Extinguish Crime

Chapter 152: The Gate of Heaven (5)


After learning the lessons of the previous war, this time the attack on the gate of the new world imperial capital, the war zone and the anti-crime organization are ready for everything.

The goal of this operation is clear... Break through the gates of heaven.

Although it may seem simple to say, in fact, everyone knows that this offensive action, no one has much confidence in their hearts.

This is the first time the theater has actively attacked the new world!

The soldiers in the war zone who are on the battlefield at this moment are all aware that it is impossible for such a thing to happen before. In their subconscious, the new world is almost the "incarnation of god", a symbol of invincibility, and no one. Can defeat the new world, and no one has the ability to do this.

But now it's different.

After the last battle for strongholds, the soldiers in this war zone understood that the new world that has existed for decades, and the steel city wall that has stood for decades, is not indestructible!

And the people who gave them such confidence are naturally the group of people from the Fight Crime Organization.

The last stronghold battle, the "storm of destruction" released by the death and sin, was deeply imprinted in everyone’s memory. Only then did they understand that this world is not completely under the control of the new world, and there are many powerful ones. Of the awakened are fighting with them.

Of course, this kind of belief is only aimed at the two of Mie and Sin. For Zhang Heng, who is about to lead everyone to break through the gate of heaven at this moment, these soldiers have doubts and doubts.

"General Rice, the news has spread."

In the process of integrating the team, a soldier came to Les's side and whispered in Les' ear.

Upon receiving this news, Les sneered coldly, and calmly glanced at Sin and Zhang Heng from the corner of his eye, with a sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

"Have you heard? The commander who led us to break through the gate this time was the commander of the new world!"

"What? It's impossible! How could the generals of the new world join us? And lead us through the door? Are you kidding me."

"It should be true! I also heard about it. It seems that the person is called Zhang Heng? It seems to be a member of the Fight Crime Organization."

"How can this be! Let the new world leader lead us in the future? Too much!"

Not long after, the originally quiet team burst into an uproar, and I don’t know who started it. After learning that Zhang Heng was once the new world general, this group of soldiers was unhappy and lost most of them. The soldiers who had passed through the family even started to protest with red eyes, demanding the removal of Zhang Heng's leader.

"What are you doing!"

Suddenly, the Bearded General who was standing in front of the crowd screamed, and the sound blew in everyone's ears like thunder, causing the soldiers who were still protesting and discussing to shut their mouths involuntarily.

"Master General!"

At this time, a soldier gritted his teeth and walked out of the queue, with red eyes shouting loudly: "If you let the traitor named Zhang Heng lead the team, please forgive me for not being able to participate in this battle!"

"What did you say?!"

General Beard immediately furious, his eyes widened like a mad lion, and the soldier was trembling with fear and his face was pale.

"Do you know what you are talking about! Have you forgotten your identity? You bastard, don't you go back to me!"

General Beard roared angrily. This was the first time that a soldier dared to disobey the military order in front of him. If it hadn't been for the urgent situation at this time, he would have taken action to teach this unknown soldier.

However, General Beard's shock this time not only didn't work, but it caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the soldiers. They gritted their teeth, their eyes were scarlet, and they threw down the weapons in their hands with anger and grief.

Jingle bell...

The sound of guns and weapons hitting the ground sounded together, giving a strange visual impact.

General Beard's expression of suffocation, his eyes swept towards the group of soldiers coldly, and he sternly shouted: "Do you know where you are standing now? Do you want to rebel!"

The voice fell, and there was a dead silence in the field.

The group of soldiers who abandoned their weapons accounted for at least two-thirds of the team. It can be imagined that if this group of soldiers is unwilling to participate in this battle, then the previously agreed plan of action will fail.

Standing in front of the crowd, Zhang Heng felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't expect to have such an accident because of his own sake. Such a result almost shattered his originally expected confidence.

However, just when Zhang Heng was about to choose to give up and leave here, he felt something. When he looked sideways, he found that Sin was looking at him with a familiar smile.

I believe you!

From the serious and plain eyes of sin, Zhang Heng read this message.

Zhang Heng trembled all over, and his eyes slowly flushed. He didn't expect that at this moment, so many people didn't trust him, but Sin always stood on his side to give encouragement.

Opening his mouth, Zhang Heng still failed to say the phrase "I'm sorry".

The friends and family around you trust yourself so much, how can you escape

Zhang Heng suddenly came across.

Thinking back to every battle before, either he was protected by others, or he evaded and didn't dare to face it. The result in exchange was that every time he pierced his heart like a sharp blade.

Is it war? Is it to escape

The time for consideration did not last long.

A few seconds later, Zhang Heng took a deep breath, and took a few steps forward with a silent expression.

He nodded and looked at the group of soldiers who abandoned their weapons with scarlet eyes, thought for a moment in his heart, and shouted in a deep voice: "I am Zhang Heng."

When the voice fell, everyone turned their eyes on Zhang Heng almost at the same time.

There is surprise, there is anger, there is hatred, and even more disgust...

Zhang Heng turned a blind eye to the eyes of the crowd. At this moment, there was only the unwavering look in his heart before the sin.

He raised his head and resolutely shouted to everyone: "Yes, I have made many mistakes, and I can understand your feelings now. I will not justify the mistakes I made, but, please. Believe me, at least believe me once today, I will definitely...definitely prove it to you!"

When the words fell, there was another dead silence in the field. Many soldiers hesitated. From the firm eyes Zhang Heng showed at this time, they could see that Zhang Heng was not lying.

"It's ridiculous! What are you trying to make us believe in you? You traitor, what qualifications do you have to lead us!"

When everyone was hesitating, someone suddenly yelled sarcastically. Hearing the word "traitor", the soldiers who had been a little shaken clenched their fists again.

"Who is talking? Stand up for me!"

General Beard was already furious. If it weren't for the Miyamoto Chief Soldier who tried to dissuade him, he was afraid that he would rush into the crowd and pull out the soldier who had opened his mouth to disturb the military's morale and beat him violently.

At such a critical moment as now, those soldiers who talked about disturbing the military's morale can be said to be embarrassing. Once the military's morale is unstable, the consequences are very dangerous. If it is not handled well, it will fall into the abyss in the next battle.

Who is making trouble? !

General Beard swept back and forth among the crowd with a sullen expression. Although he didn't know much about military and political matters, he thought that if no one took the lead in the current situation, such a situation would definitely not happen.

The key question is, who actually told this group of soldiers about Zhang Heng's past identity? What is the purpose of this

At this moment, Les, who was standing on the edge of the crowd, narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, with a cold smile on his face.