Extinguish Crime

Chapter 2: Fanwai Mei Yuko chapter


"Ou Nai-chan, cheer up today..."

In the early morning, standing in the farmland, Mei Lingzi's tender voice sounded behind me, very sweet, but her voice was trembling.

Is it because of the cold

It's winter now, and Mei Lingzi's frail body is covered with a thin dress. Those snow falling from mid-air hit her body, and quickly melted into the clothes, making the little guy tremble with cold. .

"Hayi, Hai..."

I turned and looked at Mei Reiko... My sister, waved her slightly, let her go home first.

Mei Lingzi is very sensible, she nodded her head cleverly and then bounced out of here.

It's really good.

Seeing Mei Lingzi being able to live so happily, I became happy when I was depressed.

Um! I have to cheer today!

After receiving the encouragement from Mei Lingzi, my heart was full of enthusiasm, and I picked up the sickle and started carefully harvesting the dying wheat in the farmland.

These wheat grains are not planted by me, and even the farmland is not mine. The reason why I will come here to harvest these undesired wheat grains in such cold weather is because these things will be my sister and my father and mother for a day. Rations.

In order to allow my family to live a life of food and clothing, I, who lives at the bottom of the new world, used to find those "upper people" who lived a wealthy life with my family behind my back.

"Haha, do you want to be a maid? It's a pity, a woman like you, besides selling her body, I am afraid that there is no second choice. So, have you decided? I will give you 20 catties of rice, as The price, you have to pay your body."

Receiving this answer from the gorgeously dressed middle-aged population, I returned home almost desperately.

A person like me who has no identity or background can not even find a job like a "maid". No one is willing to take me in, because women who are a little better than my family have already been "maids" through various relationships and methods. This post is full.

To survive in the new world, "identity" represents everything.

My father lost his legs in an accident three years ago and lost the ability to work, while my mother was sick all the year round and would faint once standing for too long.

My father and mother lost the ability to work, and my sister and I had no source of food, so I could only do everything possible to find food outside. Even the leftover and rotten rice from other people’s food is priceless in my eyes. Treasures.

I understand that it may be painful to live like this. It is better to sell my body in exchange for food. After all, as long as I sell my body to those people, my sister and my parents will be able to eat fragrant white rice.

But after my family members discovered this idea, no matter it was my father, mother, or my sister, they refused to let me do those dirty trades. My father even took a knife and used his life to stop me.

I can't bear my family dying before my eyes.

Therefore, I can only live as numbly as I am now, in order to prevent my family from starving to death, and come out looking for food in such a cold winter.

I seem to have gotten used to all this, even if I wear less than my sister at the moment, I don't feel the cold at all.


I was blowing heat into my barely conscious hands, but it was not my frozen palms that alarmed me, but the farmland that seemed to have no grain to continue harvesting.

what to do

Sister, they haven't eaten anything for five days, what should I do

I shed helpless tears in panic, and continued to explore the farmland like crazy, trying to find even a grain of wheat.


Not even a grain of wheat was found.

White snowflakes fell on my body, a touch of sadness rose in my heart, unstoppable tears slipped from my eye sockets, hot tears dripped into the snow, dissolving many tiny holes.

I don't want to cry, but I can't control my tears at all. I know very well that if I can't find anything to eat today, my sister and parents will starve to death.

Who can help me.

Who can give me some food, even if it's charity.

I looked at the villagers passing by the farmland with pleading eyes, but they looked at me with indifference and turned a blind eye to my plea.

Although I was desperate, I didn't blame them in my heart.

I know that they don't want to help me, but that their situation is not much better than mine. I believe that many people in their family are starving and freezing.

"If you don't want to starve to death, just follow me."

I didn't know that the Shuidong man who appeared in front of me would be the one who changed my next life.

His name is Adela, a pure-blood Shuidong, he is married, his wife is also Shuidong, and he has a son who is about the same age as my sister.

Adela is 40 years old. He is a hunter. Since I followed him to the forest that day and watched him capture a wild deer with a bow and arrow, I did not hesitate to kneel in front of him, crying and begging him. Teach me to hunt.

Adela considered for five days, but was finally moved by my firm belief and agreed to teach me hunting.

In the year after that, with the belief that my family would not starve to death, I became a well-known huntress. In this year, my sister and parents almost never went hungry, and even used my money for selling animal skins. Put on new clothes.

