Extinguish Crime

Chapter 133: Endlessly (4)


"Remember, you can't cry at any time, that's a manifestation of the weak! Don't you want to become a strong, then, just remember this to me, even if the most important person around you is dying in front of you, Don't cry, it will only make your enemy happy, and will not have any other superfluous effects!"

Zhang Heng looked at King Axe and at this iron man, the time he had spent training next to him involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Even with a broken hand, this iron man never frowned. He turned his head to look at Zhang Heng with a cold face, and suddenly smiled with relief, which made Zhang Heng even more sluggish.

Without waiting for Zhang Heng to think, Victor grabbed the other arm of King Axe with a distorted expression of excitement, twisting it like a twist, and instantly twisted King Axe's arm to life.

The blood blasted, the blood stained the earth and Zhang Heng's sight.

King Axe knelt down.

The iron man knelt down.

He was trembling slightly, with cold sweat on his forehead, and his face was as pale as a dead person. Even with his dead hands, he just said nothing, still looking at Zhang Heng with that relieved smile.

The heart seems to be dripping blood.

With trembling lips, Zhang Heng turned his head subconsciously. He couldn't bear to look at the current appearance of King Axe, and he didn't have the face to face his former partner.

With a sudden sigh, King Axe gritted his teeth indifferently: "Remember how I taught you? Don't you want to protect your family! Why don't you dare to look at me! What about your faith? Your share Enlightenment!"

Faith, awareness...

With the tearing pain in his heart, Zhang Heng never dared to look at King Axe’s cold eyes. He was about to be driven mad. He didn’t know what beliefs or enlightenment he had. He only knew, his former mentor and partner. , Is about to die in front of his eyes at this moment!

"Hahaha! Very good, do you still have faith?"

Victor laughed wildly, his laughter full of irony: "Then, tell me, how can your so-called beliefs save you?"

He said like this, lifting his foot fiercely on King Axe’s chest, kicking him more than ten meters away, but that’s not the case. Before King Axe landed, Victor rushed like lightning. In the past, he kicked King Axe back with a vicious kick.

King Axe was kicked back and forth by Victor like a human-shaped sandbag, his body was spilled in the air with blood, but this iron man did not utter a scream, even a slight moan. Sent out.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Heng was about to go crazy, and Zero's body began to flash with holy white light, and the big shiny eyes were blank.

Perceiving the strangeness of Zero, Victor raised his brows and kicked King Axe with a random kick and turned his head to look towards Zero. When he saw the dazzling white light, he was surprised.

"Forcibly unlock the sixth paragraph?"

As a second-level awakener, Victor can see what Zero is doing at a glance... This girl is desperate to unlock the sixth curse.

At the same time, the other end of the restricted area.

"Master General, it looks like we were deceived."

On the clearing of ruins full of corpses, Miyamoto Chief soldier put away the blood-stained samurai sword, frowned and said solemnly to the middle-aged man beside him.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man whose chin was full of scumbags unscrews a bottle of wine with a look of indifferent expression. After drinking a few sips of "grumbling", his face was ruddy and waved his hand: "These guys have always been like this. Cunning, it seems that the stone stele of the apocalypse unearthed this time was not escorted in four directions."

Chief soldier Miyamoto nodded, agreeing with the middle-aged man's statement that this time they helped fight crime and intercepted the Apocalypse Stele without gaining anything, and these corpses lying on the ground did not have the Apocalypse Stele.

Obviously, both the war zone and the anti-crime organization were miscalculated this time. According to past practice, the newly unearthed stele of the apocalypse should be escorted into the imperial capital from different directions by the generals of the new world, but this time is different. , The four apocalyptic steles are probably gathered in the same team or in the hands of two teams.

Thinking of this, Miyamoto's brow furrowed, and he said in doubt: "Very suspicious, Shogun, don't you think their approach is too risky?"

Although the scattered escort of the Apocalypse Stele is not efficient, it is very safe. At least one or two of the teams were intercepted by the enemy, and the remaining teams can safely reach the imperial capital.

"Oh, suspicious? I don't think so."

The middle-aged man touched the scum on his chin, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, and said faintly: "I'm afraid that more than four generals will be dispatched this time."

Miyamoto was taken aback for a moment, but quickly reacted, and his brows were frowning. If that were the case, I am afraid that the purpose of New World's actions this time is likely to be the same as them, it is to design traps and wait for the other party to jump in.

Not long after, sin and death came here.

The few people looked at each other, and they all saw a touch of solemnity in each other's eyes. Obviously, this time they were calculating the new world, but they did not expect to enter the trap of the new world.


Suddenly, Sin was thinking about his next plan, but Amy's anxious voice sounded in his mind: "Zero and the others are in danger, please go and support! The target location is..."

Knowing the situation of King Zero and Axe in distress, both Sin and Mi sank. They didn't even have time to explain to Miyamoto's two soldiers, and rushed to the destination where King Axe was.

Miyamoto's brows frowned. Although he was unfamiliar with people from the Fight Crime Organization, this was the first time he had seen crimes so impatient through the past few days.

"Let's go, let's go and see too."

The middle-aged man next to him narrowed his eyes. After he finished speaking, he slammed one hand to the ground. The whole ruins trembled. Then, a waterspout rose into the sky, carrying the middle-aged man and Miyamoto Chief Soldier. Follow the direction where sin is gone.

"Huh? It doesn't look like a phantom angel, is she also the subject of that experiment?"

Victor stared at Zero deeply with doubts and murmured.

After thinking for a moment, Victor raised his mouth, looked at the dying Axe with a playful smile, and smiled lightly: "That's it, it seems that Zhang Heng is not the only "key" in your hand."

"Zero, stop!"

Ignoring Victor, King Axe yelled at Zero with a pale face. However, Zero, wrapped in white light, looked like a silkworm chrysalis, without any response.

King Axe looked at Zhang Heng and roared, "Quickly stop her! If this goes on, she will die!"