Extinguish Crime

Chapter 24: Invasion (7)


Is it Miyuko

Is she here

The pain as if the bones all over his body was shattering made it difficult for Zhang Heng to turn around. He seemed to have heard the voice of Miyuko next to him, but he was a little uncertain in his heart.

Yes, "Don't dare" to be sure.

Is such a faint voice really made by the sweet and gentle voice of Miyako

Is not it? Must not be

Yes, I must have heard it wrong! For Yuko, he must be back to the base safely now, right

Zhang Heng panted, and he kept comforting himself in his heart. Although the woman with big breasts and no brains in his memory would often bully herself, Zhang Heng hoped from the heart that Miyuko would not appear here.

After a little recovery of physical strength.

Zhang Heng vaguely saw the surrounding environment.

"Ah! Kill me, kill me!"


Those familiar faces are full of despair that he can't imagine at this moment, the laughter in the memory, but the sorrowful roar at this moment, the blood and broken flesh on the ground, all of them are full of The soldier who distorted the smiling face, all the things that kept this young man with a clear mind at all times, produced a rare mental confusion.


Is this hell

Why, why is there such a hell!

Zhang Heng almost forgot to breathe. He stared at all this blankly, watching the soldiers in white who were carrying torture instruments to torture and kill the criminal members. His eyes, bloodshot eyes, became dull and absent.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, if he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Zhang Heng would never have imagined that there would be a real hell in this world! In this world, there will be "demons"!


Those soldiers who wantonly slaughter people as livestock, aren't they "people"

Why, why can they do something that only "demons" can do

Could it be that they are just wearing human skins, are they actually demons

No one told Zhang Heng the answer!

Suddenly remembered.

A sentence that Sin and Amy have repeatedly emphasized: In such a world full of sin and evil, everyone who wants to survive can only take up the weapon in his hand!

Is it right? Rebellion

Is it to take up the weapon in your hand to fight this group of demons and get the qualification to survive

Vaguely, Zhang Heng seemed to understand something, the meaning of fighting crime, the meaning of fighting crime to protect the stable area, it seems, that's it.

Why, why did it become like this, why...

It felt terrible. Tears seemed to overflow from the corner of his eyes. Zhang Heng wanted to scream and stop the soldiers who were in a state of distorted excitement. However, he couldn't speak because he heard Miyuko's extremely weak cry again. .

"Zhang Heng...big idiot...is that you?"

The weak voice that Zhang Heng didn't want to admit was so clear in his ears.

Finally, he slowly turned sideways.

Ah, it really is Yuko, I heard it right, she would call me a idiot, I'm afraid this woman is the only one.

and many more.

What is going on with this feeling

Heartache, I feel like I can't breathe anymore.

Why do you cry

Why can't my tears stop when I am always calm

Zhang Heng stared at Mi Yuko blankly. This kind of meeting was really bad. He was so embarrassed with pain and tears on his face that he would be ridiculed by Yuko, right

Yes, she will definitely be laughed at.

However, compared to her words, the pain I am now suffering must be less than one ten thousandth of hers, right

The pain in the body seemed to disappear. Zhang Heng was like an earthworm, moving his body close to Miyuko with unstoppable tears.

This kind and strong woman, at this moment, is like a withered flower, without the holy breath and brilliance as before. The dazzling blood slowly overflows from thousands of small wounds on her body, just like Zhang Heng The tears shed at this moment are the same and cannot be stopped.

"Big fool... don't cry..."

Leaning her head on Zhang Heng's chest, Miyuko smiled. Although she said to tell Zhang Heng not to cry, she couldn't stop tears of happiness and satisfaction.

Yes, Miyuko is very happy and content. She is really happy to see Zhang Heng again when she is about to die. She did not expect that from birth to the present, she was the happiest and happiest moment. It would actually be the second when I saw Zhang Heng now.

The flow of time seemed to slow down.

