Extinguish Crime

Chapter 135: Endlessly (6)


Having absorbed the curse of black and white, Victor has become the absolute master of this battlefield.

Even if Zero now forcibly activates the sixth stage of curse power, it is not Victor's opponent. If Zero is not forcibly unraveling at this moment, but truly controlling this power, there may still be a chance.

But right now...

Victor was holding Bai's exclusive giant sword, and every time he swung it, it turned into a series of lethal white swords, and Ling could only bite her silver teeth, flap her wings and evade in embarrassment.

The original zero melee ability was very weak. At this moment, under Victor's frantic attack, if it were not for her power to unlock the sixth stage of the curse, her speed and physical fitness would be greatly improved, and she would lose in an instant.

The holy white light on the surface of the body gradually faded. Obviously, Zero's power is almost exhausted, and the result of exhaustion of energy is just like the king of Axe said before, there is only death.

After all, the awakened are also humans. Although they have gained powerful curse power through genetic modification, there will be a certain limit, and if this limit is exceeded, even if the awakened is strong, there will only be one death.

Zhang Henggai was about to split, but at this moment he was seriously injured, let alone zero support, even moving his body would require a lot of effort.

Even so, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and dragged his weak body close to Zero. He no longer wanted to experience the pain that his partner died in front of him, but he was helpless.


But at this moment, the King Axe without his arms suddenly screamed, making Zhang Heng stunned. Then, the iron man stared at Victor's back coldly without any hesitation. With his head held high, he rushed forward like a rhino.

Victor noticed King Axe’s sneak attack, but he did not turn around. Instead, the corners of his mouth were full of irony. To him, King Axe’s state at the moment was like the difference between an ant and an elephant. How would he care?

However, in the next second, Victor's heart sank and he had to turn his head to look at King Axe.

Zhang Heng didn't know that this sentence would be the last sentence left by King Axe.


A deafening explosion sounded, King Axe’s body exploded like a bomb, and the entire ruins shook violently at this moment.

After the explosion, the scalp tingling "chichi" sound spread all over the country. From the position where the Axe blew himself, a very corrosive red mist spread. Within a radius of ten kilometers, whether it is a different species or a strange animal, After touching the red mist, it was corroded into a pool of dirty blood in an instant, with no bones left.

"Ahem, damn ant!"

Victor fell to the ground, and the black mask on the surface of his body was corroded by the red mist, and many small holes were corroded by the red mist. Those red mist slid into Victor's body along the holes, corroding his body into dense blood holes. Blood was dripping all over, and he looked like a bloody man with horror.

Looking at the red mist blankly, the whole person limply limp on the ground, crying in grief, another partner died, another family member left her forever, and the heartache was like a knife. Heart cutting makes her life worse than death.


Zhang Heng knelt on the ground with a thump, staring blankly at the blood and internal organs all over the floor. He didn't feel nausea, only the pain that was so sad that he couldn't breathe.

This iron man, he did not shed a single tear until he died, and he still firmly believed in the faith he had always believed.

All sin and evil will eventually be judged!

King Axe used his life and actions to tell Zhang Heng that this belief will never cease and will never die!

"I once promised that since God can no longer punish this sinful world, let us fight crime to carry out all this, no matter what kind of predicament we encounter, no matter how many people are going to die, this belief has never wavered !"

"Remember, you can't cry at any time, that's a manifestation of the weak! Don't you want to become a strong, then, just remember this to me, even if the most important person around you is dying in front of you, Don't cry, it will only make your enemy happy, and will not have any other superfluous effects!"

Familiar words and familiar pictures appeared in Zhang Heng's mind like a movie.

He finally understood.

All along, the wrong person is himself, not sin.

He blankly looked at Victor, who was covered in blood, and then looked up at the surrounding ruins dumbly.

Is this the true face of this world

No one told Zhang Heng the answer, but he had already seen the world clearly, and the concept of peace that had always been there was completely shattered at this moment.

Without hatred, there is no harm.

There is no war without sin.

Therefore, anti-crime organizations have appeared, war zones have appeared, they are rebelling, they are revenge, and they are trying to eliminate all the evils in this world.

Zhang Heng smiled, sad and self-deprecating.

Thinking about it now, his ridiculous kindness is so sad that even a three-year-old child can see the true face of this world, but he has been blinded by the world's surface and hatred.

Only now did he know how outrageous he was. Only now did he understand why sin repeatedly emphasized that he should not be blinded by hatred.

The screams sounded abruptly, and Zhang Heng trembled all over, looking up to the front in a muddled manner.

In his eyes, Ling fell to the ground and twitched his body in pain, the holy white light began to fade away, and half of the feathers on his body began to fall off, turning into a little white light and disappeared.

Calling the girl's name hoarsely, Zhang Heng dragged his weak body to crawl to her side, and hugged her tightly in his arms. The tears slipped from the eye sockets without any effort, but there were drops of shocking blood. .

The body of the girl in her arms twitched violently, and her face was full of twisted pain. Big beads of sweat came out of her body, and her original warm body temperature gradually became cold.

Ling Yi opened her eyes in pain, and stared at Zhang Heng with her big dim eyes. She smiled suddenly, and her smile was very satisfied. Originally, before performing this mission, Sin was worried that she would forcibly unlock the sixth The power of Duan cursing gave her a hard-won genetic serum, however, she gave Zhang Heng the serum that was originally used to save her life.

It was like Zhang Heng took his own serum to Katiya regardless of his own life.

She has no regrets.