Extinguish Crime

Chapter 157: The Gate of Heaven (10)


The imperial capital, the royal city.

"Master Caesar!"

In the meeting room, a soldier knelt in front of Caesar with a panic expression, and said anxiously: "The United Fight Crime Organization in the theater has begun to attack the gate!"

"how so?!"

"Huh! What a bunch of stinky mice! How dare to attack the gate of heaven? It seems it's time to teach them a lesson!"

Before Caesar could speak, a group of high-level councillors uttered outrageously, each in dismay and anger. Obviously, they did not expect that the war zone and the anti-crime organization would dare to attack the gate of the Imperial Capital at this time.

Caesar squinted his eyes, causing everyone's hearts to tremble slightly. He thought a little, and said in a deep voice, "Is the defensive cover open?"

"It's on!"

The soldier swallowed vigorously, and said anxiously and nervously: "But I'm afraid it won't last long! Today is the time for the wall to be repaired, so the energy of the defensive shield has been weakened a lot."

Caesar frowned. This situation caused him a headache. He subconsciously looked at an empty spot next to him, and then he recovered in amazement. Victor was dead.

Caesar was very angry, but he sighed inexplicably. After all, this group of high-level troops can only make him look at a few people, and Victor is a military genius, and now he has lost Vic With this powerful helper, the current situation in the new world has become passive.

There is no doubt that if Victor is still alive, such a thing will definitely not happen. The title of military god in the past is not for nothing, but the current situation is that there are only a few high-level leaders in the new world except for Caesar. A few reunions will be able to compete head-on against the military and anti-crime organizations in the theater.

The war has lasted until now, and the top ten generals have lost six, and there are only four generals in the current army.

Caesar frowned, and now he was beaten to the door of his house. He had to face the war zone and the fight crime organization.

After a long silence, Caesar nodded and looked at the crowd, and said lightly: "What do you think of this battle?"

Many people are stunned by this question, especially those high-level leaders who only know how to enjoy life. At this moment, they are worried. After all, if the door is broken, the inner door will sooner or later fall.

The regional distribution of the imperial capital is very clear, the outermost gate edge is the "waste area", the center is the more powerfully defensive "inner gate", and the innermost is the core area of the imperial capital where Caesar and others are at the moment... the "king city".

The Royal City is a very grand palace, surrounded by beautifully designed and prosperous villas and small palaces. Generally speaking, the Royal City can only be settled in the core high-rise buildings of the New World City Mansion.

In other words, the imperial city is the lifeblood of the imperial capital. As long as the imperial city is destroyed, the new world will no longer exist.

And the ultimate goal of the war zone and the destruction group organization is to destroy this royal city!

Only by defeating the high-level officials in charge of the palaces in the royal city can this war be stopped!

After waiting for a long time, no one made any comments. Caesar was a little angry. He glanced at the people coldly, and felt that this group of people was useless, afraid that even Victor could not match a single hair.

Apart from squeezing the civilians and enjoying life all day long, what is the use of this group of people

Such thoughts are often born in Caesar’s mind, but, for unknown reasons, he always selectively ignores such irritable thoughts, as if his memory and thinking are not under his own control. In general, he has no way to think about those "thoughts that shouldn't appear".

Being swept by Caesar's icy eyes, a group of people couldn't help being frightened, for fear that Caesar would be angry and sprinkle anger on them.

"It seems that I have to do it myself."

Caesar helped his forehead helplessly. At this moment, he understood the importance of Victor. Without this military genius, Caesar had to think about everything himself, which was really troublesome.

"Master Caesar! The Lord is coming!"

At this time, a soldier walked into the conference room and bowed his head and gave a deep sigh, then quickly got up and retreated to the side.

There was a sound of neat footsteps outside the door, and Caesar just stood up from the first place with a solemn expression, and saw a group of guards wearing gold armor walked into the door. They divided into two rows to surround the entire conference room, their eyes staring solemnly and vigilantly. Everyone present seems to be mercilessly hurting the killer as long as someone dares to do anything strange.

"See the Lord!"

Loud and neat voices sounded, even Caesar lowered his head slightly, with respectful and meticulous expression.

When the voice fell, a gorgeously dressed middle-aged man walked into the meeting room with a smile. Behind him, there were four people wearing iron helmets and military uniforms. Looking at their figures and appearances, these four seemed to have two men. , Two women.

"Thanks for these few days, Marshal Caesar."

The gorgeously dressed middle-aged man walked up to Caesar with a smile and patted Caesar's shoulder with a kind face. Then, under the protection of two men and two women behind him, he came to the place where Caesar was originally, and sat down with a smile. .

"Sit down, don't be so cautious."

The middle-aged man smiled faintly. Although the language was mild, everyone present was tense, even more nervous than seeing Caesar. Although they sat down after listening to the middle-aged man’s words, their buttocks were only touching the seat. He didn't dare to sit down on the side of the chair.

Compared to the nervousness of the others, Caesar looked indifferent, sitting next to the middle-aged man with a big thorn, frowning and saying: "Lord, this time it is my negligence. I didn’t expect the war zone and the extermination organization to be so. Acting soon..."

But before Caesar finished speaking, the middle-aged man waved his hand with a smile and said, "It's not your fault. It's just coming sooner or later this day, it's just a little earlier."

As he said this, he nodded and looked at everyone, and said loudly: "All of you here are the high-ranking officers and generals of the empire. I hope you don’t have any worries. Our new world is unlikely to be breached. This point, I promised you a long time ago, and it’s the same today!"

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes, his eyes revealed a chilling coldness, a twist of excitement appeared on his face, and he laughed loudly: "Since someone dares to violate the authority of the empire, then it is time to teach them a lesson."

"Demons and monsters."

The middle-aged man raised his hand and snapped his fingers, his face was slightly enthusiastic, and even his voice trembled with excitement.

When the two men and two women known as "demons" looked at the middle-aged man, the middle-aged grinned cruelly, and stared at the blazing sun hanging high in the air outside the door: "You go, let Those who dare to provoke the authority of the empire experience...despair! Hahaha..."

Crazy and excited laughter echoed throughout the room. Everyone who heard this laughter made their body tremble uncontrollably. They still clearly remembered that they heard this laughter fifty years ago. When the sound was heard, nearly half of the world’s countries were destroyed...