Extinguish Crime

Chapter 17: Convention


Obviously, with Zhang Heng's current situation, if he wants to become stronger, he has to receive training!

Although this kind of training has a fatal danger, it has to be said that after three months of training, Zhang Heng's physical fitness, strength, etc., have improved in all aspects.

Like alien species and alien beasts, the awakened also have a strict hierarchy.

And a cursed person like Zhang Heng who is not awakened, even the lowest "level six awakened" in strength can't match.

In addition to this, Zhang Heng was surprised that Miyuko and Katia turned out to be "Level 6 Awakened" and "Level 5 Awakened"!

Corresponding to the level of the alien beast alien, the lowest level "level six" awakened person is equivalent to the lowest level "D-level" alien species or alien beast.

And the highest level "level one" awakened, its combat power is equivalent to the "SS" level, the highest level alien or alien beast!

Zhang Heng, who understands the hierarchical system, has been extremely desperate in the training process after seeing the powerful awakening abilities of Miyuko and Katia.

As a healthy teenager, he doesn't want to be compared to a loli by a woman!

But the reality is that even though Zhang Heng has been training so hard and has achieved certain results, if he really wants to fight, his fighting power is not as good as one-third of Miyuko and Katia...

"Awakened? As expected, you can't just look at the appearance... People like Greed Wolf and Katya can easily kill C-rank alien beasts. This is the strength of the Awakened..."

"It's really annoying... How can I awaken the curse in my body?..."

Leaning in the warm hot spring, Zhang Heng closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace that was rare in the past three months.

Through the clear spring water, you can see that Zhang Heng’s muscles, which are obviously larger than before, are full of small scars. The biggest wound is on his left chest, which is about 2 inches long from the position of the heart. The scary claw marks.

This is the "trace" of Zhang Heng's growth.

In addition, after experiencing countless battles in three months, Zhang Heng not only improved his combat effectiveness, but also successfully killed a "D-class alien beast" with his extraordinary response power!

This news once surprised the high-level officials of crime, such as crime, and has always been unspeakable, and even said, "Is this guy's combat power and organs not weak?" This made Zhang Heng crazy and a little "satisfied". Words.

No one can believe that Zhang Heng, who had not awakened the curse power in his body, actually beheaded a D-class alien beast with only a reaction power different from ordinary people, and the beheaded alien beast, even The strongest and fastest "One-horned Blood Wolf King" of the D-level!


After a while, Zhang Heng shook his head, put away his thoughts, got up and put on his clothes.

"Hey, idiot..."

Just stepping out of the hot spring and preparing to go back to the room to rest, Zhang Heng saw Miyuko, who had a blushing face and was standing opposite.

The breeze in the evening blew the hair on Miyuko's forehead. Under the hazy moonlight, she was like an angel who fell from the heavens. She looked extraordinarily sacred and peaceful.

Zhang Heng looked at Miyuko with some doubts, because after learning about Miyuko, Zhang Heng apologized to her three months ago. Miyuko was also very generous and said that she didn't care.

In these three months of training, most of the fighting skills and training methods were taught by Miyuko or Katiya. After all, a core member of the fight against crime like the wolf, but there is not much time to teach Zhang. Constantly, most of the time, Greed Wolf is performing formal tasks issued by the organization.

After these three months of getting along, Zhang Heng and Mi Yuko's relationship gradually deepened. Well, they are better friends...friends.

"Is there a problem?"

Zhang Heng smiled. Although his looks are ordinary and featureless, his smile is more "sunshine" than anyone of his age.

Also, Zhang Heng felt powerless from the bottom of his heart for the nickname "Big Stupid", but Miyuko seemed to be used to shouting, so Zhang Heng reluctantly let her shout so.

After all, he had harmed Mi Yuko by speaking out before... This is barely a kind of compensation.

"I... nothing wrong..."

Miyuko's complexion remained unnaturally red for some reason. Her long, supple, eye-catching red hair swayed slightly in the wind, and under the hazy moonlight, she was full of a sacred and inviolable atmosphere.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little charming...

"you've been drinking?"

Zhang Heng didn't seem to notice this similar to the "atmosphere before confession." His brows were slightly frowned, and he was deeply buried in machismo, thinking that drinking should not be something women should do.

"No...just, a little bit..."

Zhang Heng's performance made Mi Yuko a little disappointed, but she still blinked and smiled and said, "Can you chat with me for a while?"

Zhang Heng rubbed his forehead a little troubled: "I said, Yuko, isn't it going to be a "promotion trial" tomorrow morning? It's too late now..."

Zhang Heng hadn't finished speaking, but he saw Miyuko's cheeks slowly bulging.

"Uh... okay, okay, I'll be with you."

After three months of getting along with each other, Zhang Heng "knows deeply" about Miyoko's expressions. Every time Miyuko shows such expressions, it is equivalent to a prelude to "volcano eruption"...

Hearing Zhang Heng's willingness to accompany her, Mi Yuko opened a sweet smile, the charming smile like a rose, which made Zhang Heng a moment's attention.

The two kept one hand apart and sat face to face on the stone beside the hot spring.

"That, I..."

Miyuko seemed to be a little shy, speaking intermittently, unable to speak a complete sentence after holding back for a long time.

"Hey, something is wrong with you today, are you drunk?"

Zhang Heng looked at her in a puzzled way. According to his perception, even though Miyuko is a gentle and kind woman on the surface, as long as she enters a state of combat... it's amazing!

Therefore, after Mi Yuko showed a "shy" expression that "should not have", Zhang Heng couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"you you!… "

Seeing Zhang Heng only show his "nervous" expression to himself during daily training, Miyu's chest trembled for a while, thinking: This big idiot, do you think I will beat him

"Hey, hello, what are you doing!..."

