Extinguish Crime

Chapter 176: The final battle (1)


The blood-red sword shadow flashed in the air quickly, Zhang Heng's figure was like the wind, not to mention how elegant, but the speed was very fast, and his opponent... the head of the four ghost generals, the speed is not slower than Zhang Heng, even faster than Zhang Heng Zhang Heng goes a lot fast.

On the other side of the city gate, Sin has already fought with Sprites. Sprites are at least twice the size of Sin. He does not carry any weapons, but the surrounding stone pillars are uprooted by him. Laborious and exaggerated, many houses around them collapsed without any accident when they were thrown by stone pillars.

A weird flute that made people dizzy sounded, and he was about to assassinate the charm of Ling's figure. His eyes became blurred, and this state did not last long, and Ling gritted his silver teeth and screamed. , Her body suddenly burst into white light, holy white wings larger than Zhang Heng’s blood-red phantom wings spread out behind her, and some dazzling white feathers began to grow up and down all over her body, which looked like an angel descending, bathing all over her body. In the sacred light.

Ling Pai rushed to the top of the city wall with his wings and was playing the flute. Although both of them were petite girls, they weren’t as weak as their appearance when fighting. The weapon used by Zero was still the special small silver. The dagger, and Mei directly uses the flute as a weapon. Every time he fights with Zero, the flute will emit a subtle flute to disturb Zero's mood, and the situation has fallen into a stalemate for a while.

At the center of the gate of the King City, Mie held up her hands, her long aqua-blue hair was flying in the wind, and a fierce hurricane turned into sharp winds under her control, constantly rolling towards and standing in front of her holding a giant hammer. But as an almighty type, the fighting power and defensive power are very average. Even if the wind blast is very strong, he can barely resist it.

"My Goddess, the children who are locked in the laboratory are pleased!"

The goddess of the earth stood behind the crowd, preparing to support Zhang Heng and the others, but heard the slightly solemn voice of sin.

The goddess of the earth was taken aback, then remembered yesterday's mission plan, nodded gently, and rushed into the royal city under the cover of Mie.

According to the pre-arranged battle plan, powerful awakeners such as Sin and the Goddess of the Earth will sneak into the royal city to assassinate the high-levels of the New World, while General Beard and the Judgment Legion must stay at the outer door to attract the attention of the New World Army. Otherwise, their assassination will not proceed.

The appearance of the demons and demons slightly disrupted the plan and deployment of this time, but there is no other way at the moment, but to solve the four ghosts as soon as possible and then assassinate the high officials and ministers in the king's city.

The root of all crimes is the group of high-ranking officials hiding in the royal city with blood on their hands!

Only by beheading this group of people can this war end.

After the earth goddess sneaked into the royal city, she found the entrance of the underground research room based on the map of the royal city given to him before the sin.

Standing in front of the gate of the closed research room, the earth goddess Liu frowned. She always felt that the gate looked a little familiar. Moreover, she was also a little puzzled about how sin would have a map of the royal city. It stands to reason that the royal city is heavily guarded. No matter how great the sin is, it is impossible to give such a detailed map.

Obviously there is not much time for the earth goddess to think about these things in the current situation. She pondered for a moment, and her slender arm pushed forward gently, and saw a tremor on the ground, and a huge stone cone rose from the ground and directly experimented. The door of the room collapsed.

When the dust and fog dissipated, the goddess of the earth endured the rancid smell of the laboratory and quickly walked in.

She came to the laboratory this time because of the rescue of the children trapped in the test subjects. Sin and her said that in the New World research, thousands of innocent children are persecuted as test subjects every year. If they succeed, those children will not be so good, and if they fail, they will end up like the previous zero-sum greedy wolves, and they will be exiled to the restricted area as a "failure product".

Thinking of the dirty work carried out in these laboratories secretly, the goddess of the earth has cold eyes. If it were not for sin to tell her, she had no idea that the underground research room of the New World was so dark. Are the scientists all the devil? Why can you do such cruel things to those innocent children

The more I think about it, the more angry, the goddess of the earth felt such anger for the first time. She walked in the dark aisle, and the inexplicable sense of familiarity became stronger and stronger. Some pictures of memories that had never happened before flashed in her mind, making her Frown.