Zhang Heng was originally difficult to cry. He is always clear-headed. It is very difficult for him to cry. But seeing Miyuko like this, the long-lost feeling is like an uncontrollable eruption like a fountain. Came out.

It hurts, really hurts, it seems that someone has cut it with a knife, which makes Zhang Heng feel suffocated.


Miyuko didn’t move, she leaned quietly in Zhang Heng’s arms like a serene angel. Her face was full of contented and happy smiles, but the faint voice that was almost inaudible made Zhang Heng felt extremely sad: "I hold on, Zhang Hengjun, although I really don’t want to see you here, but I hold on...I finally hold on to the moment of meeting Zhang Hengjun. I am so happy. So happy…"

"No, stop talking! Please, please, stop talking! You will be fine, Yuko, believe me, really believe me, you will be fine!"

Zhang Heng gritted his teeth with all his strength, and wisps of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth along the gums. Only by doing this could he slightly suppress the tearing pain in his heart. He had had enough, that kind of partner died in front of him. He has had enough of dying in his arms and feeling powerless, he doesn't want to experience it at once!

"Um... it's okay, I'm okay, I can see Zhang Hengjun again, I don't feel so painful anymore."

It's hard to imagine that Mi Yuko, who has no strength even to move her fingers, actually stretched out her hand and stroked Zhang Heng's face, helping him wipe the tears.

"Don't cry, Zhang Hengjun, I like your smile very much, can you, can you let me see Zhang Hengjun's smile again..."

After experiencing it, Miyuko, whose eyelids were cut off, finally experienced the sensation of tears, the drops of crystal clear tears, full of happiness and satisfaction.

It is enough. Whether or not you can see Zhang Heng's smile again, all this is enough. The God she has always believed in, this time finally heard her heart and fulfilled her wish.

To be able to see Zhang Heng again, to be able to calmly close her eyes in the arms of the one she likes, is already a great gift from God.

However, for Zhang Heng, he was about to collapse. How could such a heart-wrenching feeling make him laugh

However, can't you really laugh

Is it really impossible to smile in the hopeful eyes of Miyuko

Zhang Heng smiled.

Yes, he has to laugh. He tremblingly stroked Miyuko's long, bloody red hair, and the bright smile that resembled the sun once again appeared in Miyuko's eyes.

"So happy, really happy..."

I don’t know where the strength came from, Miyuko stretched out her hands, hugged Zhang Heng tightly, and buried her head deeply on Zhang Heng’s chest. The weak gasp was like a sharp knife pierced hard. In Zhang Heng's heart: "Zhang Hengjun, I am so happy, although we have agreed, but..."

Before she finished speaking, Mi Yuko suddenly raised her head, reached out her hand to take off the crystal cross pendant hanging on her chest, her face was full of happiness and contentment, and she put the pendant on Zhang Heng's chest. Come, Zhang Hengjun can be with me forever."


Zhang Heng stared blankly at Mi Yuko, and at the woman with a happy smile on her face. The crystal cross pendant hanging on her chest felt a warm feeling, as if she had merged with her cold heart.

"I... Actually, I have always liked Zhang Hengjun..."

Mei Yuzi's face blushed slightly, although she had no eyelids, she still looked as beautiful as an angel in Zhang Heng's eyes. In fact, this gentle and kind woman has always been a kind angel in Zhang Heng's heart.


Miyuko's voice is getting weaker and weaker, as if the strength to speak is almost gone. At the last moment before this life disappears, tears can no longer represent her desperate and happy mood. She looked at Zhang Heng and looked at The smiling face filled with sunlight, as if he was also infected, opened a holy and charming smile like an angel: "Zhang Hengjun, promise me that you will always laugh and live like this..."


Suddenly, Zhang Heng leaned down slightly without saying anything, and directly printed his lips on Miyuko's red lips. In this second, both of them seemed to have forgotten the time and everything, no matter what they saw in their eyes. What I see is what I miss in my heart, only each other.

