Extinguish Crime

Chapter 154: The Gate of Heaven (7)


"Zhang Heng, it's up to you next!"

Sin's sight was fixed on the door of heaven in front of him, and his voice was dull and growled at Zhang Heng beside him.

Nodding solemnly, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and glanced at the robotic arm on his right arm. The next second, he closed his eyes.

Open my eyes again, my eyes are as red as blood!

In a few breaths, Zhang Heng has rushed hundreds of distances.


General Beard raised his arms and roared loudly. At the moment his voice fell, hundreds of thousands of soldiers behind him rushed up with guns and weapons.

"Greed wolf, you are responsible for covering Zhang Heng!"

Sin narrowed his eyes, then took Amy and disappeared in place, not knowing what Yang's arrangements they would have next.

Greedy Wolf silently took out the ancient bow behind him, leaped forward and hid in the treetop beside the hill. Although his right eye was blind, with so many years of combat experience, his shooting skills were very comparable. .

Miyamoto Chief Soldier also started to move. He pressed his hands on the three-handed samurai sword on his waist with no expression, and followed Zhang Heng without leaving a step.

This time, the combat operations were very clear. Miyamoto's commander was very clear about the importance of Zhang Heng. Before the gate was broken, he must always protect him by his side.

The deafening artillery fire was intertwined with the roar of the crowd. Not to mention how grand the scene was, but it was extremely bloody and shocked everyone's soul.

At the forefront of the crowd are the more than 1,000 official members of the Fight Crime Organization.

Every one of the official members of Fight Crime is a powerful awakener. It is no exaggeration to say that the combined combat power of their thousand people is more than 100,000 ordinary war zone soldiers.

"Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

Until the thousand official members had reached a distance of kilometers in front of the gate, the thousands of soldiers guarding the gate found their tracks, and one of the burly soldiers who looked like a captain yelled to remind his companions around him.

When a word fell, the thousand official members simultaneously drew their weapons, and some powerful people controlled the flames and ice groups with both hands, forming a small long-range team, launching an attack on the spot.

The horrible howls resounded across the wild, and these more than a thousand official members instantly rushed into the group of soldiers, like wolves into the flock, and they cooperated very tacitly. Even the soldiers guarding the gate were not weak. But obviously it will not be the opponent of this group of elite members of the Fight Crime Organization.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of soldiers fell into hell!

The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

"Block the door! Open the defensive cover!"

The burly soldier saw that his formation was broken into a mess, and he understood immediately that the opponent was clearly prepared for the battle this time. He made a decisive decision and dispatched a few soldiers behind him to sneak into the gate to inform the headquarters of the army, and at the same time, he issued an order. Order to close the gate.

The steel gate that had been slightly open closed suddenly, and a faint white light appeared on the surface of the gate. If you look closely, you can see that the white light is composed of countless small electric arcs.

The power of thunder and lightning is the most powerful force of nature that mankind currently cannot control. Unless it is a rare awakened person like Caesar, any other awakened person may not be able to touch it.

A burst of gunfire sounded above the city wall. Everyone looked up, but a group of soldiers with machine guns and sniper rifles were firing. The flames from the muzzle were like mad dragons, and they were ruthless while venting. Reaping the lives of soldiers and members of anti-crime organizations in large tracts of war zones.

"Come on, let you see the power of the ocean!"

Seeing this scene, General Beard's eyes were cold, he shouted and slammed his fist on the ground.

A punch fell, and more than a dozen water dragons burst suddenly on the ground. This strange and shocking scene made the soldiers on the wall look dumbfounded.

General Beard smiled coldly and raised his arms slightly in the air. The dozen or so water dragons seemed to have come to life, but they rose into the sky and blasted straight towards the group of soldiers on the wall.

However, at the moment these water dragons hit the edge of the city wall, they were blocked by an invisible magnetic field and made a "sizzling" sound. No matter how hard the water dragons hit, they could never break through this invisible defensive magnetic field.

"Hahaha, really stupid! Do you think you can break through the defensive net with such ease?"

The commander above the city wall sneered disdainfully, and then he waved his arms, commanding everyone in an orderly manner, and continued to harvest the lives of the soldiers below.

This situation was expected by General Beard. He had tried it a long time ago, but the result was the same as now. No one could break through the powerful defensive cover of the Imperial City Wall.

A large swath of soldiers fell to the ground and died, making General Beard's face flushed and his eyes scarred like evil spirits. He turned his hands sharply, and more than a dozen waterspouts rose into the sky, gritted his teeth to block the long-range attacks of the soldiers, and turned around at the same time. He shouted to Zhang Hengda who was rushing: "Hurry up and break through the door! I can't hold it for long!"

Zhang Heng's heart shuddered and did not answer, but his speed increased a lot.

"Everyone hold on, the reinforcements will be here soon! Keep the gate for me!"

Thousands of soldiers who were blocking the gate are now leaning back to form a human wall, one by one staring at the rushing enemies as if they were dead. As soldiers of the empire, they understand that now is the time for their lives. How can they shrink back?

Behind this gate, there are their relatives, and it is the home they protect!

There are no extra words. Whether it is a member of the Fight Crime Organization or the group of soldiers and soldiers, they are all shouting and screaming and raising their weapons to fight with all their strength. If the companions in front fall, the people behind will step on them. The corpse continued to charge forward without hesitation.

Gradually, the battle sublimated to the point where there were more and more corpses lying on the ground, and the blood-stained ground, stumped arms and limbs were everywhere.

Zhang Heng rushed to the front of the gate, awakened, he was in a state of absolute calm, he held the blood-red long sword in his hand, and the sword fell in his hand. Without any hesitation, he harvested the lives of those soldiers. However, he did not kill a single person. The heart would tremble uncontrollably.

Having recovered most of his memories, Zhang Heng has already understood many things.

It was not this group of soldiers who changed the world and caused this war to kill, but those high-ranking government officials.

Therefore, the true nature of this group of soldiers is not bad at this moment. In fact, both sides have the same obsession and beliefs, both to protect their homes and relatives behind them.

This war has no meaning, but everyone has no choice.

In this world, there is no need for the so-called hypocrisy.

Want to survive.

Only... take up a weapon!