Extinguish Crime

Chapter 179: The final battle (4)


However, unlike everyone else, after Zhang Heng saw that eye, he didn't have the slightest mood swing, as if that eye originally belonged to him, and he didn't have the slightest fear.

It suddenly occurred to me that when I dug out the first stone stele of the apocalypse, didn't this eye always follow behind me

Zhang Heng's face was startled, he seemed to understand something. During the time when this eye was behind him, his mood became very irritable, and he even got severe depression, and since this eye left him one day, this This emotion disappeared without a trace.

Could it be... that Marschau became like this, controlled by this eye? !

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Heng's mind, and he began to search frantically in his memory, how he got rid of this eye in the first place.

Zhang Heng knew very well that with such a powerful Marxiu, no one in the room would be Marxiu's opponent, so he could only take a gamble and must find a way to eliminate that eye!

It is not an exaggeration to use the metaphor of God for Marxiu at this moment.

He waved his hand casually, and the surrounding ruins fell apart. Obviously, the curse power he controlled seemed to be able to decompose anything.

"Hahaha, great, it's been a long time since I experienced such fun!"

Marsio laughed madly, he walked slowly towards Sin, and the eye behind him followed him every step of the way.

"Do you understand?"

Marsio smiled and looked at Sin, and looked at his son. Then, he waved his hand and saw Sin's entire left arm began to wriggle uncontrollably.

For the first time, Sin screamed in front of outsiders. His left arm detached from his body very strangely. Under everyone's shocked and terrified gaze, the arm turned into a little blood, and it disappeared without a trace. .

Gritting his teeth to death, raised his head and stared at Marxiu angrily. It is a pity that his body is imprisoned at the moment. No matter how angry he is, he still can't move half a step.

"This is the end of God's confrontation!"

Marxiu's face was excited and intoxicated. He broke one of his son's hands with his own hand. He didn't regret it at all. Instead, he smiled and looked at the others, admiring the frightened and angry expressions of everyone.

Suddenly, Marxiu raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. He found that Zhang Heng's eyes were a little wrong, and he could still remain calm. Moreover, Marxiu also noticed that Zhang Heng's seemed to have been staring behind him.

"You are very nice!"

Marshy suddenly became interested, and he felt new pleasures in Zhang Heng's performance. While talking, he walked towards Zhang Heng with a frantic and excited smile.

"Asshole! Devil! Big pervert!"

Suddenly, Ling suddenly drank desperately, causing Demarxiu to stagnate, turning his head to look at her with a slightly indifferent expression.

Zhang Heng was stunned. When he saw Marxiu go towards Zero, his heart was raised in his throat, and his eyes were red and scary. Of course he knew that Zero was deliberately attracting Marxiu’s attention, this simple and cute girl. This is protecting him!

Come to think of it!

Come to think of it! !

Zhang Heng felt that his mind was about to explode, but he always felt that those vague memories were blocked by something that prevented him from completely recalling everything.

When Marxiu came to Ling's body, Ling looked at him and felt a panic of terror in her heart, but she gritted her teeth and did not regret the act of invoking the demon before. She couldn't see Zhang Heng getting hurt in front of her eyes.

The layer of window paper blocking the two of them seemed to be completely pierced at this moment.

"Do you know? The words you just said are insulting to God."

Marxiu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zero. This was the first time anyone dared to say those things in front of him, and he experienced a strange "fun".

Zero gritted his silver teeth, those big lovely eyes stared at Marsio fiercely, and said coldly: "God? Do you think a demon like you, who is your believer?"

When this sentence fell, the eye behind Demar Sul suddenly flickered, seeming a bit irritable.

Marxiu's face suddenly became sullen, and he slapped Zero's face with a fierce slap, almost not knocking the girl out.

The clear and loud applause echoed in everyone's ears, and after Zhang Heng heard such a sound, his brain buzzed, as if something was untied in it, his body trembled suddenly, and he was able to move. NS!

Zhang Heng roared, the blood-red long sword in his hand exuded an astonishing red light. At this moment, he was bathed in a dazzling red mist, and both his speed and strength were at least three times higher than before!

I am afraid that even Zhang Heng himself does not know that he has unknowingly unknowingly unlocked the fifth stage of curse power!