A long time, a long time, until the lips parted, as if a century had passed.

"I promise you, I promise you everything!"

Zhang Heng didn’t understand the so-called agreement Miyuko had made with him before. He held Miyuko’s face in a daze, and while crying, he also screamed in trembling voice: "I will always Live like this! So, so! Yuko, you have to promise me... to live with me!"

In the end, Zhang Heng almost used a roar. The soldiers around who were torturing the members of the fight against crime were all attracted by this roar of despair and hope.

"Together... to survive?"

It took a long time for Miyuko to recover. Her delicate face was still red with happiness. She didn't answer Zhang Heng, but only put her head gently on Zhang Heng's chest, and she opened the pair of happy and brilliant big faces. My eyes murmured: "If I can, I also hope I can live with Zhang Hengjun. Even in such a world full of sin and evil, if I can live with Zhang Hengjun, I will be very happy..."

After speaking, Miyuko slowly reached out and took off the earplugs used for "translation" in her ears. The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and she gently raised her head to kiss Zhang Heng's forehead, and the tears continued to shine like diamonds. The drops fell on Zhang Heng’s cheeks, "Zhang Hengjun... Hey Yi Xitru (I love you)..."

This Japanese sentence that Zhang Heng couldn't understand fell, and Mi Yuko fell into his arms with a smile like this, her hands slipped weakly from Zhang Heng's body.


The slender arm full of scars slipped down and hit the ground, and the echo was inaudible, but Zhang Heng seemed to have only heard this sound.

The room suddenly became quiet. All the tortured members of the Fight Crime looked at Miyuko with extremely desperate and painful eyes, while the soldiers looked at Zhang Heng with a hideous and distorted smile. In their eyes, There is nothing that excites them more than the picture of life and death.


Zhang Heng was completely stunned. He was like a dead person without any consciousness. He subconsciously hugged Miyuko tightly and wanted to use his body temperature to bring warmth to this woman whose body temperature was declining. He didn’t Accepting it can't bear the reality of Miyuko's death.

Suddenly, the bits and pieces of those three months and Miyuko's training continued to appear in his mind.

No matter how ferocious an animal is encountered, there is always a woman behind to protect herself.

No matter how dull she is, there is always a woman who teaches herself tirelessly.

No matter how dangerous the training is, there is always a woman with a holy smile to help herself through the difficulties.

She is like a kind angel, always thinking for others and herself, even at the end of her life, she still allows herself to live with a smile.

But at the moment...

This kind angel, this angel who believed in the existence of goodness till death, left Zhang Heng forever.

do you died

Is this angel dead

Not dead yet! She is not dead!

The picture of memory like a movie was interrupted. Zhang Heng didn’t even wipe the tears, he panicked and took out the crystal cross pendant from his chest. He stared blankly at the shining pendant, it seemed like it was Seeing Miyuko's smile like an angel. Let his cold heart feel a touch of warmth.

"Huh? What do you hold in your hands?"

At this time, a middle-aged soldier with a face full of flesh came to Zhang Heng's side. He carried a saber with blood, and looked at Zhang Heng as if he was looking at a humble and poor worm. Yo, it seems to be made of crystal? It looks good, then, hand it over."

He said it was for Zhang Heng to hand over the pendant, but in the next second he directly reached out and grabbed it.

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

The pendant was arbitrarily taken away by the soldiers, and Zhang Heng suddenly felt a pain in his heart. It was as if it was not the pendant that was taken away, but his heart. He roared in anger, and his dark eyes were quickly covered with bloodshot eyes. It was as scarlet as the eyes of an evil spirit.

Miyuko in his arms has already left him. If he can't even guard this pendant, what right does he have to live

"This, such a look!"

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the soldier who took away the pendant. Zhang Heng's eyes were so terrifying that even a soldier like him with blood in his hands felt a little scared.


Perhaps afraid of being laughed at by his companions, the soldier gritted his teeth and sneered calmly: "It seems you want this thing very much?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he grinned grimly, and suddenly put force in his hand.


