Extinguish Crime

Chapter 141: past


Together with Sin, he stayed silently in the cemetery all night, and early the next morning, Zhang Heng went back with dark circles under his eyes.

When I returned to the cabin, Greed Wolf was playing and laughing with everyone as usual, but after seeing Zhang Heng, the smile on Greed Wolf’s face immediately turned into a deep resentment, if it hadn’t been for Amy to be on the side. , Greedy wolf is afraid that he will rush to repair Zhang Heng fiercely.

"Don't care."

When Greed Wolf left with a sneer, Amy came to Zhang Heng, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "Greed Wolf is such a personality, and it will be better in a few days."

Zhang Heng pursed his lips and shook his head. He naturally understands Greedy Wolf's attitude towards him. As a person, I am afraid he will not forgive what he has done.


After thinking for a moment, Zhang Hengqiang endured his sleepiness, grabbed Amy who was about to leave, and said, "Can you tell me about King Axe and their past."

Amy was stunned, and smiled slightly: "Why, don't you reject us?"

Zhang Heng's face turned dark, and he scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't know how to answer the conversation. After talking with Sin all night, his mood was open a lot.

"Come with me."

Amy pushed the frame and walked to the street in front of herself.

Zhang Heng followed closely.

"This is the hometown of King Axe."

The two walked side by side on the street. Amy pointed to the surroundings with a very generous tone: "He used to be the commander of the war zone. He joined our organization seven years ago. Before that, it is said that his wife and daughter were dead. NS… "

The journey was very boring, Zhang Heng said nothing, until Amy finished talking about King Axe's past, he still did not respond.

King Axe was originally called Brute. He was once the commander of the war zone corps. But the King Axe seven years ago was not an awakened one, not even a cursed one.

Brute's experience is similar to that of Miyuko. He also saw the family members around him being persecuted by the New World one by one, and finally chose to inject the curse gene to become the awakened.

Zhang Heng was surprised.

If it hadn't been for Amy to say it, he would never have thought that a man with such a firm appearance would have such a painful past.

"Everyone has a past. Don't think too much about it. I believe that even if it is death, it is their choice. Those of us who have survived should respect their choice."

Amy pushed the frame, stretched her arms, closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air, as if she had been released.

Zhang Heng was taken aback, and also learned how Amy stretched his arms, closed his eyes and breathed gently.

Feeling peaceful inexplicably.

The heavy heart seemed to be relieved.

"Want to hear about my past?"

Suddenly, Amy said with closed eyes.

Zhang Heng opened his eyes and looked at Amy both curiously and surprised. Only then did he realize that he only understood the appearance of this wise young man, and he didn't know anything about the other inner things.

I was very curious about Amy's past, but Zhang Heng was embarrassed to say it, so he touched his nose awkwardly.

The corners of Amy's mouth raised slightly, as if she knew everything in her chest.

Zhang Heng was taken aback, and then he realized that this wise young man beside him possessed telepathic ability, he might have guessed his thoughts a long time ago, right

As Zhang Heng guessed, Amy did know Zhang Heng's thoughts, so he didn't say any extra nonsense, and went directly to the theme: "I, Greed Wolf, Zero, the three of us joined the fight crime organization in the same way."

Zhang was a little surprised and curious at the same time. Did Amy know Greed Wolf and Zero before

"you guessed wrong."

Amy didn’t speak, but Zhang Heng’s voice rang in his mind: “The three of us didn’t know each other before. Like them, I used to be a test subject, except that I and Greedy Wolf are the third-generation cursed gene test subjects. , And you and Zero, if I guess right, they should be the test subjects of the initial experiment."

Before Zhang Heng could speak, Amy continued: "Like Greed Wolf, I am a test subject that failed the experiment. Zero was also "handled" as a failed product on that day. You probably don’t know how the New World treats the failed product. How do you deal with it?"

Amy pushed the frame, her expression rarely became indifferent: "Most failed products will be exiled from the forbidden area, and only a small number of people will be thrown into the waste area of the imperial capital as rubbish. Those people never let their lives go. In my eyes, we test subjects, I am afraid that even those animals can't be compared."

Human life is not as good as livestock

Zhang Heng's heart sank. Even after the memory was restored, he had some understanding of the new world, but he was still very angry when he heard what those people did.

Amy shrugged indifferently, and seemed to be used to it: "This is how the group of people in the imperial capital is. They claim to be gods. Once someone dared to resist them, they would end up like this."

"The people in the imperial capital probably never dreamed that failures like ours would actually wake up."

Amy laughed to herself, pushing the frame and continuing: "On the day we were exiled from the restricted area, sin saved us, and the only people who survived that battle were the three of us, and the rest of the test subjects, either The body’s genes were festered, or it turned into a different kind of food, even my brother was torn to pieces by the different kind in order to save me..."

Zhang Heng was startled. He didn't expect Amy to have a younger brother.

"My code name is my brother's name."

Amy's eyes revealed sadness. He sighed slightly and said, "I promised my brother that I will live well, so I will take him and live together."

Do you live with your loved ones’ names

Zhang Heng couldn't tell what it was like. For a long time, Amy gave him the impression of being wise and calm, but he did not expect the real Amy to have such a past.

"Amy, I..."

Zhang Heng opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time, but didn't know what to say.

Amy raised his brows. Even if Zhang Heng didn't speak, he could still know what Zhang Heng was thinking through telepathy. "So that's it, you dug out the original Apocalypse Stele?"

Zhang Heng was stunned, his mouth was bitter, and he nodded and said, "If my memory is correct, it should be like this."

"follow me!"

Upon receiving such news, instead of condemning Zhang Heng, Amy raised Zhang Heng's arm with excitement and returned to the cabin along the same path.

After returning to the cabin, Amy and Sin explained the incident. Even Sin was so excited that Zhang Heng was confused, not sure what they were excited about.

This question was answered after Zhang Heng came to Amy's room.

Four stone steles of the apocalypse emitting a faint red light are now on Amy's desk.