Extinguish Crime

Chapter 22: Invasion (5)


Still the same as before, even after being in a coma for so long, Zhang Heng's head was sober.

This can be said to be a good thing, but it is also a kind of torture. After all, if you stay awake even when you sleep, then even normal dreaming is an extravagant dream.

Therefore, even if he was in a coma for three days, the moment Zhang Heng opened his eyes, it felt that only a second had passed.

Having such a sober brain that is different from ordinary people makes Zhang Heng's memory extremely powerful. Although it is not a memorable one, it is almost the same. Everything that has happened in the past few months has a clear and deep memory. Place.

"Damn it, William, asshole, attacked me!"

After a moment of stunned, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and covered his forehead with a large piece of flesh. Although the wound was large, it was fortunate that it had already started to scar. However, when he recalled the scar that left him When I am human, I feel that a volcano is roaring and erupting in my heart.


In Zhang Heng's team, the strongest Tianchi youth besides Zhang Heng unexpectedly attacked himself from behind three days ago. If it weren't for the rescue by his teammates at the last moment, Zhang Heng would most likely be dead.

Even Zhang Heng, who was extremely reactive, did not expect such a thing to happen, so William succeeded.

But why did William attack himself suddenly

Zhang Heng was puzzled. He had never met William before, so it was impossible to get revenge or something.

Moreover, the timing of William's sneak attack on him was still in a critical situation like when he was at war with the enemy. If this is a carelessness, the whole team is likely to be annihilated!

"What a bastard!"

Thinking that this incident might lead to the destruction of the team, Zhang Heng couldn’t help gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. Even if the bastard William is dissatisfied with himself, he shouldn’t be in such a dangerous situation. Attacking yourself, such behavior, can be said to be worse than "betraying teammates".

"Zhang, Captain Zhang Heng!"

At this moment, Zhang Heng endured the pain in his forehead and just stood up, but he heard someone calling him behind him.


The boy named Zhang Heng from Shuidong who was dying on the ground and called his name knew him. This was a member of his team, and it was this boy who stood up when William attacked him. It can be said that if it had not been Daguerre's help If so, Zhang Heng died three days ago.

At this time, Daguerre lying on the ground, panting like a dead dog who couldn't help but was dying. His skin was originally white, but now it looks scary and white, almost like a dead person. Zhang Heng could clearly hear his violent gasps even more than ten meters away.

"What's the matter? Daguerre, what's the matter with you?"

Zhang Hengqiang endured the pain on his forehead and walked towards Daguerre one step at a time. From Daguerre’s expression, he could see that this Shuidong boy seemed to have suffered severe damage to his lungs, which caused his breathing to become like now. It's so difficult.

Hardly turned Daguerre over, but greeted a heart-piercing howl, Zhang Heng suddenly didn't dare to move him, because he could see Daguerre's stomach that turned over.

Daguerre’s stomach seemed to have been cut with a knife by a huge gap. The bright red intestines hung outside like a sausage in the kitchen. On the left lung of his chest, a handle was inserted. For the tiny dagger that William used, Zhang Heng could only see the handle of the dagger, and the blade had all been inserted into his lungs.

"This! What, what's going on!"

Zhang Heng’s eyes were bloodshot instantly. He only had fragmentary memories of fighting with the enemy before he fainted. At that time, Daguerre was still very good. This clever and clever Shuidong boy even helped many times in battle. Himself, and now he has become this dead dog-like appearance

While shocked, it also made Zhang Heng unable to accept this reality.

"Team, Captain..."

Daguerre's pale face was as pale as a dead man with a smile of relief, but Zhang Heng found that there seemed to be a few tears overflowing from the corner of his eye: "It's really good to see the captain is okay, cough cough..."

"Hey! Stop talking, I'll take you back to the base immediately!"

The corners of Zhang Heng's eyes were a little moist, and he couldn't tell why. Maybe it was because he couldn't accept that his partner who was fighting with him died in front of him.

"Ahem... No, it's useless."