With a loud bang, Zhang Heng slashed out with a sword, and shot a blood-red sword light from the blade, cutting out a ravine about a hundred meters long from the ground. However, such a powerful sword could not hurt. Marxiu half-pointed, Marxiu just waved his hand casually, and the violent sword light was broken up by him and disappeared into the void.

Marxiu turned around and looked at Zhang Heng in surprise. He didn't expect Zhang Heng to be able to break free of his imprisonment, but this was far beyond his expectation.

The rest of the people who were still in a state of imprisonment were also dumbfounded. They all looked incredulous. How did Zhang Heng do it


Zhang Heng stood there, panting violently, his heartbeat began to accelerate, and his consciousness began to become blurred. He didn't know that as he unlocked more curse power, his consciousness would be gradually Corrosion, in the end, will become those alien species that are like walking corpses.

wide awake! wide awake!

Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and shook his head vigorously, finally making the chaotic brain slightly awake, then he raised his head and lifted the blood-red long sword, desperately renewed Marxiu, and another astonishing sword light was cut out.

"It's really interesting!"

Marxiu's eyes lit up, and Zhang Heng's state and behavior at the moment made him very excited. At the same time, he was also very curious about why Zhang Heng was able to break free of his shackles. This should be the power that the Awakened could not resist.

This sword still couldn't cause any damage to Marxiu, but Zhang Heng's body flew out uncontrollably and hit the ground heavily.

Zhang Heng stood up pale, and at this moment he realized that with his own strength, it was impossible to be Marxiu's opponent.

In other words, Marxiu at this moment is an invincible existence!

A trace of powerlessness and despair suddenly rose in his heart. Zhang Heng looked bitterly at the people and fixed his gaze on Zero. The girl on the opposite side was staring at him with red eyes, obviously also knowing what is waiting for everyone.

How can people like them fight against invincible people

This is like an ordinary person delusional to fight against the gods, this is impossible.

At this time, Marxiu came to Zhang Heng with a smile on his face, staring at Zhang Heng as if he was looking at a rare animal, as if he was laughing at Zhang Heng's insignificance, and at Zhang Heng's ignorance and ignorance.

A strong unwillingness arose in his heart, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth, trying to pierce the heart of the middle-aged man in front of him with a sword, but he couldn't afford this courage, and he knew he didn't have this strength.

Suddenly, Zhang Heng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he raised the blood-red long sword, intending to pierce Marxiu's heart with a sword.

"Hahaha, stupid ant, don't you understand?"

Marshy laughed jokingly, just standing in place without any movement.

At the juncture, Zhang Heng's mouth raised, which made Ma Xiu's smile a little stiff, and he felt a little bit bad instinctively, but when Ma Xiu reacted, Zhang Heng had already used his extraordinary reaction power to use his best. He projected the blood-red long sword in his hand towards the back of Marxiu!

The blood-red long sword accurately and unmistakably pierced the blood-red eyes floating in the void behind Maar Xiu's body. What's strange is that those eyes that looked like illusions actually showed panic and painful expressions, and even the surrounding space became Twisted and fluctuated.

The ground under the blood eyes suddenly cracked a huge gap. At the bottom of the seemingly endless gap, there was a piece of hot blood red lava. Everyone’s ears suddenly sounded a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling, as if under the magma, It is the end of that hell, countless lone souls and wild ghosts are suffering cruel torture in this hell!

Marxiu suddenly went mad and screamed as if holding his head. His eyes were bloodshot, and there were bursts of dazzling red mist all over his body, as if the whole person was being corroded, and the miserable howls spread throughout the entire imperial capital. , So that everyone is afraid of it.

"No! No! Don't pull me down! Don't!"

A gloomy, invisible iron chain rolled out from the crevices in the ground, tying up Marxiu's whole person, and then slowly pulling him towards the abyss of the ground. Marxiu struggled madly, but still couldn't get rid of the iron. The bondage of the chain, the whole person is replaced by endless fear.


In everyone's gaze, the blood eye in the void slowly closed and slowly disappeared into the void, while Marxiu was completely dragged into the endless abyss of hell at the moment the blood eye disappeared.

With a bang... Zhang Heng fell heavily to the ground, his consciousness became blurred, his brain was in a mess, and he almost forgot his existence...

The moment his eyes closed, his heart stopped beating.