Suddenly, Miyuko walked up to Zhang Heng with a puffed face, then took off Zhang Heng’s earplugs for "translation", closed his eyes and shouted in Japanese: "Ba Ga (idiot), Ba Ga, Baga! You are such a super idiot!"

Zhang Heng was stunned for more than ten seconds, and said angrily: "Hey! Don't think I can't understand Japanese! Why are you scolding me!"

Seeing Zhang Heng's expression, Miyuko returned the earplugs to Zhang Heng angrily, and then turned to leave here.

"What's the matter, this is simply... inexplicable!"

Zhang Heng stared, and couldn't understand Miyuko's behavior tonight.

"Hey, Zhang Heng..."

After putting on earplugs, Miyoko's gentle "Chinese pronunciation" came back.


"Um... if tomorrow's promotion trial is passed, can you... can you..."

Miyuko seemed to be unable to say anything about the following, and Zhang Heng didn't notice that Miyuko's face turned red with her back to her was about to bleed.

"so annoying!"

Miyuko blushed, shook her head, which was a little swollen from alcohol, and muttered to herself: "I drank wine clearly to say "that sentence" to him...Why can't I say it after meeting..."

"I said, Yuko, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back and rest."

Zhang Heng has a weird look, and Miyuko's performance tonight makes him unpredictable.

"OK then."

Seeing Zhang Heng yawning sleepily, Miyuko felt a little lost in her heart, but then she seemed to have thought of something and said very happily: "Then, Zhang Heng, I wanted to tell you tonight. , But... I decided to wait until tomorrow to pass the trial to tell you!"

"Then...it's so agreed! You must pass tomorrow's trial..."

After saying this, Mi Yuko hummed a Japanese song, her face filled with joy and disappeared from Zhang Heng's sight.

"Promise? It's really a headache..."

Zhang Heng rubbed his forehead helplessly. He couldn't help being sleepy, and he quickened the pace of returning to the room to rest...

The so-called "promotion trial" is a test conducted by the fight crime organization to assess the strength of "alternate members".

As long as they pass this test and are recognized by the examiner, alternates like Zhang Heng can be successfully promoted to "full members."

Generally speaking, regular members are composed of awakened people who have awakened the power of curse, so Zhang Heng is not very sure about today's promotion trial.

The third district in the west of Anding District, Trial Plaza.

"Hey, idiot, how are you preparing?"

In the empty venue, like Zhang Heng, today's Miyuko wears a red uniform that is unique to the fight against crime, with a sweet smile on her face that makes people look extraordinarily comfortable.

"Ah, who knows."

Zhang Heng smiled faintly, put his hands behind his head, and shrugged indifferently: "After all, I haven't awakened yet. I don't have "special abilities" like you and Katya..."

With a bang... Miyuko suddenly raised her fist and knocked it on Zhang Heng's head, and said angrily: "Hey! You won't forget our agreement? You must pass the trial, otherwise If you...huh!..."

The last deep hum clearly contained the meaning of "threat".

"It hurts..."

Zhang Heng touched the big bag on his head and said angrily: "Damn... I said, can you keep hitting this place? If this goes on, I really want to become the "stupid" in your mouth! "


Seeing Zhang Heng's angry look, Miyuko not only did not apologize, but was amused to laugh. The charming smile like a rose blooming fascinated many men who came to participate in the trial. .

"Hey, this is the tenth time I have participated in the trial. I don't know if I can pass this time..."

At this time, little Lolita Katiya sighed and walked to Zhang Heng's side. From her expression, it can be seen that she has participated in the promotion trial like today many times...

"Ah, Tiya, it must be possible! Don't worry!"

Zhang Heng touched Katya's little head. Although he said comforting words in his mouth, he knew better than anyone else that he might still pass the trial by chance, and Katya... was "absolutely impossible".

"Really? Brother Zhang Heng, can Dia really pass?"

Katiya naturally didn't know Zhang Heng's true thoughts. She stared at Zhang Heng with flickering big eyes. The cute Zhang Heng was guilty.

"Ah... yes, after all Tiya is so strong, she will definitely... pass it."

Zhang Heng scratched the back of his head a little awkwardly, suddenly thought of a question, and asked: "By the way, Tiya, why do you have to join Fight Crime? Although you are an awakened person, you don't feel like staying in the stable area Would it be better?"

"That won't work!"

Katiya's expression became rare and serious: "Tiya's parents and brothers are all outside. Tiya misses them very much, so... Tiya wants to leave here to find them..."

"Yes... this way..."

Zhang Heng's heart became heavy, and Miyuko, who also knew Katya's past, pressed her red lips tightly, and hugged Katya very distressed.


At this moment, in front of the empty field, the huge iron gate that was originally closed was pushed open.

Hundreds of anti-crime candidates in the field, including Zhang Heng, cast their sights on there.

"It's actually... She?!"

After Zhang Heng saw the face of the girl who walked in through the door, the surprise in his heart was fully displayed on his face.

A long, jet-black hair draped over the back shoulders, a huge weapon that was out of proportion to the body, and a tight-fitting red dress...

This lovely girl who appeared in the eyes of everyone was the one that Zhang Heng hadn't seen in three months...Zero!

"1, 2, 3..."

As Zhang Heng remembered, Ling Yi looked dull and put her finger on the soft lower lip, and then looked at Zhang Heng and others, muttering words, seeming to be counting the number of people.

"Ah... isn't it, is she the examiner for this trial?"

Zhang Heng, who originally thought that sin would come to perform this trial, couldn't help feeling a little worried after seeing Zero.

For a simple and cute girl like Zero, Zhang Heng has to wonder, is she really qualified for the position of "examiner"? …