She shook her head, took a breath, suppressed those inexplicable emotions, and then turned her slender arms away, and the iron gate closed around the corridor suddenly shook and collapsed.

"You, who are you!"

Many people in the room who were wearing white research uniforms and were doing human experiments looked at the goddess of the earth in the aisle with amazement, but before they sounded the alarm, the eyes of the goddess of the earth shone with a pale yellow light. The personnel just took a look, and the whole person stood there stiff as if it had been petrified, and stopped moving.

After the goddess of the earth walked into the laboratories, the anger in her heart gradually turned into a cold killing intent. On those research platforms, there were some teenagers and girls, even seven or eight-year-old children. These children lay in cold research. The stage was naked, and his pupils were dilated, as if life was gone.

The eyes of the goddess of the earth suddenly turned red, and she understood what the so-called human experiment meant. The bodies of the children were dissected wantonly by the researchers, and some even had their hands and feet amputated. There are still many in the research rooms. The glass fiber reinforced plastic soaked with internal organs and severed limbs, if someone who is not mentally prepared walks into this place, they are afraid that they will fall down and vomit at a glance. What kind of laboratory is this, it is simply a slaughterhouse!


Suddenly, the goddess of the earth was looking at her in a daze, but behind her, a trembling sound of astonishment suddenly sounded.

The goddess of the earth was shocked, but she was not surprised by the sudden sound, but was familiar with the sound in her heart.

She quickly turned around and looked at it with cold and vigilant eyes, but was stunned on the spot in the next second. Opposite her, standing was a middle-aged man with gray hair wearing a white research uniform and holding a pistol in his hand.

So familiar...

The goddess of the earth looked a little fascinated, but soon she came back to her senses, looking at the middle-aged man opposite with cold eyes.

"Yao, is it you? Is it really you?!"

Zhang Qingyun's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and she walked towards the Goddess of the Earth excitedly, but before he could get closer, the Goddess of the Earth coldly shouted, "Stop!"

Zhang Qingyun stagnated, looking at the goddess of earth with disbelief and grief, her lips trembled and said, "Yao, it's me, have you really forgotten all of them?"

The goddess of the earth still looked indifferent, frowning coldly, "I don't know you, and I don't want to know a demon like you!"


Zhang Qingyun was taken aback, his face suddenly twisted, he went crazy and smashed the pistol in his hand to the ground, his eyes were scarlet looking at the goddess of the earth, and he roared in sorrow: "Why do you think I did this? Why can't you understand Me! Why! Why!"

With this crazy appearance of Zhang Qingyun, the goddess of the earth who was watching was inexplicably sad, but she soon recovered and looked at Zhang Qingyun coldly without saying a word. She feels that people like Zhang Qingyun are more with him. Saying a word makes her feel sick. This person is crazy, he is crazy, and if he does such a cruel thing, as long as he is an individual, I am afraid that he will not understand him.

In the eyes of the goddess of the earth, no matter what purpose Zhang Qingyun had, these children were innocent. Since he had done such a thing, he had already committed a sin of indignation between man and god.

With a sound of..., the slender hands of the goddess of the earth gently lifted up, and the ground of the whole laboratory shook for a while, but to her surprise, this time she used the power of the curse, but no stone pillars or stone cones appeared on the ground, as if The ground of this laboratory is generally blocked by something.

"Yao, are you going to kill me?"

Zhang Qingyun's eyes condensed, staring at the goddess of the earth in disbelief. He didn't expect that the person he had always cared for day and night would actually want to kill him.

"No, it must not be the case, how could Yao kill me?"

Zhang Qingyun shook his head sluggishly, muttering to himself like self-comfort.

At the moment of his sluggishness, the goddess of the earth had cold eyes and quickly bent down and picked up the pistol that Zhang Qingyun had just thrown away. Without any hesitation, she shot Zhang Qingyun's heart.

The sound of bullets echoed in the empty laboratory.

Zhang Qingyun looked down at the blood-stained chest, then raised his head and looked at the Goddess of Earth blankly.


His lips were squirming slightly, his eyes were gray, the last trace of beauty in his heart was like glass, and it was completely shattered. Two lines of tears flowed out of his muddy eyes, and the smile on his face slowly became grim. Distorted, full of violence.

it's over.

