Extinguish Crime

Chapter 178: The final battle (3)


The banner of the white dove of freedom, replacing the lion head banner, stands in the central square of the imperial capital.

The huge flag fluttered in the wind, as if it represented the white dove soaring.

Around the square, there were hundreds of thousands of war zone soldiers and civilians in the imperial capital. Everyone looked up at the flag blankly, feeling that this moment was so illusory.

Zhang Heng, Sin, Zero, Goddess of the Earth and others were standing in the forefront of the crowd at this time, each holding a corpse in their arms.

No one spoke, even if they witnessed the arrival of this moment, no one cheered, and no one was happy.

The total number of people who died in this battle exceeded one million.

This million is not an ant, it is a living human life, and this victory that many people have anticipated was exchanged for the lives of this million people.

How to cheer

How to be happy

Everyone feels very numb, even knowing that today is their last day of numbness, but this painful memory has been deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

The silent atmosphere lasted for more than an hour, and it was not until the sun was about to set that someone finally choked up silently.

The silence changed into pain.

The saddest ones who wept are undoubtedly the civilians living at the bottom of the imperial capital.

The lives of these people in the imperial capital may not even be comparable to livestock. Many pets raised by high officials and ministers eat top-quality ingredients. However, the group of civilians living in the abandoned areas and the periphery of the imperial capital have to work hard for them. , Squeezed by them, exploited by them, once they resist, they will be ruthlessly obliterated.

This kind of life is more painful than struggling in hell, but they, who are weak and humble, can only endure this pain silently, and no one can help them.

However, today, at this moment, the pain seems to have come to an end, and they can finally confide the fear and pain deep in their hearts.

For them, this war is over, but for Zhang Heng and others, the war is not over yet.

Lifting their heads, everyone's eyes are staring ahead.

There, a splendid gate was open. Within that gate, there was a magnificent building. On the bright and clean streets, some gorgeously dressed people were fleeing in horror.


The last fortress of the imperial capital is also the root of all sin and evil.

Gradually, the sun set, and the original magnificent royal city was covered with a scary shadow.

Zhang Heng took a deep breath, and the others did the same. They placed the corpse in their arms in the center of the square and let their eyes face the white dove flag on the flagpole. Although they are dead, everyone still hopes to let them. Seeing this scene, after all, for this day, for this moment, they paid too much.

After fighting for a whole day, everyone was extremely tired and wanted to have a good night’s sleep, but they all knew that the king’s city had not yet collapsed, and that the leader of the country, Marxiu, who caused the disaster had not paid the price yet, they hadn’t. Able to rest.

Looking at the king's city solemnly, and walking steadfastly toward the source of sin and evil, no one looked back, and only kept walking steadfastly until they saw the dawn of dawn, they could stop...

Inside the palace of the king's city.

On the pure gold throne, Marxiu still had that calm and calm expression, and his mouth was always with a reassuring smile, but at this moment, in the magnificent hall, there was no one else except him.


This was undoubtedly an irony to Marsius, but his expression didn't look like any shock.

As the lord of a country, as the god of this world, Marxiu is always lonely.

People like him naturally don't need people to accompany him, because even without the foil of these people, he Marxiu is still sitting here, still the supreme ruler of this empire.

Marxiu laughed suddenly, it was an extremely excited laugh.

It's hard to imagine that Marxiu could still laugh at this moment. What is the source of this excitement from the heart

I am afraid that no one knows or believes that Marxiu, who is at the end of the road, feels unprecedented joy and excitement at this moment.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps, and under the slightly dim night light, the people such as Sin and Zhang Heng filed into the hall. Their gazes were indifferent, angry, or sad, everything, but without exception, The people they were watching were all middle-aged people on the throne.

"Hahaha, you guys are finally here."

Marsio laughed. He was very happy. He didn't know how long he waited for this day, but he finally waited today.

"Marsius, your empire is gone, aren't you awake yet!"

Zhang Henghong snarled and roared. He had learned from the goddess of the earth beside him that his father Zhang Qingyun was dead, and what surprised him was that the goddess of the earth was his mother.

Such a result made Zhang Heng happy and sad. What was happy was that his mother was still alive, and what was sad was that his father was dead.

Of course, Zhang Qingyun's death will inevitably occur. All he committed can only be repaid with life. From the perspective of others, even Zhang Heng cannot forgive his father for all this.

"Should I call your father, or a demon?"

At this time, everyone's unexpected voice came from Sin's mouth. Sin squinted and looked at Marxiu above the throne. The smiles of the father and son were very similar, and they were so calm and calm.

Sin is actually the son of Marsio

Remembering that Sin's real name seemed to be Mart, Zhang Heng suddenly came across.

"Hahaha, Malt, my son, you are still the same as before!"

Facing his son’s sarcasm, Marsio didn’t mean to confess at all. He still laughed, almost crazy: "From the day you left me, I can guess that this day will always come. I didn’t expect You really did it."

"Do you think I did it all by myself?"

Sin roared in a low voice: "You once told me to make this world a better place, and what have you done all the time? Has your soul been swallowed by the devil!"

"No, no, no!"

Marsio suddenly straightened his face and said solemnly: "You are wrong, the world now is the perfect world in my heart. Everyone doesn't need that disguise. Isn't it better?"

"As long as I can experience fun, no matter how many people die, what does it matter? I am the god of this world!"

Marsio's expression became enthusiastic, and everyone could tell from his eyes that Marsio was crazy.

Completely crazy.

This is like when a person falls into a dark swamp, if no one pulls him out, he will only sink deeper and deeper, unable to extricate himself.

Obviously, Marsio was such a person.

He was immersed in the fun of war and couldn't help himself. For this fun, he didn't care about his family or other people's lives. He only cared about whether these wars and killings could bring him fun.

Perhaps just as Sin said, Marsiu's soul has fallen into endless hell, and no one can save his dead soul.

After getting such an answer, everyone was stunned for a while.

Is it just for the so-called fun of this person

So many lives in exchange for just a ridiculous pleasure

In everyone's hearts, it seemed that a volcano was erupting frantically, and the enemy they had been fighting against would actually be such a frantic person.

The hall fell into dead silence.

Everyone's fists creaked, and at almost the same time, everyone entered the awakening state. Various attacks and weapons rushed towards Marxiu who was on the throne with the extremely angry roar.

"Hahaha, funny! So funny!"

Marxiu laughed in excitement. It was abrupt. He stood on the throne without any movement, but Zhang Heng and their bodies stopped in place, as if imprisoned by an invisible force. , Making them unable to move.

Everyone was shocked, and they found that not only their body was imprisoned, but the curse power in their bodies was restrained and unable to be used.

"Hahaha, I should have told you? I am the god of this world!"

Marsio stood up from the throne, and he raised his hand at will, and the entire hall suddenly collapsed and instantly turned into ruins.

how is this possible? !

Such a shocking scene shocked everyone's hearts. This power seemed to be beyond the scope of human control. Even the Awakened might not be able to control this power.


Suddenly, everyone looked at Marxiu, and suddenly an eye appeared behind him.

In the void, that eye opened slowly. It was a blood-red eye, as if from hell. Just seeing this eye, everyone was as if their souls had been hooked away, their bodies weakened, and their minds became weak. Heavy, all kinds of negative and irritable emotions are drawn out at this moment.

"Don't look at that eye! Everyone is sober!"

At the most critical moment, Sin Shen roared, so that everyone could wake up, and they staggered their eyes and dared not look at that eye again.