Extinguish Crime

Chapter 13: Training


During these three days, every time he saw Xina, Zhang Heng’s expression would be extremely unnatural, and every time the phrase "some organs are weak" appeared in his mind, which made Zhang Heng anxious to find a seam drill. Go in.

Zhang Heng never thinks that he is the "second young man" set in the comics.

But in fact, when members of Fight Crime learned that Zhang Heng was "weak in organs" and had a combat power score of 3, everyone's eyes were full of joking and ridicule.

"Ha, it turns out that you are "the kind of person"... I'm sorry, it seems that I misunderstood you last time. Now, if you want to see me take a bath, I will open-open-big-door- for you at any time- Yo..."

This is the picture of Zero snickering when she learned that she had "weak organs" in her memory.

"Hahaha, no more, hahahaha, only 3 combat power, hahaha..."

This is obviously a picture of a wolf falling down and laughing wildly.

"Well, although this score surprised me a bit, Zhang Heng, you still have a chance. Come on and become stronger. I am very optimistic about you!"

"Huh! If the combat power is only 3, I am afraid that even ordinary people who are not cursed can't match it!"

Amy and Axe had two opposite attitudes, but both of them made Zhang Heng crazy.

Although he knew that the "ridicule" of these people was not malicious, Zhang Heng was still panicked.

"It's damned! You guys... let me wait and see!"

In order to prove that his "certain organs", er, was not weak, Zhang Heng put on a "red uniform with a red blood hand" sent by Xina, and came to the office vigorously and gritted his teeth and raised the crime. Training request.

"Oh? Are you planning to enter the training phase so soon?"

Sin leaned on the wicker chair that "would be comfortable no matter how you lie down." This laid-back appearance made Zhang Heng doubt how he became the leader of the fight against crime several times.

"Of course!"

Zhang Heng shot the table, his tone was a little excited, and gritted his teeth and said: "I already know that even Zero and Greed Wolf have "9 points" and "7 points". Of course I have to start training!"

"Oh, it's very powerful."

Sin took a mouthful of cigarettes and said leisurely: "Since I have said so, it seems that I can't refuse you."

"Then, well, if you want to become stronger, let's start with the greedy wolf that you think is weak."

After speaking these words, Sin stretched, reluctantly got up from the cane chair, and walked out of the office with Zhang Heng.

Through observation and understanding over the past few days, Zhang Heng has roughly understood the entire Anding District.

According to Amy, the Anding District is a shelter for "old humans" who have not been injected with the "curse gene". The urban population has millions of people, and the base of the anti-crime organization is established in the uninhabited suburbs of Anding District. .

At the same time, the security area is divided into sixteen communities, and the daily security and management issues are all secretly operated by the anti-crime organization.

As for why the anti-crime organization wanted to protect the city in secret, instead of appearing openly in the sight of the crowd, Sin explained to Zhang Heng in this way: “People who are cursed like us should try not to appear in people’s eyes, because Ah, what we do and everything we do is nothing but "hypocrisy". Our hands are full of "sin and evil" that you can't imagine..."

Zhang Heng couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence until now. It is clearly protecting others. How can it be said that it is sin and evil

The two left the manor and drove Zhang Heng to the training ground where the wolf was.

Yes, powerful awakeners like Greed Wolf are "core members" of the Fight Crime Organization, and each core member has its own dedicated training venue.

And "alternate members" like Zhang Heng can improve their own quality, functions and combat awareness through the training of core members, and they can be promoted to "full members" as long as they pass the subsequent "promotion trials".

"I guess, you must be thinking "Why are young girls like Greed Wolf and Zero the core members?" ",Right?"

On the way, Sin smiled. He didn't even need to look at Zhang Heng's face to guess what Zhang Heng was thinking.

Zhang Heng looked at Sin with a little surprise, but then shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "I have thought about it carefully. Zero-sum Greedy Wolf should have awakened the powerful cursing power in his body to become a core member, right?"

