Extinguish Crime

Chapter 160: The Gate of Heaven (13)



Zhang Heng turned his head, staring at Miyamoto Nakai in shock and disbelief.

"Stop talking nonsense to me! Ugh..."

Miyamoto's eyes shined with a strange red light. He was extremely weak, and he vomited a pool of dirty blood before he finished speaking, and his breath suddenly became wilted.

"No, no! Me, I can't do it!"

Zhang Heng held Miyamoto's soldiers with a hesitant and struggling expression on his face. He had seen Victor swallowing black and white scenes with his own eyes. How could he do such a cruel thing

Moreover, Miyamoto is still an ally, and Zhang Heng is even more reluctant to do so. He will blame himself for a lifetime like that.

"Listen to me!"

Miyamoto screamed suddenly, making Zhang Heng stunned: "There is no other choice! Devour me and break this door of hell! Do you understand!"

Without waiting for Zhang Heng's reaction, Miyamoto Naobei continued to roar: "I believe you! You can definitely do it!"

There was a trace of tragic and solemn roar in this firmness, which made Zhang Heng's body and mind tremble, and the originally fragmented belief in his heart slowly rose.

"My family and people, including my country, are gone..."

Miyamoto sneered freely, and for the first time shed two lines of tears in front of outsiders, choked his teeth and shouted: "So, promise me, I must destroy this gate of hell!"

When the voice fell, Zhang Heng was silent.

Miyamoto was taken aback for a moment, but before he could speak again, Zhang Heng was holding his right arm tightly with one hand, and his blood-red eyes flashed suddenly.

"I promise you... I must... I will break this gate of hell!"

Zhang Heng looked at Miyamoto Chief Soldier with a calm face. After entering the awakened state, he apparently escaped into a state of absolute calm.


Nagamoto smiled in relief, but his face was twisted into a ball in pain. He could clearly feel that the blood and power in his body were being drawn, a little bit out of his control.

Zhang Heng finally agreed.

He has no choice.

Even if this is cruel and violates his conscience, he has no other choice. If he bows his head and gives up at this moment, how can he be worthy of the dead soldiers and partners? How to explain to their family

Zhang Heng roared up to the sky. This process of devouring the awakened is an unbearable torture for both parties. However, this pain is less than one-tenth of his inner pain. What he is devouring at this moment is not someone else , It's Miyamoto Chobing! It's his ally! It's his companion!

"Quick, fire! Kill him!"

The group of soldiers on the city wall was dumbfounded, but the commander was awake. He drank with a calm face and his eyelids were beating constantly. He could feel it, if Zhang Heng was allowed to swallow the palace. This long soldier, what awaits them next will be an unimaginable disaster!

The sound of machine guns was accompanied by laser cannons pouring down from the city walls, and the intensity could not even be described by adjectives like "rain of guns and bullets."

"Cover them!"

I don't know it was the soldier who yelled. After the voice fell, hundreds of soldiers gritted their teeth and rushed towards Zhang Heng with their weapons, rushing to block the bullets with their bodies before the bullets fell.

There was a scream, hundreds of soldiers were shot and killed in an instant, and this bloody and cruel scene not only did not scare the rest of the soldiers, on the contrary, it aroused the blood in their hearts, and more and more soldiers began to run desperately. Going forward, those with defensive props are holding defensive props, while those without defensive props use their bodies to block those bullets.

Gradually, more and more corpses overlapped with Zhang Heng and Miyamoto's side, forming a "corpse mountain", completely blocking Zhang Heng and Miyamoto's side.

In such a shocking scene, the group of soldiers on the city wall couldn't help but breathe in air, wondering if these soldiers are all crazy

They didn't know what the purpose of this group of soldiers came here. At this moment, Zhang Heng was the only hope. In order to break through this gate, they were willing to give everything, even their lives.

This is not only the hatred of this group of soldiers towards the new world, but also the belief in their hearts!

They yearn for revenge, but what they yearn even more is to get the freedom that belongs to them! They have always believed that this world will be liberated one day, and that the freedom that has been far away from them will always return!

For the coming of that day, they did not hesitate to shed their blood and dedicate their fiery heart!

Just for... that freedom!

The commander's face on the city wall changed drastically, and cold sweat continued to emerge from his forehead. Seeing that the long-range attack had failed, he decisively shouted: "Prepare the missile!"

The missiles of this world and the missiles of the old world are completely two concepts.

The power generated by the explosion of the New World missile can even destroy the armored tanks of the Old World in an instant. Awakeners such as Caesar and Sin are better than those who are destroyed by the missiles.

It is conceivable that if such a powerful missile is used at this moment, Zhang Heng is afraid that it will turn into fly ash in an instant, and there will be no accidents.

Soon, a few soldiers on the city wall carried the mobile missile launch pad to the commander's side. A soldier with glasses played with the launcher button seriously, and a few minutes later, he raised his head and said solemnly to the commander: "Okay. !"

The commander nodded and shouted in a low voice: "Temporarily close the defensive wall!"

As the voice fell, a small movement sounded on the surface of the city wall, and the arc that originally emitted a thin light slowly disappeared.

Before the commander ordered the launch of the missile, he saw more than a dozen red lightning galloping from a distance!

The commander was horrified, and he subconsciously squatted down and crawled to the ground, while the soldiers around him who hadn't reacted were caught. They were either shot to their heads by red lightning, or were torn apart by the huge penetrating force until they died. It was too late to let out a scream.

The commander's face turned pale, and his lips trembled and shouted, "Quickly, open the defensive wall!"

The ghostly smile suddenly sounded, making the commander's face stiff, and the next second, a dark lightsaber pierced into his heart, making the words he was about to say stuck in his throat forever.

Sin indifferently looked at the commander who had fallen in a pool of blood, then turned around and stared at the soldier who was about to launch the missile with cold eyes, and strode up.

"Don't! Don't come here!"

That soldier was already shocked. Even the commander was killed instantly. Is he the opponent of this one-eyed youth

The black lightsaber flashed in front of the soldier's eyes, and he backed away with desperate and horrified eyes. However, at the moment of death, his face was horribly distorted, desperately covering the blood surged throat with his hands.

"Hahaha! Die! Let's die together!"

He laughed frantically, raised his fist and slammed it on the console that controlled the launch of the missile.

A missile half the size of an adult's body soared into the sky, and directed straight at Zhang Heng, who was buried under the city wall by the "Dead Mountain"!