It's all over.

Zhang Qingyun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, but the laughter was so bleak and sad, he suddenly realized that everything he had given was only a joke after all.

His heart was dead, and from the moment the goddess of the earth shot at him without hesitation, his heart was completely shattered.

The laughter gradually stopped. Zhang Qingyun didn't seem to feel the pain in his chest. He smiled grimly, and tremblingly stretched out his hand to take out a light red needle from his pocket, and pierced it fiercely into the artery in his neck.

The blood vessels all over his body began to squirm strangely, and a painful color appeared on his hideous face. Gradually, his body began to swell, and his consciousness became blurred, almost forgetting his own existence, which was originally slightly muddy. His eyes were shining with a palpitating red light at the moment, and his body was filled with endless violent aura, killing intent to the sky.


A strong hatred was born in Zhang Qingyun's heart. After his body swelled, his body was twice as strong as before, and he could almost touch the roof of the laboratory when he raised his head.

He roared with great anger, madly rushing to the goddess of the earth, his eyes flashed with violent red light, and his heart was full of hatred, and all he thought was to put the woman who was once the most beloved in front of him. Tear to pieces!

Seeing Zhang Qingyun became so crazy, the goddess of the earth felt an inexplicable pain, but obviously there was no time for her to think about other things at the moment. Seeing Zhang Qingyun pounced, she hurried to the side, and she could not wait for Zhang to avoid it. Qingyun attacked again, and she quickly got up and planned to rush out of the laboratory.

Obviously, the goddess of the earth cannot use the power of the curse here, and she can only kill Zhang Qingyun if she escapes from the laboratory.

The Goddess of Earth was only a step away from the door, but before she could take this step, Zhang Qingyun behind him roared and rushed forward, raising his fist fiercely and hitting her back.

The sound of bone fracture sounded, and the painful face of the goddess of the earth was pale, and the whole body was cold and sweaty, and the whole person fell to the ground like a broken kite, and his face was pale and panting.

The goddess of the earth raised her head and looked forward with difficulty. She was only half a hand away from the door. She crawled forward hard, but Zhang Qingyun behind her did not give her this opportunity. He roared and rushed to pinch her neck. When she mentioned it, she stared at her with her violent, blood-red eyes, her face was so hideous and distorted that she didn't look like a normal human being at all.

"Why! Tell me! Why betray me! Why!"

Zhang Qingyun seemed to have recovered a bit of sanity, but his expression was still crazy. At this moment, there was only hatred in his heart, wishing to tear the woman in front of him to pieces.

The face of the goddess of the earth turned blue and she was almost unable to breathe. Amid Zhang Qingyun's angry roar, she stretched out her hand with difficulty and slowly stretched out to the door.

At the moment when her palm reached outside the door, a light yellow light flashed in her eyes, and under the traction of her fingers, a sharp stone cone suddenly shot out from the ground outside the door.

The stone cone penetrated the chest of the goddess of the earth, and at the same time penetrated the heart of Zhang Qingyun, Zhang Qingyun let go of the goddess of earth with a cry of pain.

"Cough cough cough..."

The eyes of the goddess of the earth were blurred, she fell to the ground, and a lot of blood continuously poured out from her chest, staining her body and the ground with blood red.


Zhang Qingyun staggered to stabilize his figure, and the sharp pain from his heart finally made him regain his sanity. He looked at the goddess of the earth lying in a pool of blood, gritted his teeth like an earthworm, and hugged her tremblingly. She screamed in panic in her arms.

Zhang Qingyun's consciousness became blurred. He understood that he was dying, his heart was damaged, and even the technology of this era could not save his life.

He smiled sadly, and tremblingly took out a light blue test tube from his pocket, and after unscrewing the test tube mouth with difficulty, he opened the lips of the goddess of the earth and poured this special genetic serum into it. In her mouth.

The dull voice sounded, Zhang Qingyun fell heavily to the ground, his heart stopped beating, at the moment he closed his eyes, he seemed to see his wife and son walking towards him holding hands.

"Zhang Heng, Yao...wait for me..."

He smiled contentedly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the void, but what he could catch was the empty and cold air...