Extinguish Crime

Chapter 140: Endlessly (11)



Taking a deep breath, Zhang Heng rubbed his face vigorously, temporarily set aside those sad emotions, left the Goddess Square, and walked towards the cemetery where the greedy wolf was.

The cemetery is far from the Goddess Square, about ten kilometers away.

But for Zhang Heng now, even if his body is still very weak at the moment, this distance is not a big deal, and the power of the third stage of curse has been solved, which greatly improved his physical and physical fitness.

After more than half an hour, Zhang Heng came to the cemetery.

Once he set foot in the cemetery again, Zhang Heng couldn't tell what his mood was. Since his brain returned to normal, many emotions and feelings that he could not experience once appeared in his heart one by one, making him very uncomfortable.

This cemetery is huge.

The number of tombstones alone is several times more than the two stable cemeteries combined. It is conceivable that how many soldiers' lives have been paid in the battle zone on the front line this time.

Zhang Heng pursed his lips and looked at the dove flags on the tombstones. He couldn't help but bow his head slightly to pay tribute to the soldiers who gave their lives in the war. Without this group of soldiers, the current war zone would still be peaceful. Wars continue as before.

After a while, Zhang Heng raised his head and walked into the cemetery.

He walked while observing the tombstones. After walking for about ten minutes, his brows wrinkled slightly, but he still didn't find any trace of Axe's tombstone greedy wolf.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he finally saw the back of Greedy Wolf.


Zhang Heng opened his mouth, just about to say the name of Greed Wolf, but immediately closed his mouth.

With the insight of Greed Wolf, he must have discovered Zhang Heng a long time ago, and at this moment, he is like a wood carving, kneeling quietly in front of King Axe’s tombstone, with the dinner plate behind him and the food inside. No reduction at all.

Seeing Greedy Wolf's thin body, Zhang Heng's mouth felt bitter, and he walked over with a heavy heart.

However, just as Zhang Heng had just walked behind Greed Wolf, Greed Wolf roared suddenly, his voice was extremely hoarse, it was obvious that he had broken his throat before crying.

Zhang Heng stagnated, gritted his teeth, and continued to walk forward.

"Get out of here! Get out of me!"

Perceiving Zhang Heng's footsteps, Greedy Wolf roared and turned around, making Zhang Heng stunned.

At this moment, the greedy wolf face was thin, hungry and yellow. His left eye was wearing a blindfold like sin, and his right eye was red and swollen. Obviously, he had been crying a lot in the past few days.

Compared with the cheerful and laughing wolf before, the boy at this moment is like a different person.


Zhang Heng felt very uncomfortable. The death of King Axe was a big blow to him, and he knew very well that King Axe would not end in such a miserable end if it weren't for saving himself and Zero.

This iron man once taught Zhang Heng. Although he is usually reticent, Zhang Heng knows and clearly knows that King Axe is not so cruel and ruthless on the surface.

For King Axe, once he became his identified partner, it was as important as his family. Otherwise, he would not hesitate to blew himself up to protect Zhang Heng in the battle in the restricted area a month ago.

What's ridiculous is that Zhang Heng actually betrayed Fight Crime, betrayed King Axe, and betrayed all the friends and family who cared about him.

Sorrow, self-blame, sad...

Zhang Heng's lips trembled lightly, and he knelt on the ground with a "plop", kneeling before King Axe's tombstone. The only thing he could do was repent.

"Get out of here! What right do you bastard have to kneel here!"

The greedy wolf immediately furious, like a wild wolf that has been raging from the ground, slammed his fist and smashed it at Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng knelt on the spot and didn't move. He was beaten out by the fist of Greed Wolf, and fell to the ground with an expression of pain.

Greedy wolf stared at Zhang Heng with great anger, wishing to take out a bow and arrow to shoot the bastard into pieces. He gritted his teeth and roared: "You bastard! Do you have a face to come here? Is your conscience? Have you been eaten by a dog! What qualifications do you have to come here! You damned traitor!"

Having been with King Axe for nearly seven years, for Greed Wolf, he has lost not only his important partners, but also the mentor and family who have always been with him.

At the moment when he learned of King Axe’s death, the wolf who had vowed never to cry, sobbed quietly in front of everyone for the first time. For the rest of the time, he has been kneeling here, wondering if he was crying. how many times.

This is the situation at this moment. He is very sad and hates Zhang Heng. Even though he has been persuaded by sin many times, he still cannot forgive Zhang Heng.

With the roar and question of Greedy Wolf echoing in his ears, Zhang Heng stood up in silence, gritted his teeth and walked forward again.

Without any hesitation, Greedy Wolf threw a punch again and knocked Zhang Heng into the air.

Zhang Heng got up again and walked staggeringly.

Being knocked into the air again, Zhang Heng felt dizzy for a while, but still insisted on standing up.

Zhang Heng walked forward with cold sweat on his forehead. Greedy Wolf was about to punch him again with a violent punch, but he heard the guilty drink, his fist stopped in the air.

Sin dangling a cigarette, holding flowers in his hand, came to King Axe’s tomb. After laying down the flowers, he frowned and looked at the grieving wolf with a stubborn face, and said in a deep voice: "You go back first. Let me tonight. Come guard."

The words fell, but Greedy Wolf did not leave, and stood stubbornly on the spot with his fists tightly clenched.

"This is an order!"

Sin frowned and snorted. After hearing the two words of command, Greed Wolf gritted his teeth and almost broke his teeth. Finally, after looking at Zhang Heng's back with red eyes, he sneered and left.

"Why not hide?"

Sin squatted in front of King Axe’s tomb, his expression still plain, and he couldn't see his joy or anger.

Zhang Heng stood in front of King Axe’s tomb with his head down, his body trembling slightly, and he did not answer the question of sin.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just cry, no one will laugh at you."

Sin took a deep breath, spit out a large circle of white mist, and said lightly.

"Do not…"

Zhang Heng shook his head. Although his eyes were red, there were no tears. He gritted his teeth and said, "I won't cry anymore! Never! Never..."

Those words that King Axe once said appeared in his mind. For this iron man, crying is a manifestation of the weak. It will only make the enemy happy and has no other effect.

Sin glanced at Zhang Heng unexpectedly, and at the corner of his mouth, he smiled lightly: "You have changed a lot, and I am still worried that you will not be able to think about it. It seems that I think too much."

take things too hard

Zhang Heng clenched his fists. Before Sin came here, he did have such thoughts, but after seeing King Axe’s tombstone, such thoughts disappeared without a trace.

He stared at the tombstone of King Axe, the burly man in his memory, he stood there until he died, and he never frowned until he died!

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Heng turned his head to look at Sin, and said with scarlet eyes, "Can you let me come back?"

Sin raised his head, rolled his eyes silently, and said with a smile: "When did I agree to your request to withdraw? You fellow, isn't you confused?"

Zhang Heng was taken aback, his eye sockets suddenly moistened.

It turned out that they never abandoned me...

Thousands of words lingered in his heart, but Zhang Heng could only choked out this sentence: "Thank you..."

The two looked up at the sky and smiled at the same time.

Despite the deaths of so many people, even though they were deeply pained, they still laughed because they carried the faith that those who died had always believed in.

Even if he dies someday, this belief will be carried by someone to help him.

Until the day when all this is over, this belief will never cease and never die...