I am very grateful to Adela, very grateful, if not because he is already married, I can even give him everything, even my body.

Happy time is always short.

The new year begins, and what awaits me is the coming nightmare and hell.

My family and I live on the edge of the "Imperial Capital" in the New World. Those who live in the Imperial Capital call this "abandoned area".

As literally said, a family like me, who has no ability to work and refuses to sell their bodies, is equivalent to "waste" in the eyes of those people, and is only worth living in a waste area that is not managed by anyone on the periphery.

Because there is no one to manage the waste area, this has led to people like me being arbitrarily bullied by the soldiers of the New World. Even if the soldiers kill me, no one will bother in the New World Palace.

After all, useless "waste" like me will not cause any loss to the group of people in the New World even if it is dead.

The nightmare soon came.

A total of twenty soldiers came, of which three were Level 6 Awakeners.

After night fell, these people came to the village where I lived and started a meaningless massacre.

There is no reason.

Just to "make some fun."

So, in order to make this massacre more "interesting", this group of soldiers tied me and my family together, and then in front of me, slowly and little by little, tortured my family.

Numbness, collapse, despair, and helplessness.

I don't know how I feel, and I don't know what words to use to describe such pain.

In short, I was forced to open my eyelids by a soldier and watched my father be dismembered and my mother and sister beheaded.

"Ou Nai Chan, you must survive..."

The moment the butcher knife fell, my mind kept echoing the smiling words of my sister before she died.

I didn't cry because I could no longer feel the presence of tears.

I didn't struggle, because I no longer had the faith to live.

I did not resist, because I did not have the power to resist.

What I have at the moment is only the unquenchable hatred in my heart.

I thought about it, because of hunting all year round, it makes me so "cold-blooded", right? Even in the face of the death of a loved one, I won't cry, and I don't even feel heartache.

"Live! You must live! Don't forget the weapon in your hand, pick it up, and work hard to live!"

Adela came, and although he was a step late, he saved me and put his bow and arrow in my hand.

I looked up at Adela numbly. Only then did I realize that he was covered with wounds and blood at the moment, and his entire left arm was gone. Judging from the wound, it should have been chopped off by the soldiers with sabers.

Adela gritted his teeth and glanced at me. He just wanted to say something, but was stabbed through his heart by a sharp saber behind him.

The blood pouring from Adela’s chest splashed my face, but Adela did not scream, his body twitched violently, and he took out a "pale red test tube" in his pocket with his hand, and tremblingly passed it. Arrived in front of me.

I don't know what the liquid in this red test tube is, and I don't know that this thing is the curse gene that Adela is going to give himself.

"Do you want revenge? Do you want revenge even if you give your life?"

Seeing the flames of revenge hidden in my eyes, Adela used the last bit of strength in his life to turn around and kick the soldier who attacked him. Then he kneeled before me with scarlet eyes, holding the The test tube growled desperately at me.

Without feeling anything, I almost nodded subconsciously.

"Then, drink it! As long as you drink it, you will have the power of revenge! But the price of this will be your life!"

Adela smiled, but his smile looked so bleak, after he finished saying this, he kept his eyes tight and looked at me with a smile, without any other actions.


Can I get revenge by drinking this thing

Numb, I didn't feel anything. I opened Adela's palm like a puppet, and then picked up the test tube.

Unscrew the mouth of the tube, I finally shed two lines of tears that confided in endless sadness, and drank the red liquid in the test tube in one breath.

As if my blood was being burned by the scorching flames, I wailed bitterly, until the moment I awakened a few minutes later, I didn’t know that the liquid in this test tube was a curse researched by the New World House. Gene.

There are no accidents.

I directly awakened the power of two curses. With the grief and hatred in my heart, I shot through the dirty hearts of the soldiers with a bow and arrow, and the three Awakened soldiers who killed my sister and parents did not see the situation. Mya escaped in advance.

After doing all this, I ran away.

It was as if he had gone crazy and escaped from here.

I didn’t help my sister and my father and mother to collect the bodies, so I fled the new world with endless grief and vengeance, and escaped the hell I have lived in for ten years...

"Zhang Hengjun, promise me that you will keep smiling and live like this..."

Just like what my sister said before her death, when she said it, I already understood it.

My life gear has stopped forever at this second...