"It's not bad. No wonder your brain strength can't be detected. I have to say that you have a very reactive brain."

Although it sounded like he was complimenting himself, Zhang Heng couldn't help but think of the shameful "3 points", then blushed and waved his hands off the topic: "I asked Amy, as long as he becomes a full member, it's okay. Participate in the official mission of the organization, right?"

Sin nodded: "Yes, but judging from your current state and physical fitness, I am afraid it will take a long time to become a full member."

Such being looked down upon by others is unacceptable to Zhang Heng. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he confidently said, "That's not necessarily true. I heard Amy say that when Zero Sum Wolf was added to Fight Crime, it was only used. After a few months, he became a full member."

"Just a few months?"

Sin smiled mysteriously, neither refuting nor approving Zhang Heng's words.

The training area where Greedy Wolf is located is far from the crime-fighting base. When Sin and Zhang Heng came here, it was already late at night.

When he opened the door and got out of the car, Zhang Heng looked around with the extremely bright lights in his hand. Such high-intensity lights that can penetrate a distance of kilometers are high-tech tools that the "old world" cannot produce.

After investigating for a while, Zhang Heng found that this place seemed to be a jungle.

Constantly inhaling humid air made Zhang Heng feel a little tight in his chest. At the same time, he also determined that this place should be a jungle like the "Amazon Rainforest".

"Well, this is the training ground for greedy wolves."

He put on a cigarette and took a deep breath. He smiled "weirdly", then changed his "hot" eyes and stared at Zhang Heng, holding up Zhang Heng's chin with one hand, "So... Good luck!"

Hey Hey hey! It almost touches my face so close! What kind of expression are you! What are you blushing? Go away quickly! I'm a man with a normal sexual orientation! What on earth do you wicked gangster want to do to me!

Looking at the handsome face of Sin that was close at hand, Zhang Heng's body trembled, and his whole hairs stood up.

The moment when Sin disappeared with a smiling face was also the moment when the car roared.

Zhang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally came back to his senses. It was so dangerous that he was almost "captured" by that charming face.


Really gone

"Hey! Wait, wait!"

Zhang Heng stretched out his hand with a look of panic, and then, the armored car was like a wild horse running away...

Gug, quack, squeak...

All kinds of strange calls sounded in the dark, damp jungle, making people feel inexplicably flustered in this silent night.

"Damn it, at least tell me where to go next!"

Zhang Heng, who recognized the reality, ran through the damp jungle like a headless fly, and cursed his sins in his heart.

"It's over..."

I don't know how much time has passed before Zhang Heng sat down on the muddy ground. Because of the wetland, he didn't know how many times he slipped and fell. His body was full of mud and big bags from mosquito bites.

For some reason, the "handsome smiling face" of Sin suddenly appeared in his mind at this moment.

Zhang Heng vowed that if he had enough strength, he would really want to be beaten by an "irresponsible leader of an organization" and a "dead gay" like Sin.

Xi Xi Suo Suo...

Suddenly, a crawling sound that looked like an animal sounded in the grass behind Zhang Heng.

"Who, who is there!"

Zhang Heng's heart tensed, and he stood up immediately, intending to illuminate the grass with the light in his hand, but the tragedy...the light was out of power.

All around, plunged into endless darkness.

The cold sweat continued to slide down Zhang Heng's forehead.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Zhang Heng, in addition to humans, there are some beasts that have been injected with cursing genes as test subjects. Like us, some high-level "exotic beasts" have even more combat power. We need to be strong..."

In his sober mind, there appeared a picture of a conversation with Amy a few days ago.

"Cheat, deceive, right?"

"This is the stable area. There shouldn't be any alien beasts?"

Zhang Heng's face was stiff, and he was constantly comforting himself.


Reality is always cruel.

Zhang Heng's prayers didn't make any difference. After a sharp, loud, wolf-like roar sounded, a huge figure suddenly burst out of the grass!

