Extinguish Crime

Chapter 143: That determination


After pondering for a moment, Zhang Heng first sent the dinner plate downstairs, then went upstairs and knocked on the door of Zero's room, opened the door and walked in.

Until Zhang Heng came to Zero's bedside in silence, Mie never looked up at him, still staring directly at Zero.

Zhang Heng pursed his lips, looking at the pale girl on the bed, a pain in his heart.

At this moment, Mie blinked, glanced sideways at Zhang Heng indifferently, and then withdrew his gaze.

This casual glance made Zhang Heng's heart tremble uncontrollably. It wasn't that Zhang Heng was timid, like the cold and frosty eyes of Mie, I was afraid that no one could bear it.

After gritting her teeth, Zhang Heng plucked up the courage to say something, but Mie said indifferently: "Don't bother her to rest."

After speaking, Zhang Heng didn't even have time to react, so he beckoned at random and was swept out of the room by a whirlwind.


The door was closed gently.

A few black lines appeared on Zhang Heng's forehead. He didn't expect Mie's character to be so indifferent. It was like an iceberg, even if it was close to her.

Although he was very worried about the situation of Zero at this time, but if he didn't give Zhang Heng this opportunity, he could only return to his room in a loss.

Mie is a person who grew up watching Zero. It is similar to the relationship between Greed Wolf and King Axe. She is also a teacher and friend. For Zhang Heng to become like this, Mie might hate Zhang Heng so much. Where will he be close? zero

Zhang Heng stood in the room with a painful and struggling expression on his face. No matter how stupid he was, he could see that the state of zero would definitely not be as simple as Amy said.

In order to find out about Zero's current physical condition, Zhang Heng came to Amy's room, and when he came into the room, he found that Amy was frantically playing with some instruments he couldn't understand.

There are machines of different sizes in the room, and what Zhang Heng cares most about is the thing Amy is playing with at the moment... It is something that resembles a rocket launcher, but it is not the same as an ordinary rocket launcher. The muzzle is very sharp. , Only about half an inch.

"What is this?"

Zhang Heng's curiosity was hooked out, and he couldn't help asking.

Amy smiled slightly, did not look up at Zhang Heng, still focused on playing with the designer's bazooka, smiled and said, "This is the "key" to open the door of hell."

Zhang Heng raised his brows, but he didn't understand the meaning of Amy's words.

"Do not you worry."

Amy seemed to read Zhang Heng’s thoughts, without looking up, and said, “Zero’s situation is not as bad as you think. She just fell into a deep sleep temporarily, and may wake up tomorrow, or it may be a few days later. Will wake up."

After getting such a reply, Zhang Heng was silent, and when he heard vague words like "maybe," he knew that the situation at this time must not be as simple as Amy said.

Amy looked up at Zhang Heng during her busy schedule, squinted and said seriously, "Do you know what Zero Wish is?"

Zhang Heng was taken aback, and shook his head subconsciously.

Amy stopped her work, then pointed to the computer monitor on the desk, and said: "Her wish is the same as you, to restore the memory and find the lost past."

When Zhang Heng looked at the display screen, Amy continued: "That is her brainwaves. She should be immersed in the dreams of the past, so when she wakes up, it depends on her. If she can bear the memories , She will wake up naturally."

Zhang Heng's face was stunned, and he blurted out almost subconsciously: "What if she can't bear the past?!"

Amy said calmly, "I believe she can bear it."

When he got the answer that this is not the answer, Zhang Heng paled, and he staggered back a step, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

Although Amy didn't answer his question head-on, he could already guess that if Zero fell into those painful memories and couldn't bear it, he would just fall asleep like this for the rest of his life.

This is the same concept as "vegetable".

"You don't have to blame yourself."

Amy pushed the frame, continued to fiddle with the rocket launcher, and said calmly: "This is a zero choice, so we can only pray that she can stick to it. The extra self-blame is forgotten. You should not care about this One point, but the determination she gave for you."

That determination...

Zhang Heng laughed mockingly, and walked out of the room as if losing his soul.

He came downstairs, picked up a few bottles of very concentrated red wine and went to the nearby rose farm alone.

Is it really worth zero to pay like this

Zhang Heng gulped the wine and experienced dizziness for the first time. However, he didn't care about this. Even if the stomach was uncomfortable and wanted to vomit, he still gulped the wine.

Lying on the lawn in confusion, the sky full of stars seemed to have turned into Zero's cute face, Zhang Heng reached out his hand to caress the familiar face, but found that it was just a fantasy, clearly close at hand, but still unable to touch it.

The heartache seems to be dripping blood.

Zhang Heng closed his eyes in pain. He didn't understand. Why did Zero still pay for himself if he wanted to be so weak and weak? Is it really worth it

Do you have the qualifications to make her pay like this

He roared up to the sky, the roar was shocking, but it could not alleviate the regret in his heart.


Very regretful.

Zhang Heng covered his face and drank three full bottles of high-concentration red wine, which made his stomach roll, extremely nauseous and uncomfortable, but this was less than half of the pain in his heart.

At this moment, recalling the mistakes he made before, Zhang Heng even thought of suicide, but he didn't see Ling wake up with his own eyes, so he gave up such thoughts.

I have hurt someone once, how can I hurt it again

He promised to live well after crossing zero. This is a promise. At least until zero becomes sober, he can't break his promise.

However, living in this state is really bad, numb and painful, like a walking dead, meaningless.


Thinking wildly in his mind, Zhang Heng finally couldn't help but vomited frantically, only to vomit his liver.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

He was breathing heavily, tears overflowing from his eyes.

After all, this world full of sin and evil was created by him alone. If he hadn't dug out the apocalyptic stele, his father would not have studied the curse gene. Without the curse gene, the world would not change.

Suddenly, Zhang Heng hated his father very much. He didn't understand, why did his father research such a thing? Why use these innocent teenagers and girls to do those cruel human experiments

"Why, why...what the hell is all this for!"

Zhang Heng screamed like crazy, and was finally buried in pain by the hatred and anger that ignited in his heart.

He decided to talk to his father in person, at least to figure out what all this was for!