Extinguish Crime

Chapter 144: Core member


Opening his eyes, the dazzling sunlight made Zhang Heng involuntarily reach out and block it.

Arnold, who was sitting at the side, threw a bottle of water, and smiled: "Drink some water, you shouldn't wake up the bar yet?"

Zhang Heng sat up and shook his somewhat dizzy head, unscrewed the lid and drank the whole bottle of water after a few mouthfuls. Only then did he feel that his sour and nauseous liver and stomach healed a lot.


Zhang Heng cast a grateful look at Arnold. He naturally wouldn't be so polite when he changed his previous words, but after experiencing things like that before, he always felt that he was far away from the thick eyebrowed youth next to him.

"Hello, what are you doing so polite?"

Arnold rolled his eyes, pretending to be angry, and yelled, "Don't you recognize me as a friend?"

Zhang Heng was startled, waved his hands again and again, and said bitterly, "It's just that, when something like that happened, I don't know how to face you..."

Anuo raised his thick eyebrows, grinning dissatisfiedly, and said, "Big Brother Zhang Heng, are you confused? Why do you have such thoughts?"

Zhang Heng was a little puzzled when asked by Arnold. They made so many unforgivable mistakes, wouldn't they be angry at all

Even if Arnold and the others were not angry, Zhang Heng still couldn't forgive himself. After all, the mistake he made was too great, and there was no room for recovery.

No matter how innocent Arnold is, he can see that Zhang Heng is in a bad state at the moment. His thick eyebrows frowned, and he suddenly thought of something. He pulled up Zhang Heng involuntarily, and smiled as he walked: "Walk, let's ride a horse. !"

Arnold has a habit. As long as he encounters something unhappy, he will go on horseback to relax. The feeling of running freely on the grassland is very good. No matter how bad the mood is before, he can always get this freedom. freed.

When the two came to the center of the Rose Ranch, Zhang Heng realized that such a big change had taken place in the ranch during his absence.

Around the pasture, there are a circle of fences that have just been erected for a short time. Inside the fence, cattle, sheep and horses can sometimes be seen eating or sleeping on the grass. Some trainers like Ronnie are patrolling around the fence. .


Before the people came to Ronnie, Arnold raised his hand and shouted. When Ronnie rode a white horse towards them, Arnold smiled with a sullen face: "Thank you!"

Ronnie's face was reddening, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, and crouched and said, "You guy ran to be lazy again, right?"

"Of course not!"

Arnold quickly argued, pointing to Zhang Heng next to him, and said: "I saw that Big Brother Zhang Heng was in a bad mood, so I brought him here to relax."

Ronnie turned her gaze to Zhang Heng, and her crooked eyebrows were also slightly frowned. As a woman, her mind was obviously much more delicate than Arnold's.

"Big Brother Zhang Heng, are you... okay?"

Ronnie rolled over and got off her horse in a graceful manner, but Zhang Heng didn't have the interest to observe these things. She shook her head with a wry smile and said, "I'm fine."

Ronnie frowned and didn't say much. After beckoning, a young animal trainer on the side understood and brought a black horse.

"Hey, Big Brother Zhang Heng, should you remember how to ride a horse? Do you want me to teach you again?"

Arnold rubbed her hands, looking like she was kind to help, but Ronnie snorted coldly, stretched out her hand to twist Arnold's ears, and yelled in spite of Arnold's screams: "You guy still wants to be lazy? Quickly? Point it to me to continue exercising!"

"It hurts! Damn it..."

Arnold rubbed his red ears with a grin. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to show half of it on the surface. He could only waved goodbye to Zhang Heng with a bitter face, and then quickly poked up while Ronnie was not paying attention. The head retaliated and kissed Ronnie on the cheek.

"Hahaha, Big Brother Zhang Heng, let me go first!"

Before Ronnie could react, Arnold smiled and ran away. It can be seen that he did not train less during these few months, and his speed was much faster than the previous few months. Of course, he ran so fast, of course. Fear of the whip that Ronnie pulled out at the moment.

Ronnie blushed and stared bitterly at Arnold's back. She didn't expect that this guy would dare to "sneak attack" herself. It seemed that she would have to clean him up tonight.

After this episode, Zhang Heng smiled and his mood improved a lot.

He raised his head to look at the dark horse, and after hesitating for a while, he turned on the horse, pulled the reins, and ran along the fence toward the expansive lawn ahead.

The breeze blew past, blowing the hair on Zhang Heng's forehead, and what you saw was the green grass that made people feel at ease.

Gradually, Zhang Heng released the reins, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When he opened his eyes again, he felt a lot of tranquility inexplicably. I have to say that the feeling of riding a horse on the grassland is really good. Let the whole body and mind be released.

It wasn't until the sun set that Zhang Heng pulled on the reins, feeling unspeakable comfort in his heart.

"Hey! Big Brother Zhang Heng! It's time to come back for dinner!"

Arnold's shout sounded in the distance, Zhang Heng smiled slightly, and finally glanced at the setting sun, pulled the reins, and returned along the same path.

When they returned to the cabin with Arnold, everyone had gathered together, and they seemed to be waiting for Zhang Heng to come back to have a meal together.

Zhang Heng's heart warmed, and he touched his nose with some embarrassment, and sat down with Arnold.

While eating, Sin suddenly raised his head and asked Amy next to him: "How is the research?"

Amy wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth with a napkin, pushed the frame and said, "It's almost done. Give me three more days to succeed."

Sin nodded, not asking.

After listening to this conversation, Zhang Heng couldn't help being a little curious. He thought of the strangely shaped rocket launcher that Amy had fiddled with in the room before, and wondered if the sin finger research was that thing

As if seeing Zhang Heng's thoughts, the guilty party put down the tableware and smiled lightly: "Zhang Heng, come tomorrow, and join the meeting together."


Zhang Heng was taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "What meeting?"

Before Sin could speak, the greedy wolf feasting on the side rolled his eyes and mocked: "Don't you understand that fellow?"

Zhang Heng glared, and said with some dissatisfaction: "What do you understand?"

Greedy wolf looked disgusted and moved his lips and said, "Sin has already decided to make you a core member, so, you guys don't ask those stupid questions!"

Zhang Heng was shocked, and quickly turned his head to look at Sin, only to find that Sin was still smiling, apparently acquiescing to the rhetoric of greed of the wolf.