Extinguish Crime

Chapter 23: Invasion (6)


late at night.

Outside the residential building of the seventh community.

"I have brought you the person you want, but before handing it to you, I want to see my wife and daughter!"

"Ah? Did you bring it? Well done, but it's a pity, I really hate others to negotiate terms with me."

"Shut up! I want to see my wife and daughter. You promised me before!"

"Ah, how can this be good? Your wife and daughter? Let me think about it, it seems...your wife and daughter have been sent to the army by me? Oh, don't worry, we are in the new world. The troops are all men, presumably if your wife and daughter are there, you should have a very "happy" life, hahahaha..."

"Ah! Jason the vicious dog! I want to kill you demon!"

Click! Gu Lulu...

There seemed to be the sound of something being twisted and rolling to the ground.

"What sound? Who is talking?"

Zhang Heng opened his eyes in a daze, because his mind was always sober, so that he vaguely heard some of the sounds in the room just now.

"Ahhhh, are you awake?"

At this time, Jason's distorted, violent face suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng was shocked. Under such a dark night, he thought he really saw a "ghost".

Even when he saw Jason, who looked like a ghost, Zhang Heng quickly calmed down. He looked around with cold eyes and found that it seemed to be the residential building of the seventh district, and at the moment he himself was tied up. Hands and feet fell outside the door of the room.

"what… !…"

"No, don't!..."

Suddenly, in the room opposite Zhang Heng with the iron door closed, there was a miserable scream and begging for mercy. Just listening to this voice can make people feel broken and desperate.

Zhang Heng took a deep breath and tried to distract himself. If he listened to too many voices like that, he was afraid that he would collapse.

"Ah, yes, like, so alike!"

Jason looked like a lunatic, looking at Zhang Heng from head to toe with a grinning smile, and saying something that Zhang Heng couldn’t understand. His demonic grinning face was almost always attached to Zhang Heng’s face. NS.

"Hey, Jason, there seems to be a "guest" here."

At this time, a piano-like magnetic sound suddenly sounded. A man wearing a white military uniform like Jason, with a "ghost mask" on the left half of his face, carrying a little girl in his hands, did not know when he appeared. Beside Jason.

"Ka, Katia?!"

Looking through the bright moonlight, Zhang Heng recognized that the little girl carried by the "mask man" was Katya at a glance!

At this time, Katia was still in that lovely dress, but her big watery blue eyes had lost their former glory and became dim and bleak.

No, not only dim, but also numb!

The lovely and lively aura before, she was like a dead person, without any consciousness, even if Zhang Heng called her name frantically, she did not react at all, those big empty eyes, It seems that there is no color to survive.

"Hey! Tiya, what's the matter with you! Answer me quickly!..."

I saw Daguerre being pierced into his heart by Crewe before, and now I saw lively but Kadia turning into this puppet-like appearance. Zhang Heng's eyes were red and his heart was trembling, and he was about to collapse.

Why, why on earth!

Only three short days have passed, why, why did all this become like this!

Zhang Heng bit his lip tightly, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes. He felt as if blood was dripping in his heart, and the tingling sensation that came from him made him feel painful.


But at this moment, a cross dart, like a black meteor, flew from behind Zhang Heng and shot straight at the masked man carrying Katya.

"It turns out that you will not only be "invisible", but also have a good speed. No wonder you dare to come to our new world to assassinate high-level people. It seems that you must be confident in your speed and assassination ability, right?"

The flying speed of this cross dart was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly. Even at the speed of the wolf, Zhang Heng thought that it might not be able to avoid it. However, it was such a dart that was actually smiled by the masked man. While talking, he bit the dart with his teeth!

Zhang Heng was so shocked that he couldn't imagine how powerful and reactive this masked man could be to catch this dart with his teeth!

"Ahhhhh! Appeared! Appeared! Appeared!"

The dazzling red mist suddenly spread around Jason's body. He opened his mouth wide, and his demonic face was filled with distorted excitement. Those two horrible scarlet eyes were almost out of his eyes, "Assassination" My son’s guy, you finally showed up! Hahaha!..."

Jason's crazy laughter fell, and a black shadow, like a ghost in the night, drifted towards Zhang Heng at a weird speed.

"Ah, do you want to save people in front of me? I'm afraid I will disappoint you! Hahaha!..."

Jason laughed frantically, and then, the red mist around his body became denser at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, these red mists merged together. When the mist dissipated, Zhang Heng was shocked to discover that Jason's figure had disappeared in the red mist, and a dark red body was born. Braving the red flames, there are three huge "dog heads", at least more than ten meters tall, similar to the "three-headed hell dog" guarding the gates of hell in the myth!

Such a real scene can no longer be described by words like "similar". The red flames emanating from the three Hellhounds clearly reveal endless hostility. Zhang Heng, who is a little closer, is all because I realized that I became inexplicably irritable with this hostile spirit!

The sudden irritability seems to be quelled only by the pouring of blood!

Become... a monster? !

Infected by emotions, Zhang Heng's eyes were red, his eyes widened, and he tried hard to suppress the inexplicable irritability in his heart. He could not imagine, and he could not believe that a good person turned into such a monster!


The deafening roar of the beast resounded throughout the community at this moment. The huge three-headed Hellhound, with six eyes emitting a palpitating red light, made the ground sunk in an instant with the steps it took. The power that seemed unstoppable caused the whole land to tremble. After seeing this scene, countless ordinary residents around their bodies trembled violently. They squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, their eyes full of panic and horror. A look of despair!

"Zero! Retreat!"

Just as the ghostly black shadow was about to meet the three Hellhounds, Zhang Heng was familiar with the roar of King Axe from a distance, and then, a red lightning shot swiftly from a kilometer away. Then, it hit the heads of the three Hellhounds accurately and accurately.

Red lightning exploded on the head of the three hellhounds. To Zhang Heng’s surprise, this seemingly not powerful arrow actually exploded the three hideous "dog heads" into a ball of red. fog.


What made Zhang Heng even more unexpected was that only a few seconds in the past, those three hideous dog heads, after the red mist had cleared, actually recovered to their original condition!

Through this gap, the ghostly black shadow that was about to approach Zhang Heng quickly retreated, and as the black shadow retreated, Zhang Heng seemed to vaguely heard the grunt of Zero.

Is it zero

Is she injured

Is she here to save me

"Ah! Are you trying to save people? Come here! Come! Come! Hahaha!..."

Before Zhang Heng had time to solve his happy doubts, the three-headed Hellhound uttered Jason's crazy laugh. Then, the masked man next to him suddenly smiled. The smile of half the devil and half the human looked terrifying in the moonlight. He grabbed Zhang Heng's hair abruptly and threw it directly at the iron gate behind him like a sack.

Zhang Heng didn't even have time to react, his body smashed open the closed iron door like a cannonball, and he fell heavily on the floor in the room.


Zhang Heng convulsed all over, vomiting dirty blood constantly in his mouth, such a fierce impact shattered almost every bone in his body!

This pain felt like being hit by a stone all over, almost causing Zhang Heng to faint.

"Zhang, Zhang Heng..."

There was a weak gasp next to me...

It seems to be... Mi Yuko? !