"This, what kind of monster is this!"

Zhang Heng's mind was blank. Through the faint moonlight, he could see the leaping figure clearly. It was a huge "wild wolf" twice the size of an adult with a blood-red sharp barb on its head. , Its open blood bowl mouth, exuding a nauseous rancid smell, and its sharp and cold-glowing sharp teeth are exposed, making Zhang Heng completely lose the ability to think.

The sober brain helped Zhang Heng at this time. It took him less than a second to calm down from the shock, and then he gritted his teeth and slammed down to the left.

But it's a pity!

Zhang Heng's speed is too slow, at least too much slower than this huge monster that resembles a wild wolf!

"Asshole, how can you, how can you die here!"

"I... I'm still looking for lost memories!"

Obviously, he was hitting the stone with the pebbles, but at this moment, Zhang Heng could only gritted his teeth, raised his fists and smashed the wild wolf's head frantically.

"Stupid! Get down!"

Suddenly, an angry female voice came from behind Zhang Heng, almost subconsciously, Zhang Heng retracted his fists, then clasped his head with both hands, and threw himself to the ground by inertia.


Ooh! …

The sound of the arrow breaking through the air and the cry of the beast sounded almost at the same moment. Zhang Heng rolled on the ground awkwardly. When he raised his head, the huge wild wolf had fallen to the ground and died, with that huge head. On it, a silver-white steel arrow was inserted.

"Huh... are you catching up? That's great..."

While Zhang Heng was lying on the ground and panting violently, a woman with a drenched body and a blood-red dress that was only available to members of the Fight Crime Organization appeared beside him with a bow and arrow on her back.

This woman with long red hair, a slender figure and exquisite features looks about the same age as Zhang Heng. After seeing that Zhang Heng was not injured, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then stroked her large breasts. A cross is like praying. I have to say that when this woman prays, she looks extra peaceful, just like the "saints" of those believers praying in the church, full of "holiness."

"Is it an angel?..."

This sudden scene made Zhang Heng stunned for a moment. He sat up from the ground and just wanted to say a word of thanks, but unexpectedly the long-haired woman suddenly puffed up his face and banged his fist on Zhang Heng's head very angry. .

"It hurts!"

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Zhang Heng grinned with pain and glared at the woman angrily.

"A big fool like you, if you don't teach you a lesson, you won't be sober at all!"

"With such a weak combat power, you dare to fight against the "Blood Wolf". You are really... really a hopeless idiot!"

The long-haired woman was too emotional, causing her beautiful face to appear intoxicating red. It seemed that Zhang Heng's "fight to the death" just now made her very angry.

Zhang Heng's heart was very angry, and the image of the "angel" in the woman's mind disappeared immediately. Although he was very upset by being beaten for no reason, he could not find any reason to refute the long-haired woman. He could only be bored. Stained silently.

"Hmph, I really don't understand how a big idiot like you joined the organization!"

Under Zhang Heng's startled gaze, the long-haired woman carried the huge "blood wolf" corpse with one hand, then frowned and shouted at Zhang Hengjiao, who was still in a daze behind her, "What are you still doing in a daze? Are you planning to sleep here? Is it really a big idiot!"

"I… "

Zhang Heng felt so powerless for the first time. He clearly had a clearer brain than anyone else, but he was insulted into a fool several times.

Have you ever seen a "dumb" who stays awake even when sleeping


In the current situation, Zhang Heng could only follow the long-haired woman with a sigh. Through her uniform, Zhang Heng could confirm that this weird-tempered long-haired Weiss woman should also be an "alternate member" in the fight against crime.

"This woman is so powerful..."

Zhang Heng looked at the long-haired woman carrying the corpse of the "Blood Wolf" in front, and was full of shock: "Is such a powerful combat force yet to become a full member?"

At this moment, Zhang Heng vaguely understood something.

It seems that he is too simple to organize the fight against crime...