The translucent crystal pendant turned into a mass of powder, and the particles that shone like stars fell from the soldier's hands like snow.


Zhang Heng was stunned. He stretched out his hand blankly, caught some powder, and stared straight at the shining particles in the palm of his hand.

The breeze blew, and the flashing shards in his hand floated out of the door like fireflies, drifting toward the night sky full of gunpowder smoke, as if illuminating the gorgeous starry sky.

Zhang Heng stared at those shining spots blankly, at the pendant chain on the ground, there seemed to be something missing in his heart, and he felt empty.

Nothing, nothing is gone.

Even Miyuko's only proof that she was "alive" drifted far away at this moment, leaving herself forever.



This desperate roar is so sad.

The cruel reality tells Zhang Heng that even the only relic that Miyuko left for him, he has no ability to guard it.

He suddenly understood that he was a poor worm, a poor worm who was so weak that he could only cry and could only be slaughtered.

Zhang Heng collapsed.

For the first time he felt so desperate, the unbearable sadness, the smiling face before Miyuko's death, the shimmering shards that spilled over the sky, all of this, no matter how clear his mind was, it was also at this moment Began to slowly become confused and numb.


The beating of the heart suddenly rose!

"Zhang Heng...Zhang Heng...remember it?...hurry up...hurry up and remember..."

"Untie it...for our promise...untie it...you must survive..."

In my mind, the soft voice that often appeared at that time suddenly sounded.


The tearing pain suddenly struck, and the pain was as if his brain was cut open and his body was burned by the hot flame. Zhang Heng loosened Miyuko's body and rolled on the ground with incomparable pain.

The mind seemed to explode, and the inhuman pain deepened again, causing Zhang Heng's pupils to expand rapidly, and some unseen memory fragments flashed in his mind like a movie.

In the vague picture of memory, there is only endless darkness and the roar of alien beasts! And... that angry and desperate roar!

A few seconds later, these sudden memory images disappeared, and Zhang Heng's heartbeat returned to normal. He stopped howling and tumbling as if he had changed. His expression was as cold as ice, and he stood shaking from the ground. stand up.

Something weird happened!

A sober brain, staying awake at that moment, there has never been a chaotic brain, but at this moment, it has become abnormally chaotic, so chaotic that Zhang Heng does not even realize his existence!


This was a very horrifying scene. Zhang Heng stood on the spot, his arteries squirming like earthworms. The blood tumbling in his body seemed to be boiled and burned, making a tingling scalp sound. , A part of the artery in his arm suddenly burst open, but instead of blood, it spewed out a cloud of dazzling red mist.

Endless murderous aura, endless hostility, continue to diffuse from those red mists!

The whole room was instantly filled with the vicious atmosphere of violence and killing. Under the erosion of this atmosphere, a sea of blood could not help appearing in everyone's eyes, as if their own body was being corroded by this sea of blood, turning into a puddle of rancidity. Blood!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"a ha ha ha…"

The soldiers who were affected by the red mist hugged their heads and knelt on the ground with excited and horrified eyes. They seemed to be crazy. Some soldiers who could not bear the torment kept hitting the ground with their heads. Even the blood flow did not stop, and some soldiers even began to cut their bodies cruelly with sabers, seeming to want to relieve the inhuman torture that the body was corroded.

That distorted and miserable howl!

Those terrifying scenes of blood shooting!

That horrifying picture of pieces of flesh being cut!

This originally hell-like room seems to have become a real "Sura hell"!

"Je, awakened?"

Affected by the fog, everyone in the room had red eyes and a restless mood, and the only one who remained awake was the soldier who had crushed the crystal pendant and had a shocked face at this time.

As a Level 5 Awakener, this soldier was barely able to suppress the erosion of the red mist. At the same time, he clearly sensed that the youth who was surrounded by the red mist opposite him seemed...was awakening!