Extinguish Crime

Chapter 14: New partner


When I saw Greed Wolves again, the young man with a little immature face was lying in his sleeping bag, sounding asleep.

"Damn it, it's as leisurely as sin!"

Zhang Heng looked at the mud all over his body, and looked at the greedy wolf wrapped in a sleeping bag. His unbalanced mentality made him clenched his teeth tightly.

"Hey, idiot, come and help me!"

Through small talk along the way, Zhang Heng learned that the long-haired woman with red hair who was waving and commanding herself was named "Miyuko". Like his own guess, Miyuko was also an "alternate member" for the fight against crime.

In addition to Miyuko, Zhang Heng also saw the other seven "alternate members" surrounded by the bonfire in this fairly clean clearing. Together with Miyuko and Zhang Heng, a total of nine were trained. "Alternate Member".

"That. Are you sure you can eat a monster like this?"

Enduring the pungent and unpleasant smell of blood, Zhang Heng gradually opened the blood wolf's internal organs. Although it looked almost the same as ordinary wolf meat, Zhang Heng still doubted the quality of the meat.

"Of course it can be eaten, and it tastes great."

At this moment, a little loli with short hair came over from the campfire, with a sweet smile on her face, stretched out her little hand and smiled sweetly: "I'm "Katia", the eldest brother is a new team member, right? ?"

This abrupt greeting made Zhang Heng stunned, and when he turned to look at the little loli, the whole person was stunned for an instant.

Little Lori is very petite, at least one-third shorter than zero. Her upper body is wearing a red uniform that is the same size as Zhang Heng, and her slender waist is tied with a playful red belt. The red is below her knees. Under the short skirt, there is a light blue mini stocking.

Such a cute appearance and dress, coupled with the big watery blue eyes that only a pair of mixed races have, make Little Lori look like a "live-action Barbie doll".

"If there is a way to "shrink" her and sell her as a Barbie doll, sales will definitely explode, right?"

It was obviously the first time we met, but this "evil" thought subconsciously appeared in Zhang Heng's mind.

"Ah...Hello, this is Zhang Heng..."

Staring at this cute "live-action Barbie" for three seconds, Zhang Heng recovered. He subconsciously stretched out a big hand full of blood, but he ushered in Miyuko's "violent chestnut".

"Hey, idiot, it's working time now, don't be distracted, and don't you think that using such a hand will make Tia dirty?"

Being reminded like this, Zhang Heng didn't even dare to rub his aching head with his blood-stained hands. He could only gritted his teeth and glared at Miyuko with anger, and continued helplessly to dissect and clean the meat.

This is also impossible.

Because Miyuko claims to be the captain of this group of alternate members, players like Zhang Heng must obey her orders.

"Puff... I'll help you."

After watching Zhang Heng pick up the meat pieces depressedly and cut them awkwardly, Katia couldn't help laughing sweetly, and then rolled up his sleeves to help Zhang Heng handle the meat pieces together.

Unlike Zhang Heng’s clumsy technique, Miyuko and Katia took only a few minutes to clean up the meat that they were responsible for, while Zhang Heng was gritting his teeth and still holding a knife to cut hard. .

"Hey... What a big fool who can't be saved. The way you hold a knife like this will waste most of your energy. Don't you even have this common sense?"

Mi Yuko sighed very troubled, and reluctantly took over the chopped meat from Zhang Heng's hands.

"Hey hey hey, what is common sense, this kind of thing is not something a man like me should know..."

Zhang Heng's face is full of confusion. In his perception, men have always been responsible for "big things", and "little things" like those in the kitchen, he "takes for granted" that even if they don't, they should be.

Obviously, this is the "male chauvinism" deeply buried in Zhang Heng's heart.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

By the bonfire, he said "excessive greetings" to the few unspoken teenagers and youths (no one answered him at all). Zhang Heng slept deeply all night, and when he woke up early the next morning, He heard Greed Wolf's unpleasant exclamation.

Greedy wolf is as greedy as Zhang Heng guessed. He didn't even rinse his mouth, so he grabbed a piece of meaty wolf meat on the grill, and chewed it like a steamed bun. The face is full of satisfaction and enjoyment.

While showing his speechless expression, Zhang Heng was also surprised by the "scalding ability" of Greed Wolf. It was obviously the high-temperature cooked meat that had just been removed from the grill. He could actually eat so fast, wouldn't he be afraid of burning his tongue?

Obviously, this worry is unnecessary.

Not only greedy wolves, but also the three teenagers and three youths who didn't say a word last night, they also grabbed the meat and stuffed it hard.

It made Zhang Heng feel normal. It was natural to rinse his mouth with a small tune, then cut small pieces of meat with a knife, and chewed the Miyuko and Katya slowly.

"Hey, what kind of look are you guys, shouldn't you rinse your mouth before meals?"

For some reason, when Zhang Heng was rinsing his mouth, the teenagers and young people looked at him with "contempt", seeming to think that Zhang Heng's move was unnecessary.

"Yeah! Isn't this the man with our "organ" and "weakest fighting power" in the fight against crime? Hahaha, I'm so sorry, I haven't noticed you just now!"

As soon as Zhang Heng ate a piece of meat in his mouth, he immediately spit out these words because of greedy wolves.

"Hey! You guy..."

Zhang Heng flushed, pointing at Greed Wolf to teach him, but Greed Wolf laughed and waved his hand and said, "Okay, well, I thought that a weak person like you should take a few breaks. I only came to train in September, but I didn't expect to come so soon."