Every time Daguerre said a word, he coughed up a pool of dirty blood. He tremblingly clasped Zhang Heng's palm, and said with dim tears: "Actually, Captain Zhang Heng, from when I was fighting with you. At the beginning, I regarded you as a big brother. Because you are different from other people. Although such a character is stupid and ignorant in the eyes of others, I still believe that this world must still exist and Zhang Heng A true and kind person like the captain...cough cough."

As if he realized that his life was about to come to an end, Daguerre's tears couldn't stop streaming, his lips trembled, and his body seemed to twitch violently because he couldn't bear the pain: "Cough cough...could you? I can’t let me call Captain Zhang Heng, brother, before I see God..."

"Shut up for me!"

Zhang Heng didn't know that Daguerre had lost his most respected elder brother. He almost roared with red eyes: "Don't talk to me! You will be fine, trust me, you will be fine!"

"Go, I will take you back to the base now! You hold on to me! This is an order!"

With that said, Zhang Heng stubbornly carried Daguerre on his back, endured the sharp pain on his forehead, step by step, limping step by step towards the distant road. In any case, even if he knew that there was not much hope, Zhang Heng Never give up!

How can, how can you watch your partner die in front of you again and die in your arms? !

While struggling, Zhang Heng's heart seemed to be dripping blood.

"Big Brother..."

Before Zhang Heng took a few steps, Daguerre on his back raised his head with difficulty. He glanced at the blue sky full of gunpowder smoke, as if a burst of irresistible sleepiness suddenly hit, causing him to slowly close his eyes. : "You, you have to be small, be careful...g..."

This last sentence, Daguerre could not finish.

"Hey, hello! Daguerre!"

Perceiving the strangeness of Daguerre behind him, Zhang Heng roared and turned his head to look at Daguerre who had closed his eyes and lost his breath: "Open your eyes! Open your eyes for me! Hey!..."

It was Daguerre's weak arm that answered Zhang Heng.


The wind blows, and the feeling is the same as Daguerre's body temperature, very cold, very cold.

Is it a rant? Is it a shout? Is it desperate


The only thing Zhang Heng can do at the moment is Daguerre, who is back tightly behind his back, this clever Shuidong boy, in Zhang Heng's heart, is not dead.

Because only if you think about it this way, and only if you believe in this way, can you feel better.


I don't know how long he has been walking, Zhang Heng stood in the center of the highway numbly with heavy steps, and an armored vehicle galloped toward him.

With a bang, the door opened, and Captain Crewe, who had been seen before, walked out of the car with a calm face.

"Captain Crewe!"

The appearance of Crewe made Zhang Heng numb as if he had grasped a life-saving straw. He gritted his teeth and hugged Daguerre on his back with red eyes, and said eagerly: "Quick! Help me. !"

Crewe frowned. In fact, he could see that Daguerre still had a chance to save. With the current medical technology in this world, many things that the "old world" could not do can almost all be achieved now, but the premise Yes, Daguerre's heart is not damaged.

"Ah, leave it to me, everything will be fine."

Kluo finished speaking lightly, and took Daguerre from Zhang Heng who was delighted, and then...

Crewe's face changed suddenly. He gritted his teeth, his face was full of struggle and pain, and then quickly pulled out the steel sword from his waist and pierced Daguerre's...heart fiercely!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Heng was completely stunned!

He looked like a puppet. First he looked at Daguerre's body and then at Crewe, who had an indifferent expression. His eyes became hollow, numb, and puzzled.


Before he could finish a sentence, Kru wielded a steel sword and slammed the sword on Zhang Heng's neck quickly, causing Zhang Heng to overturn his eyelids and fall to the ground.

"Hoo...Great Lord, please forgive me for the evil deeds I have committed..."

With a heavy expression on his face, Crewe was like a believer abandoned by God. He drew a cross on his chest, then picked up Zhang Heng and threw it on the armored vehicle, and galloped toward the residential area where the Jason Army was.

In the dust brought up by the vehicle, all that was left was the dazzling blood and Daguerre's smiling corpse.

Yes, this clever Shuidong boy, until his death, he also firmly believed in the existence of justice and kindness.

It’s just the pool of blood flowing from his heart that makes everything look so dazzling...

The so-called justice, the so-called kindness, in such a decadent world, does it really exist