Extinguish Crime

Chapter 168: On the eve of the end of the war (3)


The loss of this battle is not great for the war zone, but for the fight crime organization, the loss is not just as simple as a core member and a thousand official members.

Regardless of whether it is Greedy Wolf or the thousand official members, to the Fight Crime Organization, they are all partners who can use their lives to protect them.

Are dead.

Even the bones could not be retrieved, and they were buried in the battlefield forever.

Under such a heavy blow, the offense became a little depressed. He didn't expect that this long-lost feeling would still appear.

The depressed state lasted only a day, and two days later, he put on the signature smile and appeared in the eyes of everyone, but only he knew how heavy and uncomfortable he was.

"There are no tasks during this period of time, so let's take a good rest."

Sin is dangling a cigarette and smiling faintly. If he had heard such good news before, everyone would definitely be happy, but now the situation is different. So many partners and family members around him are dead, which makes everyone fundamentally different. Unable to get up happily, all of them bowed their heads dejected, their faces dignified as if they hadn't heard the words of sin in a daze.

Sin saw that everyone did not speak, still maintaining the calm and indifferent smile, but when he was about to walk out of the room to relax outside, Zhang Heng stopped him.

Zhang Heng looked at the sin firmly and said, "Help me."

Sin narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Heng without answering.

"I want to be stronger!"

Zhang Heng clenched his fists involuntarily and said forcefully through gritted teeth.

"Didn't I say, there are no tasks these days, you should go to rest."

Sin smiled faintly, turned around and put on a windbreaker, and left here on his own.


Zhang Heng was taken aback for a moment, then helplessly shook his head and turned his gaze to Amy.

"Sorry, I have other jobs, I don't have time to help you for the time being."

Before Zhang Heng finished speaking, Amy pushed the frame and went straight up the stairs.

What's up

Zhang Heng looked depressed. He felt that Sin and Amy were a little strange. He was just asking them to train and become stronger. Why did they all seem to be hiding from themselves

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Heng turned his head and looked towards Zero. He just wanted to speak, but closed his mouth again. Zero was sitting on the stool with both hands dragging her delicate cheeks. There was still a faint mist of water in his eyes.

never mind.

Zhang Heng smiled bitterly in his heart. It is undoubtedly unrealistic to see Zero to help her.

After thinking about it, Zhang Heng walked out of the cabin alone and wandered aimlessly on the street. Before he knew it, he came to the Goddess Square again.

Looking up at the statue, Zhang Heng became more and more aware of the classical and beautiful face, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember it.

As if in the dark, there was an invisible barrier covering that layer of memory. If that barrier was not broken, he would not be able to completely remember all of his memories.

Inexplicably, I became a little irritable.

Zhang Heng hates this fuzzy feeling of memory. He has had enough. He has been immersed in this uncomfortable state for so much time before, and it is still the same after he has recovered his memory. It is really very uncomfortable.

After staying for a while, Zhang Heng left the Goddess Square and turned to the cemetery.

As soon as he walked into the cemetery, a familiar white figure in the distance immediately caught Zhang Heng's gaze.

Is the goddess of the earth.

Zhang Heng was stunned, pursed his lips and walked forward. When he came to the back of the goddess of the earth, he just wanted to say hello, but found that the goddess of the earth was looking sadly at a tombstone in front.

That is the tombstone of Miyamoto Chobei.

Zhang Heng's heart sank and he couldn't tell what it was like, but he was responsible for the death of Miyamoto Naohei. Although the situation at that time was when Miyamoto Naohei gave his life voluntarily, Zhang Heng still couldn't forgive his actions at that time.

Nothing is more painful than such a thing.

Although I met Miyamoto Naohei not long ago and didn’t know each other very well, for Zhang Heng, Miyamoto Naohei was a partner who fought side by side, and he personally "killed" his companions, which made him very painful. , Very painful.

"Sorry, it's all my fault."

Zhang Heng said in a depressed voice, staring at Miyamoto's tombstone, and the confession and pain rising in his heart made him a little numb.

If it is possible, Zhang Heng would rather die by himself than Miyamoto Chobing.

Contrary to Zhang Heng's expectation, the Goddess of Earth did not blame him, but instead asked with a smile.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Heng said solemnly: "It was I who killed Miyamoto Chief Soldier..."

Before he finished speaking, the goddess of the earth interrupted his next confession directly and smiled and said: "No, this is not your fault, it is the leader's own choice."

Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows. Although he understood this, he still couldn't forgive his actions.

"You are very kind."

The goddess of the earth looked at Zhang Heng, her eyes a little confused, her subconscious, like Zhang Heng, had the vague illusion of deja vu.


Zhang Heng looked stunned, and shook his head mockingly, "I'm afraid that someone like me has lost the kindness, right?"

Are you kind

Doing so many mistakes and killing Miyamoto Naohei, is this kind of self really good

Zhang Heng's mouth was full of bitterness, and he couldn't tell what it was like. He felt that if people like him could be regarded as kind, then sinning them would be equivalent to being a savior.

After experiencing so many things, Zhang Heng understands very well that he is not a good person, and sin is not a savior. Again, to kill is to kill. This is a sin in itself, a sin that can never be changed and forgiven. , People like them, with blood on their hands, are actually not much different from those demons.

All this is nothing but "hypocrisy".

The difference is that this hypocrisy is the belief in Zhang Heng's heart at this moment. Only by carrying on this hypocrisy until the new world is completely destroyed can this mask of hypocrisy be torn off.

The law of survival in the new world is completely contrary to Zhang Heng’s beliefs. In the imperial capital, there is no such hypocrisy. The country lord Marxiu said a long time ago that if you want to live in this world, you should expose the hypocrisy. Disguise, pick up the weapon in your hand, and plunder everything to get the qualifications to survive.

If such a cruel law of survival is placed on fighting alien species and alien beasts, Zhang Heng can approve it, but the current situation is that this is mutual hostility between humans and killing each other. In this way, how can Zhang Heng accept it

"Your name is Zhang Heng, right?"

Suddenly, while Zhang Heng was thinking, the goddess of the earth looked at him with blinking eyes and said, "I'm curious, have we met before...have we met?"