"Then, although I don't know how much you can do...but...Come on, don't even Kadia can't compare to it!"

Greedy wolf looked at Zhang Heng seriously, and then habitually stretched out his greasy hand to touch Katiya's cute little head.

With a bang..., Miyuko sipped the meat while patted the wolf's "claws", and said faintly: "Don't bully Tia."

"How can this be..."

Greedy Wolf looked like he had been hit hard. He looked at Katiya pitifully and said in a hopeful tone: "Dear sister Katiya, do you think I will bully you?"

Katia opened her big round and blue eyes. She was so cute. She turned her big eyes and thought for a while, then licked the oil stains on her fingers. She smiled sweetly and said: "Brother Greed Ya is the best, she won't bully Tiya."

"Haha, did you hear that, Miss Yuko..."

Greed Wolf’s proud laugh was not over yet, I saw Katya blushing and whispered: "It’s just...just... can’t Greed Wolf brother...Don’t peek at me and Yuko sister in the bath? Such a thing... Tiya will be troubled."

"Peeking... take a bath?"

Greedy wolf's expression stiffened there, but Zhang Heng understood something, and gritted his teeth awe-inspiringly: "Ah! I understand, it turned out to be like this, you are really shameless!"


Greedy Wolf’s face was obviously not cultivated to the level of sin. He blushed and looked up at the misty sky: "The weather today seems to be good..."

"Hey, don't you want to change the subject!"

Zhang Heng saw through the "trick" of Greedy Wolf at a glance, and made Greedy Wolf hate in his heart.

"All right!"

In the laughter of Miyuko and Katya, Greedy Wolf’s expression changed, as if he had dealt with a different species in the stable area last time, and said to Zhang Heng and others with an extremely serious and focused attitude: "Next, we will Today’s training mission begins! You are ready, and you will gather in the center in three minutes!"

The voice just fell.

Greedy Wolf is like an agile wild wolf. He jumped into the depths of the jungle through the branches. In just a few seconds, his figure disappeared from Zhang Heng's sight.

"Such speed... Is this the power possessed by the Awakened!"

While surprised in his heart, Zhang Heng also felt a burst of enthusiasm.

According to Amy, the curse power that has not yet been awakened is hidden in his body. At this moment, seeing the speed of the wolf-greedy, Zhang Heng can't help thinking about how powerful his curse power would be if he was awakened

Zhang Heng doesn't know how to awaken the power of the curse in his body, but he believes that one day, he can also become a powerful awakener like the wolf!

"Ah, yes, I am a cursed person who hasn't awakened yet, I will definitely become stronger!"

With excitement and enthusiasm, Zhang Heng stood up, his eyes full of fiery heat.

"Uh, how about people?..."

Before the excitement lasted long, Zhang Heng discovered that when he showed this "secondary" move, Miyuko, Katya and others around him had disappeared...

"Let me do the math, you are 15 minutes late in total."

When Zhang Heng panted and came to the center of the jungle based on his footprints, Greedy Wolf wrapped his hands in front of his chest and said indifferently.

"Feel sorry…"

Although he was dissatisfied with young people like Greed Wolf, Zhang Heng could only apologize by scratching the back of his head after seeing the helplessness and dissatisfaction on the faces of the others.

"Nothing to apologize."

Greedy Wolf still had that rare indifferent expression, and said coldly: "Zhang Heng, this is your first training. I hope you can understand that once the training starts, you will encounter various dangers. So, why do you apologize? If you don’t have the awareness of "being killed at any time," then you can withdraw now."

"Hey, why do you suddenly become so serious."

Zhang Heng was a little surprised, but when such words were spoken from a young man like Greed Wolf, his convincing power was obviously greatly reduced.

As a result, Zhang Heng didn't take this sentence very seriously, and nodded frankly and said: "Don't worry, if you are not ready, I won't be here!"


Greedy Wolf nodded, then took out a bow and arrow and a silver-white fine iron long sword from the bag behind him, and threw it in front of Zhang Heng: "I only have bow and arrow and long sword here. Choose one as your weapon. "

Bows and arrows were obviously not suitable for Zhang Heng, who had not received professional training, so he chose the silver-white fine iron long sword that felt a little heavy to hold.

I have to say that a long sword hung around his waist, which made Zhang Heng look a bit like a "swordsman", which made him feel unspeakable excitement.

"Today's task, each person hunts 5 "D-class alien beasts". Of course, hunting 1 "C-class alien beast" can also be regarded as completing the task."

After Greed Wolf finished the training mission, Katya and Miyuko were very proficient in checking their weapons, and then put on the tiny earplugs that Zhang Heng had been wearing when he joined the fight against crime.

It is worth mentioning that such earplugs can not only enlarge hearing, but also play a "translation" role.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Heng, who is a yellow race, can communicate normally with the "Japanese" speaker Miyuko and the mixed-race Lori Katya.

Amy, who invented this earplug, once said that the technology in this world has been developed so that almost anything can be "regenerated", and any high technology that cannot be produced in the "old world" has almost been realized and produced in this world. !

"A new world? Then...what kind of world is it..."

Walking alone in the damp jungle, Zhang Heng couldn't help being curious about the "new world" that the anti-crime organization was fighting against. He couldn't understand why there is war in the high-tech age like this one? Isn't that the current state, the group of people in the new world still not satisfied

what… ! …

Suddenly, a miserable human howl in the distance interrupted Zhang Heng's contemplation!