Extinguish Crime

Chapter 163: The Gate of Heaven (16)



Looking suspiciously along the gaze of sin, Zhang Heng discovered the "Demons and Demons" standing on the wall, almost blurting out: "Four ghosts?!"

"Do you know them?"

Sin glanced at Zhang Heng unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that Zhang Heng also knew the identity of "Demon".

Zhang Heng nodded, looked at the four ghost generals with plain eyes, and said: "I have the impression of these four people in my memory. It should be that "before I" met them."

Although Zhang Heng's memory was restored, he didn't know why. He still had a lot of scattered memories that had not been fully restored. For example, even though he knew the identity of the demons at this moment, he didn't know anything about the abilities of the four.

Seeing Zhang Heng's appearance, Sin's heart guessed most of it, and spent a few minutes telling Zhang Heng about the personal abilities of the demons and demons.

"What should I do next?"

After learning about the power of the ghosts, Zhang Heng's eyes grew cold. Although he was asking about crimes, he wanted to rush over now and smash the gate of heaven to pieces.

Nagai Miyamoto is dead.

Zhang Heng still remembers the appearance of Miyamoto Chief Soldier after being swallowed by himself... That ill-spoken samurai turned into an empty human skin skeleton.

The chief culprit who caused Miyamoto's painful death was Zhang Heng.

The anger that ignited in his heart made Zhang Heng clenched his fists. In that case, although he understood that Miyamoto was voluntary, he still couldn't forgive his actions.

What is the difference between this approach and Victor? What is the difference with those demons

Even if there is a reason, such a sin is not something Zhang Heng can bear.

He has had enough!

He wants to end it all!

He wants to end this meaningless war!

"Calm down, don't be blinded by hatred!"

Sin raised his eyebrows and patted Zhang Heng's shoulder. He had seen everything that happened before, so he was able to understand Zhang Heng's mood at the moment.

In fact, Sin could have helped Miyamoto Naohei and Zhang Heng just now, but Sin thought of Zhang Heng’s growth, so he gritted his teeth and gave up, but if Sin knew Zhang Heng's power to untie the curse would change sooner. If he becomes a different species, he may not stand idly by.

At this moment, it was too late to say anything. Fortunately, Zhang Heng had not completely become a different species, which reduced the guilt in the sinful heart.

Sin raised his head and looked at the ghost ghosts. When he was hesitating, Amy's voice suddenly sounded in his mind. After hearing Amy's words, he first looked happy, then looked at Zhang Heng and said solemnly: " Zhang Heng, break through the gate, let's retreat!"

Zhang Heng looked puzzled. He didn't understand why Sin had such an arrangement. If he broke through the gate, shouldn't he attack the imperial capital in one go

However, in response to Zhang Heng's question, Sin just smiled faintly, and said: "Zero woke up."

The simple three words caused Zhang Heng's eyes to stare, his brain buzzed constantly, his body trembled slightly because of excessive excitement.

It took a while to suppress the desire to leave here to see Zero immediately. Zhang Heng let out a sigh of relief and said, "What does this have to do with our retreat?"

After so much, Zhang Heng is no longer the former Zhang Heng. In addition to his concern for zero, all he has in mind at this moment is to attack the imperial capital and return this decadent world to its former peace.

Sin shook his head and said: "You are thinking too simple, the strength of the four ghost generals is stronger than ours, so this time it is enough to break through the gate."

In terms of military operations, they naturally think of sin further than Zhang Heng. The situation at this moment is undoubtedly very unfavorable for them. General Beard’s energy consumption is too great to continue fighting, and Mie is also injured. Being able to assist them remotely, so it would be unrealistic to rely solely on Sin and Zhang Heng to fight against the Four Ghosts.


Zhang Heng frowned. Even if he understood Sin's words, he was still not sure that he could break through the gate. Besides, the Four Ghosts were guarding the wall now, how could he watch Zhang Heng break the gate

Sin smiled faintly, looked a little weird, and said calmly: "It's coming, it's coming soon."

Zhang Heng looked stunned. He didn't know what sin was talking about, what was coming soon? What is coming soon

Before it had time to solve the happy doubts, the whole battlefield suddenly trembled violently.

In the distance, there was a sound of horseshoes, neat and awe-inspiring, the number was at least over 100,000!

"This, is this?!"

Zhang Heng turned his head and looked at the group of "cavalry soldiers" in amazement, and the soldiers around him opened their eyes wide, with expressions of reverence and excitement written on their faces.

"It's the "Judgment Legion"!"

I don't know who said this sentence. After the voice fell, all the soldiers boiled up, raising their arms excitedly and shouting "Freedom is forever".

"Judgment Legion?"

The first time he heard such a strange corps title, Zhang Heng raised his brows and carefully observed the group of "cavalry".

In sight, the group of soldiers riding war horses were all dressed in heavy silver-white armor, and the silver-white light helmets were engraved with a "Cross" pattern. Each of them had a solemn face and extraordinary aura. , Just a face-to-face meeting made Zhang Heng a little surprised.

They are all awakened!

Zhang Heng was extremely shocked. He did not expect that everyone in this group of "cavalry" was an awakened!

A full number of 100,000 Awakeners appeared at the same time. How magnificent such a scene!

Sin looked indifferent at this moment, but Zhang Heng was nervous. This was the first time he saw such a large number of Awakeneds. Even if he didn't know their strength, this shocked Zhang Heng.

It turns out that there are still such trump cards in the war zone!

At this moment, Zhang Heng's brain was operating rapidly, and he suddenly thought of the "whispering" the goddess of sin and the earth said when he first saw the goddess of the earth. Now, in comparison with this group of trial legions, Zhang Heng has already guessed it. , The content of "Whispering" is probably this Judgment Corps!

In fact, Zhang Heng was right.

The Judgment Legion was created more than ten years ago. This legion composed entirely of awakened people has been lurking in the war zone, waiting for a good opportunity to attack and give a "surprise" to the new world.

Undoubtedly, since the Judgment Legion chose to appear at this moment, it means that this is the best time for them to attack!

Soon, the trial legion came to the court. One of them, a tall middle-aged man, turned over and got off his horse, carrying a silver-white fine iron spear to the front of Sin.

He nodded slightly to Sin as a greeting, then turned around and shouted, "Judges, it's time to pull out your weapons! Today, let us prove that the belief in freedom will last forever." !"

"It will last forever!"

An army of 100,000 Judgment Awakeners wrapped hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers present, shouting in unison, and their voices resounded from every corner of the battlefield, even into the imperial capital, into the abandoned area, and into the royal city!

Whether it was the civilians in the abandoned area or the wealthy people in the royal city, they all looked in the same direction with a look of astonishment. At this moment, the entire imperial capital fell into a dead silence.

Outside the gate of heaven, the 100,000 Judgment Legion turned down their horses, or holding a spear, or holding a large shield, toward the steel gate that had been standing for hundreds of years in a mighty manner.

Above the city wall, the soldiers were all stunned, shaking all over, almost forgetting to breathe. They were like undead souls who lost their souls, numb and horrified, waiting for the trial...