"It's weird, how can Brother Zhang Heng have a gene serum?"

Bai couldn't help but asked with curiosity in her heart. She knew very well that gene serum is very scarce, and one use would be less. Therefore, it is undoubtedly difficult for ordinary awakened people to obtain a gene serum, even if It is a general of troops like them, as long as the body is not fatally injured, I am afraid that they will not give them extra serum to help treat their injuries.

The gene serum is not "cleansing" the curse gene in the awakened person, but "repairing" and "perfecting."

"Uh...I am not very clear about this."

Zhang Heng scratched his head awkwardly. He really didn't know who put this gene serum in his pocket.

Is it Avril

Zhang Heng thought about it carefully, except for Avril, who was sticking to him all day, he couldn't expect a second person to do such a thing.

But if this is the case, why didn't Avril Lavigne give it to herself personally, but secretly stuff it to herself

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Heng couldn't think of the reason for Avril Lavigne's behavior. Zhang Heng couldn't help shook his head. He felt that this serum might not have been given to him by Avril Lavigne, and it might be someone else, but he didn't know who it was.

"I'm out of the circle soon, everyone is ready."

Dante, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke in a deep voice. Zhang Heng raised his head and glanced at him. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that the thin-faced youth on the opposite side was a "burning stove", even if it was separated. Looking at him at a distance of three or four meters, he will feel an inexplicable "hot" in his body.

In the case of "Hellfire", it should be an awakened person who controls the flame type, right

Zhang Heng couldn't help being a little curious about Dante's abilities.

"Then, let's act according to the plan."

Victor put aside his smile, squinted his eyes and said to everyone: "Bai and Dante are following me, and Hei and Tisi are following Zhang Heng. Remember, this action is mainly to protect the "Apocalypse" stele. In any case, you can't Let the stone tablet fall into the enemy's hands, understand?"

Except for the silent Zhang Heng, the others nodded solemnly.

Suddenly, the helicopter shook violently. Fortunately, Zhang Heng and others were wearing seat belts, otherwise they would be thrown out of the cabin.

Everyone's heart sank, but they all knew that if a helicopter like this was flying in the air, war zones and anti-crime organizations would inevitably launch raids.

"Haha, did you start?"

Victor smiled faintly, not worried that the helicopter would crash, he unfastened his seat belt at will and ordered the soldiers driving the helicopter to land the helicopter.

Da da da! …

With the rapid rotation of the propeller, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream for the helicopter to land safely in such a dense attack, but the soldier driving the helicopter is obviously an old hand, and every time he launches an attack on the ground, he is dangerously avoided.

After a while, the helicopter landed in the air in black smoke. After Zhang Heng walked out of the cabin, he frowned and glanced at the status of the helicopter. He knew that the helicopter with its severely damaged wings could no longer take off.

This, where is it? !

Before he could be generous, Zhang Heng was stunned on the spot.

He looked around in amazement, a cold sweat bursting out of his forehead.

Around everyone, there are endless building ruins. The entire sky is covered with clouds. In the endless darkness that makes people worry, some red light flashes from time to time. Zhang Heng is very clear that those red lights are unique "different species". Some eyes!


Suddenly, a deafening strange roar came from the surrounding ruins, and then, a dense group of unrecognizable "humans", like a group of zombies, poked their heads out of the ruins and swayed towards Zhang Heng's location. Up here.


Zhang Heng was dumbfounded, his heart beating wildly, and the number of alien species around him could no longer be described in thousands, at least hundreds, tens of millions!

What, how could this be!

How come there are so many alien species

Could it be... a restricted area? !